Re: [情報] OpenBor Streets of Rage 2X|怒之鐵拳2改

看板Emulator (模擬器)作者 (人生 歡樂易忘卻執著痛苦)時間5年前 (2020/03/18 22:55), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 5年前最新討論串11/15 (看更多)
作者自己示範 V1.9 功能與新模式 Streets of Rage 2X - Update Version 1.9
沒有朋友也可以呼叫AI NPC幫打 Streets of Rage 2X - Update Version 1.9 (New Survival mode test)
Download Version 1.9: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 更多的自訂功能 What's new in the version 1.9: - All settings changed by "Extra", "Partner" and "Survival" menus now are saved in a external file called "SOR2X.CFG". You don't need to configure the game every time you open it. This works for Arcade Lock too and once you locked, it will be saved and remains locked even if you close and re-open the game - Added "Heal" feature after player/npc perform special move, like SF4 focus. Can be enabled/disabled in Extra Menu - Added "Jump type" option in Extra Menu, now you can change between all SOR jump types (SOR1/2/3 types) - Added a NPC partner menu option to respawn automatically if dies - Added a NPC partner feature to call him in select screen using "Select button" - Added "player indicator" arrow, like some rpg games. Now if you hold "Extra Button" + "Dodge" and press "Jump", player indicator can be enabled or disabled - Versus damage is now defined by "Partner Menu", works at the same time for both "players vs players" and "players vs partners" - Improved NPC Partner A.I., now is a little better than before and will always follow your caller's - Rebalanced all enemies health scale. Now each additional player above 1 player will add more 10%. Difficult level "hard" add more 10% and "mania" add more 20% - For basic enemies (Galsia, Donovan, Slum and Vice), the spawned number is doubled with 3 players or above in some places - Shiva's Rage projectile now need maximum energy (3 stars) to perform, for both player/enemy versions - Shiva's Special and Rise attack rate are reduced - For modders, now the "vault script" is more simple to edit and more accurate - For those that don't like to kill Roo (like me) now in SOR3 route he will escape if you kill Bruce first :D - Now itens have a white blink effect to indicate that it is available - Now max rush counter is saved between levels to calculate rush bonus at stage complete screen - Now the Survival Mode starts in a Survival Menu first. You can configure some settings and select between three modes. Syndicate Mode is moved to Survival Mode and now is called "Battle Royale" - Now all characters attributes that are shown in select screen have a scripted database. In other words, the screen shows the real attribute values loaded from an unique file, for players and enemies. For modders, you can change it in "Updated.c" and will affect all versions of this same character. For example, changing Galsia's power, will change both player and enemy versions. The same happens for Axel and Break, and so on... - Now all projectiles have your power property automatically defined (offense) by your caller's power, avoiding errors caused by wrong values edited manually in the scripts - Now all enemies (not bosses) names are ramdonly defined by script, and all names from all SOR2/3 versions are included - Now mounted bikers have your colision boxes resized, is more easy to hit them - Changed and improved select screen - Changed "Counter", "Super" and "Rage" commands. Now all these moves are performed using energy button (See command list) - Fixed bug in NPC partner's freespecial energy recover, now is disabled when "special cost" uses energy (like players) - Fixed NPC partner's bug that don't fill health in elevator levels - Reduced wall's health in SOR3 stage 3 (Bulldozer), that will be gradually increased according to players in game and difficult level - Reduced some enemies amount in all SOR3 stages, for rebalance purpose - Reduced health of some enemies (p-1 and particle robots, all jets), for rebalance purpose - Reduced, cleaned and improved some scripts - Updated command list with some new commands "To do" list: - SOR3 Shiva (thanks to @O Ilusionista for the sprites); - Zan; - New bike stages and new attack moves for the heroes (thanks to @kimono for the sprites); - New routes; - Digital manual; - SOR1 content (stages, characters, etc); - Original graphics and sound effects as a alternative version; - New game modes, like Versus (thanks to @pudu for the idea), Training and Custom Characters mode (made by fans); -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:

03/20 01:51, 5年前 , 1F
這像生存戰一樣 看起來很剌激
03/20 01:51, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1USZP7SD (Emulator)
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文章代碼(AID): #1USZP7SD (Emulator)