[新聞] NDS模擬器 No$gba v2.6

看板Emulator (模擬器)作者 (被禁止脫殼中)時間17年前 (2007/12/18 22:49), 編輯推噓24(24020)
留言44則, 23人參與, 最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
NDS模擬器的龍頭No$gba出2.6版了 但是要收費 2.5美金XD 另外每當下一個收費版本出來的時候 作者會提供上一個版本的免費版讓大家下載 http://nocash.emubase.de/gba.htm 首頁 18 December 2007 - version 2.6 - nds/3d: soft-renderer: uses fast linear color/texture interpolation when w1=w2 - nds/3d: soft-renderer: supports perspective-correct texture (eg. eragon/demo) - nds/3d: soft-renderer: supports perspective-correct rgb color interpolation - nds/3d: soft-renderer: picks correct vertex/color/attributes on 1dot polygons - nds/3d: soft-renderer: prevents polys at existing/possible x1=256 (off-screen) - nds/3d: soft-renderer: allows bigger than possible rear-depth (clubhouse dart) - nds/3d/debug: vram viewer correctly shows swap buffers as 1st command in tree - nds/3d/help: added note on situations where lower/right edges are excluded - nds/3d/help: anti-aliasing doesn't work with (opaque) lines and wire-frames - nds/3d/help: anti-aliasing isn't used on edge-marked polys/lines/wire-frames - nds/3d/help: swap_buffers parameters are applied on the FOLLOWING gxcommands - nds/3d/help: swap_buffers does NOT copy re-ports (disp3dcnt/toon_table/etc) - nds/3d: soft-renderer: supports w-buffering (games with reversed z working) - nds/3d/help: confirmed guessed texture slot locations for rear-plane bitmaps - nds/3d: soft-renderer: allows dots on lower/right clip-boundary (off-viewport) - nds/3d: soft-renderer: prevents polys at y1=192 or y1=negative (off-screen) - nds/3d: soft-renderer: handles faulty viewports (exceeding 192 scanlines) - nds/3d: re-renders old frame on master changes (disp3dcnt or port 330h..3BFh) - nds/3d: soft-renderer: discards correct vertex of invalid twisted |X| quads - nds/3d: soft-renderer: emulates edge-marking (edge_color, opaque, polygon_id) - nds/3d: soft-renderer: emulates correct size of line-segments and wire-frames - nds/3d: soft-renderer: emulates correct size of edge-marked polygons - nds/3d: soft-renderer: emulates correct size of translucent and opaque polys - nds/3d: soft-renderer: enulates inwards/outwards/left/right/front/back edges - nds/3d: soft-renderer: emulates steep, flat, vertical, horizontal edges - nds/3d: soft-renderer: emulates correct rounding of screen coordinates - nds/3d: supports direct capture from 3d engine (instead from engine a only) - nds/2d/bugfixes: inits engine b on reset, fixed engine b base in vram viewer - nds/3d: opengl: internally breaks all polygon strips to separate polygons - nds/3d: buffers translucent polys, and renders them later (after opaque polys) - nds/3d/help: corrected polygon_attr.bit11 (affects pixels, not whole polygons) - nds/3d: soft-renderer: stores alpha in framebuf (unlike evil generic opengl) - nds/3d/help: added description on clamped textures (clips to minmax 0,siz-1) - nds/3d: soft-renderer: supports texture clamp, repeat, and flip-repeat modes - nds/3d: soft-renderer: clips texcoord (only if needed; point1 or point2>max) - nds/3d: soft-renderer: supports toon table (and skips green/blue calculations) - nds/3d: soft-renderer: does texture blending (modulation,decal,toon,highlight) - nds/3d: soft-renderer: explodes texture bitmap and renders texture by texcoord - nds/3d: emulates polygon_attr having no effect until next begin_vtxs command - nds/3d: soft-renderer: renderer uses linear (quick'n'dirty) color/texcoord - nds/3d: soft-renderer: interpolates color and texcoord (if any) on rendering - nds/3d: soft-renderer: interpolates color and texcoord (if any) on clipping - nds/3d: allocates/stores color/texcoord/screencoord in each buffered vtx-entry - nds/3d: soft-renderer: re-ensures range after clipping (for rounding errors) - nds/3d: vram viewer: fixed 4x4 texel texture mode1 crash (missing pusha/popa) - nds/3d: soft-renderer: optional depth_update for translucent polys (less only) - nds/3d: soft-renderer: optional depth_less or depth_equal rendering condition - nds/3d: soft-renderer: interpolates depth (z) horizontally and vertically - nds/3d: soft-renderer: initializes rear-plane rgba,depth,etc (blank or bitmap) - nds/3d: soft-renderer: front/back/linesegment check (on first three vertices) - nds/3d: soft-renderer: hides far-plane-intersecting (if enabled in poly_attr) - nds/3d: soft-renderer: clips polygons to all six sides of the view-volume - web/paypal: added an evil "donate 2.50 and download newest version" button - dos: due to the soft-renderer, dos version is now fully supporting 3d video - a22i: added LO (usingned lower) as alias for CC (carry clear) (thanks niels) http://nocash.emubase.de/gbanew.htm 更新內容的原始網頁連結 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/18 22:51, , 1F
新版可以放大螢幕了嗎? 有人測試過了嗎?
12/18 22:51, 1F

12/18 22:52, , 2F
12/18 22:52, 2F
※ 編輯: beugo 來自: (12/18 22:54)

12/18 23:19, , 3F
12/18 23:19, 3F

12/18 23:29, , 4F
恩阿 不再是nocash了XD 不過作者網頁沒改 還留著
12/18 23:29, 4F

12/19 00:18, , 5F
12/19 00:18, 5F

12/19 09:44, , 6F
但是我有NDS了啊 如果我沒有主機的話我可能就買了
12/19 09:44, 6F

12/19 09:51, , 7F
要怎麼買阿 蠻便宜的 支持一下作者也不錯阿
12/19 09:51, 7F

12/19 10:10, , 8F

12/19 10:50, , 9F
12/19 10:50, 9F

12/19 10:57, , 10F
12/19 10:57, 10F

12/19 11:28, , 11F
3D遊戲的速度有很明顯的改善 應該會多很多可玩的遊戲
12/19 11:28, 11F

12/19 11:32, , 12F
試了一下野球君10和WE2007 大多能保持在100%
12/19 11:32, 12F

12/19 12:18, , 13F
12/19 12:18, 13F

12/19 13:38, , 14F
我沒有信用卡 囧"
12/19 13:38, 14F

12/19 13:39, , 15F
而且買了我也不會想放出來 不想害作者沒辦法繼續開發
12/19 13:39, 15F

12/19 14:13, , 16F
看到9樓這種態度 有買也不爽分享!
12/19 14:13, 16F

12/19 15:57, , 17F
12/19 15:57, 17F

12/19 16:59, , 18F
12/19 16:59, 18F

12/19 17:12, , 19F
12/19 17:12, 19F

12/19 17:13, , 20F
12/19 17:13, 20F

12/19 17:13, , 21F
12/19 17:13, 21F

12/19 17:17, , 22F
12/19 17:17, 22F

12/19 17:28, , 23F
推樓樓上 PAY$NDS
12/19 17:28, 23F

12/19 17:31, , 24F
12/19 17:31, 24F

12/19 17:39, , 25F
2D惡魔城也有改善 目測大概30FPS了
12/19 17:39, 25F

12/19 18:56, , 26F
惡魔城改善了 還不錯 放大功能用外掛的程式
12/19 18:56, 26F

12/19 18:58, , 27F

12/19 20:15, , 28F
如果視窗可以放大,花 $10 我也買
12/19 20:15, 28F

12/19 22:48, , 29F
畫面比較流暢而已 其它沒變
12/19 22:48, 29F

12/19 23:28, , 30F
12/19 23:28, 30F

12/19 23:32, , 31F
12/19 23:32, 31F

12/19 23:32, , 32F
12/19 23:32, 32F

12/19 23:33, , 33F
12/19 23:33, 33F

12/20 00:03, , 34F
別的地方看到的解釋法 No$GBA不是No$就能用的GBA
12/20 00:03, 34F

12/20 00:03, , 35F
而是作者他No$的GBA XD|||
12/20 00:03, 35F

12/20 00:23, , 36F
12/20 00:23, 36F

12/20 00:28, , 37F
作者真的是NO$啊 囧" 不然幹麻收費呢 XD
12/20 00:28, 37F

12/20 10:10, , 38F
12/20 10:10, 38F

12/21 18:39, , 39F
12/21 18:39, 39F

12/22 07:19, , 40F
12/22 07:19, 40F

12/25 00:52, , 41F
12/25 00:52, 41F

12/25 01:03, , 42F
我想remina & Ttnketrude都會用買的吧!?@.@
12/25 01:03, 42F

12/25 02:18, , 43F
12/25 02:18, 43F

12/25 02:35, , 44F
剛剛在用eNDryptS Advanced之後,dq4還是不能用 XD
12/25 02:35, 44F
文章代碼(AID): #17PztiZk (Emulator)
文章代碼(AID): #17PztiZk (Emulator)