[心得] 親子桌遊2017~2025年分享

看板BoardGame (桌遊 - Board Games)作者 (硯に棲む白)時間5天前 (2025/02/13 13:01), 編輯推噓14(14010)
留言24則, 14人參與, 1天前最新討論串1/4 (看更多)
看到版上很多人分享親子桌遊心得, 忍不住手癢又寫了一篇部落格... (原本說不寫了,可是好像不寫也滿無聊的...) 親子桌遊規則與心得可以參照我寫了8年的部落格 http://euddedehi.blogspot.com/ 接下來就統整我與孩子遊玩過的遊戲 (依BGG排列名稱與喜好打1~10分) (應該會有遺漏的遊戲... 不過算了 就玩過的印象寫分數,孩子的年齡不同喜歡的程度也會不同,僅供參考) 1-3分大概就懶得再玩一次 4~6分就普通 7~9分是孩子可能會主動提出想玩, 目前我還沒給任何一款遊戲10分... 大概是我跟孩子們都可以沉浸在遊戲的時候,而且難度也夠, 我可能就會打10分(分數會浮動) 單純從BGG上登記的,大概這幾年跟孩子們玩了313個遊戲,可能有重複計算的, 因為有擴充 心得我就不特別寫了,有興趣的人可以去部落格搜尋文章看心得~~ 5-Minute Dungeon 8 7 Wonders 2 7 Wonders Duel 9 Abalone 6 Abracada...What? 5 Aeon's End 9 Age of War 8 Agricola 7 Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small 9 Alias 6 Alias: Travel 6 Animal Upon Animal 3 Aquaretto 7 Aquarius 4 Arboretum 5 Architects of the West Kingdom 7 Around the World in 80 Days 2 Ascension: Deckbuilding Game 8 Awkward Guests: The Walton Case 5 Azul 9 Azul: Summer Pavilion 9 Backgammon 6 BANG! 7 BANG! The Dice Game 8 Barenpark 8 Battle Line 8 Battle Sheep 4 Battleship 2 Best Treehouse Ever 4 Between Two Cities 6 Blokus 8 Blokus 3D 7 Blokus Duo 8 Blokus Shuffle: Pok矇mon Edition 8 Blokus Trigon 5 The Builders: Middle Ages 3 Burg Appenzell 7 Cacao 5 Calico 5 Camel Up 5 Can't Stop 9 Carcassonne 5 Cardline: Animals 6 Cardline: Dinosaurs 7 Cardline: Globetrotter 3 Cartographers 8 Cascadia 8 Cash-a-Catch 3 The Castles of Burgundy: The Card Game 3 Castles of Mad King Ludwig 4 Catapult Feud 9 Century: Eastern Wonders 2 Century: Spice Road 2 Chabyrinthe 3 Challengers! 9 Charades for Kids 6 Chess 7 Chicken Cha Cha Cha 6 Chickyboom 5 Citadels 6 Clans of Caledonia 5 Cockroach Poker 7 Coconuts 9 Color Clash 1 Colora Go! 7 Coloretto 3 Concordia 5 Coup 4 The Crew: Mission Deep Sea 6 Cryptid 6 CuBirds 7 Cubist 4 Da Vinci Code 8 David & Goliath 6 Dead Man's Draw 8 Deckscape: Heist in Venice 4 Deckscape: The Fate of London 4 Dirty Pig 8 Dominion 9 Dominion: Adventures 9 Dominion: Cornucopia 9 Dominion: Dark Ages 9 Dominion: Empires 9 Dominion: Guilds 9 Dominion: Hinterlands 9 Dominion: Intrigue 9 Dominion: Intrigue ??Update Pack 9 Dominion: Prosperity 10 Dominion: Seaside 10 Dominion: Update Pack 9 Don't Rock the Boat 1 The Downfall of Pompeii 6 Dr. Eureka 3 Drako: Dragon & Dwarves 9 Dream Home 2 Dungeon Fighter 7 DVONN 6 Eat Me If You Can! 5 Ellie Lou's Memories 1 Evolution: Continents 5 Evolution: The Origin of Species 5 Exploding Kittens 9 Exploding Minions 9 Fastrack 8 Fearsome Floors 1 Feed the Woozle 3 Fei Xing Qi 2 Felicity: The Cat in the Sack 8 Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar 8 Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar ??Crouching Tiger, Hidden Bees! 8 Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar ??Spider Springs 8 Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar ??The Last Adventurer 8 Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar ??Wreck of the Crimson Cutlass 8 First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express! 8 Five Tribes: The Djinns of Naqala 6 Fleet 4 Fliegen klatschen 3 Flip City 4 For Sale 8 Forbidden Island 9 Formula D 8 Frank's Zoo 9 Fresco 6 Friday 8 Galaxy Trucker (Second Edition) 9 Get Packing 7 Ghost Blitz 8 Gift Trap 7 GIPF 4 Gizmos 8 Go Fetch! 4 Go Fish 7 Gobblet Gobblers 7 The Great Cheese Chase 3 Halli Galli 7 Harmonies 5 Heat: Pedal to the Metal 8 Hey, That's My Fish! 8 Hide the Kids! 6 Hive 7 Hoot Owl Hoot! 4 Humpty Dumpty's Wall Game 3 Imagine 6 Imperial Settlers 4 Incan Gold 3 Istanbul 3 It's a Wonderful World 6 Jaipur 7 Jamaica 8 Jambo 4 Jungle Speed 3 Junior Labyrinth 8 Kaispeicher 5 Kamisado 8 Kanagawa 2 King of Tokyo 6 Kingdomino 8 Kitchen Rush 6 Las Vegas Royale 6 Leaps and Ledges 7 Leo 6 Let's Catch the Lion! 9 The Little Prince: Rising to the Stars 3 Loony Quest 5 Loony Quest: The Lost City 5 Loopin' Louie 9 Lords of Waterdeep 9 Lost Cities 8 Lost Ruins of Arnak 5 Machi Koro 9 Machi Koro: Harbor 9 The Magic Labyrinth 7 Magic Maze 3 Mahjong 7 Manila 4 Mansions of Madness: Second Edition 1 Marrakech 2 M瓣use Trio 3 Meadow 6 Mice and Mystics 4 MicroMacro: Crime City 9 Mindbug: First Contact 8 Mindbug: First Contact ??Promo Pack 2022 8 Monopoly Gamer: Mario Kart 9 Monopoly: Pok矇mon Kanto Edition 9 Mountain 53 5 My First Carcassonne 6 Neuroshima Hex 6 No Thanks! 3 Oink! 2 Orl矇ans 5 Pandemic 7 PARKS 3 Patchwork 9 Pengoloo 6 Pentago 4 Pick & Pack 2 Pick Picknic 3 Piece o' Cake 5 Pok矇mon Trading Card Game 9 Port Royal 9 Pow Wow 3 Pylos 3 Pyramid of Pengqueen 7 The Quacks of Quedlinburg 8 The Quest for El Dorado 9 Quick Cups 7 Quoridor 7 Qwirkle 9 Ra 8 Race for the Galaxy 3 Race to the Treasure! 4 Raptor 6 Res Arcana 7 Res Arcana: Lux et Tenebrae 7 Rhino Hero 7 Ribbit 9 Risk 1 Risk: Transformers ??Cybertron Battle Edition 1 Rock the Beat 9 Rory's Story Cubes: Actions 2 Rory's Story Cubes: Voyages 2 Rummikub 8 Rush Hour 2 Samurai 5 San Juan 7 Santorini 7 SCOUT 8 Scrabble 6 Sea Salt & Paper 8 The Search for Planet X 9 Seasons 9 Seasons: Path of Destiny 9 Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan 8 Sequence 8 SET 9 Shogi 9 Shokoba 9 Sitting Ducks Gallery 9 Skippity 5 Sky Tango 2 Sky Team 2 Sleeping Queens 8 Small World 8 Smash Up 5 Snorta! 2 Speed Colors 6 Speed Colors: Booster Pack ?? 6 Speed Cups: Fan-Edition 6 Speed Cups簡 6 The Speicherstadt 5 Splendor 7 Splendor: Marvel 8 Spot it! 8 Star Realms 9 Stick Stack 6 Stone Age 7 Survive: Escape from Atlantis! 5 Sushi Go Party! 8 Sushi Go! 8 Tac Tac Jack 8 Takenoko 9 Tales & Games: Little Red Riding Hood 5 Tales & Games: The Grasshopper & the Ant 4 Tales & Games: The Hare & the Tortoise 8 Tales & Games: The Pied Piper 7 Tales & Games: The Three Little Pigs 8 Tapple 6 Targi 5 Telestrations 7 Terra 6 Terror in Meeple City 6 Through the Desert 3 Tichu 6 Ticket to Ride 7 Ticket to Ride: Europe 8 Tiki Topple 3 Tokaido 1 Top That! 5 Trains 8 Tumblin' Monkeys 6 TZAAR 8 Ubongo 6 Uglydoll Card Game 6 Underwater Cities 4 Unlock!: Epic Adventures 7 Unlock!: Escape Adventures 7 Unlock!: Exotic Adventures 7 Unlock!: Game Adventures 7 Unlock!: Heroic Adventures 7 Unlock!: Legendary Adventures 7 Unlock!: Mystery Adventures 7 Unlock!: Mythic Adventures 7 Unlock!: Secret Adventures 7 Unlock!: Timeless Adventures 7 UNO 9 UNO: Super Mario 9 Viva Topo! 6 Wanted! 3 Watergate 4 Welcome to the Dungeon 3 Welcome To... 2 Willy's Wiggly Web 3 Wingspan 8 World's Fair 1893 5 Xiangqi 8 YINSH 6 Yokohama 6 Zany Penguins 3 ZERTZ 5 Zombie Kidz Evolution 9 Zooloretto Junior 5 散櫻亂舞 9 題外話,其實培養孩子會玩桌遊之後 我真的已經不用特別去糾團了.... 想打個遊戲就教一下,然後就開打.... 雖然還沒有論文可以證實 小朋友打桌遊的優點 不過我自己倒是人生過得開心許多~~ 有時候親子遊玩也不用太多"教養"目的 您說是吧 -- 親子桌遊心得與介紹! https://euddedehi.blogspot.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BoardGame/M.1739422919.A.BE1.html

02/13 13:49, 5天前 , 1F
02/13 13:49, 1F

02/13 14:34, 5天前 , 2F
02/13 14:34, 2F

02/13 16:11, 5天前 , 3F
02/13 16:11, 3F

02/13 16:11, 5天前 , 4F
02/13 16:11, 4F

02/13 17:18, 5天前 , 5F
令人尊敬的大師 : )
02/13 17:18, 5F

02/13 18:03, 5天前 , 6F
02/13 18:03, 6F

02/13 20:23, 5天前 , 7F
02/13 20:23, 7F

02/13 20:27, 5天前 , 8F
一個小五一個小二 從三歲的時候開始玩桌遊的歐
02/13 20:27, 8F

02/13 21:46, 5天前 , 9F
請受我一拜 我孩子也剛三歲在考慮要不要開始培養了
02/13 21:46, 9F

02/13 23:12, 5天前 , 10F
02/13 23:12, 10F

02/13 23:14, 5天前 , 11F
02/13 23:14, 11F

02/13 23:14, 5天前 , 12F
02/13 23:14, 12F

02/14 10:37, 4天前 , 13F
02/14 10:37, 13F

02/14 10:59, 4天前 , 14F
02/14 10:59, 14F

02/14 11:09, 4天前 , 15F
感謝大家的推文 想一想其實還有很多遊戲沒補上
02/14 11:09, 15F

02/14 11:09, 4天前 , 16F
02/14 11:09, 16F

02/14 11:11, 4天前 , 17F
還有我給dominion 繁榮跟海國圖誌10分...
02/14 11:11, 17F

02/14 11:28, 4天前 , 18F
02/14 11:28, 18F

02/14 11:46, 4天前 , 19F
待會寫一下好了 哈哈
02/14 11:46, 19F

02/14 13:47, 4天前 , 20F
02/14 13:47, 20F

02/14 14:06, 4天前 , 21F
02/14 14:06, 21F

02/14 14:07, 4天前 , 22F
不過最近要降下來了 沒空間也沒錢也不太需要了...
02/14 14:07, 22F

02/15 13:03, 3天前 , 23F
02/15 13:03, 23F

02/17 12:04, 1天前 , 24F
02/17 12:04, 24F
文章代碼(AID): #1dhNp7lX (BoardGame)
文章代碼(AID): #1dhNp7lX (BoardGame)