[心得] Ver 0.3.3 更新情報
看板Ikariam (Ikariam - 遠古文明)作者Gradyfx (Grady)時間15年前 (2010/03/03 10:46)推噓21(21推 0噓 17→)留言38則, 17人參與討論串1/5 (看更多)
官網原文: http://board.ikariam.org/index.php?page=Thread&postID=866541
Ver 0.3.3 更新時間未定.
以下非正式官方翻譯, 是我隨手翻的, 僅供參考.
Feature– Invite friends more easily: There is a new menu item under‘options’
called ‘Invite Friends‘. You’ll find a link there that you can send on to
your friends. If they register for Ikariam via this link, their first town will
be placed as close to your capital as possible.
更容易的邀請朋友: 設置頁下將有一個邀請朋友的欄位, 從此處可以找到能發給朋友的連
結. 當他們由此連結註冊遊戲後, 他們的第一個城鎮會被配置在離你的首都最近的位置.
Feature- Players that have activated holiday mode, are inactive or have been
banned are not included in the faith calculation any more.
信仰度: 開啟假期模式 / 久未上線 (i) / 被封鎖的玩家城鎮, 將不列入信仰度計算.
Feature– Changes made to Barbarian Village: The village has been expanded
from 10 to 15 levels. However, players that have already completed the last
version will not see the new levels, as the resources have also been reduced.
In addition, the reward has been changed so that Barbarian Village yields
marble before crystal. Barbarians always have enough morale now.
異教徒村落: 由10階改為15階. 但已全打完的玩家將看不到新的階段, 因為異教徒的資源
有相應的減少了. 異教徒改為先給大理石後給水晶. 異教徒將永遠有足夠的士氣.
Feature– Small changes made to the builder’s overview
建築一覽: 界面有少許變更.
Feature– Changes made to morale during battle: Armies do not have their own
morale any more as this is now connected to the player. The detailed battle
report’s display has also been altered to that effect. Furthermore, the
round’s morale change is now listed graphically as well as in textual form
(details on the mouseover above the graphics).
士氣: 個別的部隊將不會有自己的士氣了, 給為每個玩家的部隊共用. 詳細戰鬥報告頁
的介面將會反應此改變. 士氣的變化將同時有圖片與文字顯示 (游標移到圖片上可以看
Feature– Fleet behaviour when arriving in a town has been changed: In the
past, enemy fleets were able to sail through blockades, but now they have to
be allied with the blocking fleet. Pillages and occupations that have also
been started from the same island will still not be affected, as they do not
need to sail through the harbour.
艦隊: 艦隊在抵達城鎮時的行為將有變化 - 過去敵軍可以直接穿越封鎖, 但從此版本起,
敵軍必須與封鎖艦隊同盟才可以穿過. 同島發出的掠奪與佔領行動將不受影響, 因為他們
Feature– Defenders cannot flee from battle by sending their fighting garrison
on a mission somewhere else any more. Instead, they can flee just like the
attacker, i.e. they have to survive another battle round. The fighting
garrison does not appear amongst the town’s troops any more, but can now be
seen on the military advisor as the running mission ‘Garrison is defending
town’ or ‘Garrison is defending harbour’.
守軍: 守方將不能讓戰鬥的防守部隊派出執行別的任務. 取而代之的是只能像攻方一樣逃
離戰場, 就是說需要在逃離前再存活一回合. 防守中的駐軍將不會在守方的部隊列表出現
, 只能從軍事指導者頁面中看到他們在執行"部隊在防守城鎮"/"艦隊在防守港口"等任務.
Feature– The barracks and shipyard have been revised. Units are not completed
individually any more but are only made available once the complete job has
been completed. Up to 3 jobs can be commissioned at one time.
建軍: 兵營跟船塢做出了以下改變 - 部隊將不會再一個一個的產出, 而是在目前的整批
完成時才會同時出現. 最多可以排程三個生產指令.
Feature– Building list for spies: Several spies can be commissioned at the
same time now. Spies are not completed individually any more, but are only
made available once the whole job has been completed. Up to 3 jobs can be
commissioned at one time.
間諜訓練排程: 間諜將不會再一個一個的產出, 而是在目前的整批完成時才會同時出現.
(譯註: 很不適宜的照搬了兵營的設定, 完全沒有理由會讓人拒絕間諜隨建隨出, 不過
至少補完變容易多了, 不用每生一隻點一次)
Feature– The size of experiments is restricted now. Previously the crystal
price always increased, but now the maximum package size lies at 300 000
crystals, which corresponds to 150 000 research points.
實驗: 實驗的規模將受限制. 以前水晶的耗用量不斷的上升, 現在每次實驗所耗用的水晶
上限將改為30萬水晶, 對應15萬研究點數.
Feature– Pillaging unitless towns has been made easier. If a player has no
units present, the battle will be over as soon as there is a breach in the
wall (providing a wall exists).
無防城鎮: 掠奪沒有防守軍隊的城鎮變的更容易了. 如果被攻打的玩家沒有任何守軍, 那
戰鬥將在有任何一格城牆被擊破之後結束 (如果守方有牆的話).
(譯註: 這個很嚴重. 搶無防i羊變容易, 但也同時讓任何人可以被連搶, 因為輸掉第一場
Feature– Changes made to the warehouse: The amount of goods that are safe
from theft has been increased from 1% to 8%. The doubling of theft security
for Ambrosia has also increased correspondingly. When a player is inactive,
the values are reduced back to their old values. Up to 4 warehouses can be
built per town (if someone has already built more than four, the surplus ones
are not deleted, but will carry on functioning normally).
倉庫: 倉庫安全量由容量的1%升為8%. 用神饌的安全量加倍功能也有對應的效果提升.
玩家如果不活躍 (i), 安全量將降到舊的設定. 每個城鎮最多只能建四個倉庫. (如果有
人已建了超過四個, 那超過的倉庫不會被刪除, 而能繼續使用.)
(譯註: 那還沒11村的人就暫時沒指望了.. 不過這樣有可能引起爭議, 造成總督府降價,
換已建成的人倒楣? 請拭目以待 XD)
Feature– More highscores: There are two new highscores. In the ‘donation
highscore’, donations for extending resource sources and miracles are
compared. As all players’ donations are saved, you can start with exact
figures here. In the ‘consumption highscore’ all used resources are taken
into account, for buildings as well as military units. The loss of units does
not lead to highscore deductions. The starting value for existing players is
taken from the ‘master builder highscore’ plus the ‘donation highscore’.
排行榜: 新增兩種排行 - 捐款排行榜將列出對資源場以及奇觀的捐獻總合. 由於這些已
有被紀錄下來, 可以由正確的數字起算. 消費排行榜將列出已消耗的資源, 包括建築與軍
隊. 軍隊的損失將不會降低在此排行榜的分數. 各玩家在此排行榜的起始數字是建築大師
分數加上捐款分數. (譯註: 這邊並未提到實驗/兵工廠所消耗的資源是否會被計入).
Feature- Unit upkeep has been changed. Upkeep is now deducted per hour,
instead of every 20 minutes. However, upkeep is now precisely calculated
according to duration of use. If, for example, an army has been en route for
30 minutes, double the upkeep is deducted for these 30 minutes.
軍費: 部隊的維護費用變更 - 由每20分鐘扣一次改為每小時扣一次. 不過, 維護費用將
精確的根據使用時間計費. 例如說一個部隊移動了30分鐘, 那30分鐘的費用將會加倍.
(譯註: 這邊在暗示以前有bug, 不是這樣算的.)
GO在文後有提到此版本主要是為了改善穩定度, 而不像0.3.0/0.3.1/0.3.2有重大變更.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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※ 編輯: Gradyfx 來自: (03/03 10:47)
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03/06 02:20, 38F
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