Re: [分享] OpenBor D&D:The Rise of Warduke

看板Emulator (模擬器)作者 (人生 歡樂易忘卻執著痛苦)時間8年前 (2017/01/13 01:04), 8年前編輯推噓0(000)
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有人做了優化精簡版 讓他方便在 android 手機上運行 Hello everyone here is a optimized version of Rise of Warduke this version is smaller file size of 187mb compared to the original of 274mb. The file size is not the only difference this mod take about 1 minuet to load compared to the original taking 2 minuets to load (on my laptop anyway). This mod now uses 125mb ram compared to the original 237mb. I have also lowered the quality of the huge intro videos and made them skip-able. I did this project so I could enjoy the mod on my android phone and thought I would share in case anyone else would like to try. 回報有bug 等修復下一個版本 已更新 Download: 另外原作者還特別公佈 祕密地點 只有一開始玩有效 裡面有大量武器 讓遊戲變簡單 When you first start the game in the King's throne room, before you leave the room you can activate a secret treasure room. There are four invisible plates on the floor, and if you step on them in the correct order, a lever will appear on the far right wall. Pull the lever to open the secret treasure room. Here's a picture showing you where the invisible plates are: gif圖 Enjoy! If you leave the throne room and come back, the cheat won't work. It's only available at the very start the first time you're in the throne room. ※ 編輯: BadGame (, 01/14/2017 20:08:25
文章代碼(AID): #1OTxSqOM (Emulator)
文章代碼(AID): #1OTxSqOM (Emulator)