Re: [情報] OpenBor Streets of Rage 2X|怒之鐵拳2改
看板Emulator (模擬器)作者BadGame (人生 歡樂易忘卻執著痛苦)時間4年前 (2020/08/13 01:48)推噓3(3推 0噓 0→)留言3則, 3人參與討論串12/15 (看更多)
更新 2.0版本
全面修正使其更加平衡,更多可選人物、AI隊友可選 有跳牆反彈功能
可更改分辨率降解析度 也有選項 顯示擊中傷害值
等等 ..
Streets of Rage 2X - Version 2.0 Test (New features for CPU Partner and Bike
Stage, Wall Jumping)
Downloads section:
Windows *.exe:
Windows *.zip:
Android *.apk:
Game file *.pak:
Hey guys! After a long time, the 2.0 version is finally ready to download!
Special thanks to:
- Pudu and Tetsuo9999, for all tests and suggestions
- O Ilusionista and Pataboy, for sending some fantastic SOR3 Shiva sprites
used in special moves
- Kimono, for sending great sprites used in bike stage. He made all attack
moves and there's more to come in future updates
- All Chrono Crash members, for the tools, suggestions, assets and all tests
- And thanks to all patrons, Danno and Tetsuo9999 that are supporting us on
The game was totally revised to make it more balanced, and now is fully
prepared to receive SOR1 content.
Android users will have great news. Now the touch layout can be changed in
Extra Menu, and the APK will fully install both OpenBOR and PAK files at the
same time. The same goes for the new Windows installer too.
The fighting mechanic has been updated with new features. The new Cancel
System is similar to KOF 2002 and Counter Attacks are more like SF Alpha
series. Also, Wall Jumping was added in this version, similar to Guy in Final
Fight and the Wall Bouncing is more like SOR4.
For those that don't like the high resolution graphic effects, now it can be
changed to original mode at the Extra Menu. Also, there's a new option to
show damage by each hit, like Ragnarok Online and other RPG games.
All CPU partners have better A.I. and can't go off screen anymore. Also,
there's a new function in Extra Button, it's the "Call Partner" feature. Now
your actions are more manageable with this button.
Here are all the changes:
- REBALLANCE: All characters had you attributes revised/changed to make him
more balanced
- Now the game will be easier to install thanks to both Android APK and
Windows installers
- New Characters added: Zan, Shiva (SOR3), Bongo (SOR3) and Electra (SOR2)
- New CPU Partners: Blaze, Max, Sammy, Adam and Zan
- New Extra Menu options: Graphic Effects, Show Damage, Item Drop, Cancel
System, Wall Bouncing and Jumping, Touch Layout, Follow Caller
- Added new attack moves in "Bike Stage", removed bike collision,
acceleration now is automatic, brake now will let enemies to passthrough
- Added new command in "Complete Screen", if hold any direction button, the
counter will resume faster
- Added new "Bowling" feature in Adam and Barbon's kick, now will throw
opponents against others
- Added new command for Dodge/Block usage by pressing "Attack+Special" buttons
- Added "Turbo Key" feature during select screen and level select menus, hold
the directional buttons to change characters/levels faster
- Added "Jump Back" feature when players/partners are falling in the hole,
now will reduce life instead of instantly kill
- Added "Safe Landing" feature for all playable enemies when hold "Up+Jump"
- Added little invincibility time after "Aerial Recovery" and "Rise Attack"
- Added little invincibility time after "Rise" move for all playable enemies
- Added "Drop All" feature when any player is respawned
- Added "Arrow" indication for CPU partner when respawn
- Added "Call Button" feature to call back the CPU partner
- Added a new palette for enemy "Break" character (Robot Axel)
- Added a "Frozen" feature during block-counter move to let the opponent
- Added Blaze front+special while grabbing an opponent
- Added an automatic palette change code to all CPU partners
- Added "Restore Defaults" command in Extra Menu
- Added "Wall Jumping" feature for some characters: Blaze, Sammy, Roo, Shiva
and Monalisa
- Added "Wall Bouncing" for all characters
- Changed "Toxic Gas" time in SOR3 route stage 6, now is the same for all
- Changed enemy's aggression, now will be a little more aggressive than
before. Some players reported that sometimes the enemy will not attack,
confirmed and changed
- Changed "Extra Menu" layout
- Changed Sammy's rage while holding a "Kunai" weapon
- Changed Harakiri's rage move
- Changed block-counter move from "hold" to "press" button at exact moment
the block sample is played
- Increased recovery rate of "Special Cost by Hit", will be faster than before
- Increased hitboxe's height of all obstacles, now is more easy to destroy
- Increased Max's attack box during rage using "Pipe"
- Increased computers platform size in gas stage, the enemy was passing to
the back part of the computers
- Revised all graphic effects, added original SOR effects as a new option
- Revised, removed, cleaned and organized a lot of scripts
- Revised all playable enemie's dodge and back attacks buttons, now are the
same button as all heroes
- Fixed "Special" usage while grabbing an opponent that let him frozen
- Fixed some bugs during some stage's presentation
- Fixed some "Holes" bug when the character is falling at high speeds
- Fixed code that add lives at every 100k
- Fixed some after image bugs
- Fixed continue counter that renews even if the player is joining
- Fixed some route arrows bugs
- Reduced toxic gas damage from 40 to 10 at every second
- Reduced excessive usage of "Dodge" and "Jump Attacks" by some enemies
- Reduced weapons usage from 4 to 3 times
- Improved CPU partner A.I.
- Improved "Charge Attack" command when players held attack button
- Updated "Command List"
- Removed "Super Armor" feature during bike stage
If you find a bug, please report it to us.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址:
08/14 14:07,
, 1F
08/14 14:07, 1F
08/14 18:19,
, 2F
08/14 18:19, 2F
08/15 00:17,
, 3F
08/15 00:17, 3F
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