Re: [情報] OpenBor Streets of Rage 2X|怒之鐵拳2改

看板Emulator (模擬器)作者 (人生 歡樂易忘卻執著痛苦)時間6年前 (2018/08/23 01:52), 編輯推噓4(400)
留言4則, 4人參與, 6年前最新討論串5/15 (看更多)
強還要更強 Streets of Rage 2X (OPENBOR) - Ver. 1.4 Test
Download: Hi! Here goes a big update: - Updated engine version from 4432 to 6330 - New "plug and play" feature for joysticks, no need to restart engine if controller is unplugged - Added "VAULT" system - Added new "hard" difficult - Added Harakiri boss from Bare Knuckle Mobile (Thanks to @kimono) - Added dodge animation if holding a weapon - Added delay in block animation when release the button - Fixed Max hold weapon bug - Fixed Rage escapehits bug in some bosses (Abadede/Shiva/Mr.X), can′t escape if hit - Fixed same characters/colors bug - Changed moto biker grenade condition, only the Green/Red bikers throw 1 grenade - Changed Max air pile condition, only grab if the enemy is in the air - Changed some graphic effects - Changed Max Rage animation - Rebalanced all difficult levels, enemies have their life/speed/aggression changed - Reduced "default combo" (atchain) delay for all characters, more easy to do - Reduced some enemy groups size in Stage 7 Elevator - Extended time for mania difficult - Counter animation does not fill Rage bar anymore if hit any enemy - Improved K.O. count precision -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

08/23 07:13, 6年前 , 1F
08/23 07:13, 1F

08/23 15:35, 6年前 , 2F
08/23 15:35, 2F

08/23 19:51, 6年前 , 3F
08/23 19:51, 3F

08/26 07:25, 6年前 , 4F
08/26 07:25, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #1RVQBHg_ (Emulator)
討論串 (同標題文章)
文章代碼(AID): #1RVQBHg_ (Emulator)