Re: [閒聊] 工人物語 online (web)

看板CGI-Game (CGI Game)作者 (夢幻工藝)時間13年前 (2012/03/17 01:23), 編輯推噓9(9010)
留言19則, 5人參與, 最新討論串52/55 (看更多)
16.03.2012 Saint Patrick's Day Happy Hour... 50% more gems for free! Dear Settlers, For many, Saint Patrick's day is one of the most important days of the year... and to celebrate this we have decided to offer you the longest happy hour that has ever been done on The Settlers Online! Tomorrow, from 07:00h to 23:00h GMT, every time you buys gems in the shop, we will give you an EXTRA 50% GEMS FOR FREE! So make sure you don't miss out on this and don't forget to give all your soldiers extra beers tomorrow so they don't miss out on the celebration ;) BB_Azariel 簡單的說 從台灣時間十七日下午三點 到十八日早上七點 買Gems多送50% -- 星耀如眼,賜吾輩目光。 取吾奉獻,予吾輩力量。 此等威力,暗夜淚光芒。 黑暗祭禮 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

03/17 01:45, , 1F
03/17 01:45, 1F

03/17 01:50, , 2F
03/17 01:50, 2F

03/17 10:01, , 3F
03/17 10:01, 3F

03/17 10:03, , 4F
03/17 10:03, 4F

03/17 14:22, , 5F
03/17 14:22, 5F

03/17 15:28, , 6F
03/17 15:28, 6F

03/17 19:53, , 7F
我剛用my card會員扣點買了2600GEN 可是過三小時還沒入
03/17 19:53, 7F

03/17 19:54, , 8F
請問有人跟我一樣嘛 還是他要隔天才入賬才會發寶石?
03/17 19:54, 8F

03/17 19:59, , 9F
樓上的 你中陷阱了 因為你沒開UltimatePay帳號
03/17 19:59, 9F

03/17 19:59, , 10F
03/17 19:59, 10F

03/17 20:01, , 11F
會收到信... 2600gem
03/17 20:01, 11F

03/17 20:01, , 12F
03/17 20:01, 12F

03/17 20:16, , 13F
那請問一下我要怎麼處理呢? 開個ultimatepay帳號就好?
03/17 20:16, 13F

03/17 20:17, , 14F
因為我的智冠會員點數已經被扣掉了 交易紀錄顯示餘額0
03/17 20:17, 14F

03/17 20:21, , 16F
Contact form >
03/17 20:21, 16F

03/17 20:21, , 17F
03/17 20:21, 17F

03/17 20:22, , 18F
順便打去智冠確認... 跟他們講扣點了卻沒有進帳
03/17 20:22, 18F

03/18 12:29, , 19F
03/18 12:29, 19F
文章代碼(AID): #1FOtSlgi (CGI-Game)
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文章代碼(AID): #1FOtSlgi (CGI-Game)