Re: [分享] OpenBor D&D:The Rise of Warduke

看板Emulator (模擬器)作者 (人生 歡樂易忘卻執著痛苦)時間9年前 (2015/06/17 23:55), 編輯推噓6(6015)
留言21則, 6人參與, 最新討論串2/7 (看更多)
壞消息:作者被 D&D關切了,所以下載連結都被切掉了 官網也消除 作太好嗎? Count Monte:Sadly,Gamejolt was forced to take down the game due to a complaint by Wizards of the Coast (the company that owns D&D). So for now, the game is unavailable. 連.. 後來有人放MEGA空間也被移除了 不過還是有玩家先製作了遊戲OP+主要任務流程可以看看 dafamily:alright here is the playthrough of the main quest mode man: If there is lagging it's because of the recording, also note I'm not very good at these type of RPGish games nor I'm I the sharpest tool in the shed lol!! It's a shame it's getting taken down so quickly man that really sucks!! I'll do a playthrough of the evil quest whenever I get a chance. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

06/18 00:02, , 1F
06/18 00:02, 1F

06/18 00:40, , 2F
我有抓來玩啊 需要練功賺點錢 又是英文劇情 就慢慢玩
06/18 00:40, 2F

06/18 00:41, , 3F
有主要任務流程的話 就可以參考了
06/18 00:41, 3F

06/18 00:41, , 4F
主要是討論區發現的bug 以後要如何更新解決?
06/18 00:41, 4F

06/18 12:03, , 5F
06/18 12:03, 5F

06/18 20:32, , 6F
那個是很舊的版本 你大概是找到這個 D&D OpenBor網頁的
06/18 20:32, 6F

06/18 20:33, , 8F
如果有人要玩 我已經上傳到MEGA了 .7Z檔 自己解壓
06/18 20:33, 8F

06/18 20:36, , 9F
06/18 20:36, 9F

06/19 03:16, , 10F
06/19 03:16, 10F

06/20 00:06, , 11F
06/20 00:06, 11F

06/20 00:13, , 12F
06/20 00:13, 12F

06/21 22:01, , 13F
06/21 22:01, 13F

06/21 22:02, , 14F
不知道 有沒有更新一些bug了?
06/21 22:02, 14F

07/05 17:08, , 15F
提供的免空網站被我的OpenDNS擋下,有phishing threat
07/05 17:08, 15F

07/05 17:14, , 16F
07/05 17:14, 16F

07/05 17:14, , 17F
07/05 17:14, 17F

11/21 19:43, , 18F
下載BadGame 大的壓縮檔,記得要接搖桿才能玩,否則只能看
11/21 19:43, 18F

11/21 19:43, , 19F
11/21 19:43, 19F

11/22 16:34, , 20F
我知道為什麼了 我上傳的時候已改用搖桿 所以才會這樣 囧
11/22 16:34, 20F

11/22 16:34, , 21F
他已經記錄存檔 所以沒接不能操作
11/22 16:34, 21F
文章代碼(AID): #1LWPXQ7u (Emulator)
文章代碼(AID): #1LWPXQ7u (Emulator)