Re: [HP] With home-grown players to the top (2)

看板Hattrick (HT足球管理遊戲)作者 (smart0eddie)時間9年前 (2015/05/24 04:30), 9年前編輯推噓1(100)
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: Reached the top? : 到達頂尖 : At the time, I claimed optimistically: “no doubt that in order to reach the : highest leagues, you’ll have to grow your own players!” Almost 15 seasons : have passed, and where am I now? Well, I play in IV at the moment, but I have : the ratings to promote to III: I have the best team of my division in Spain. : That I play lower than expected is mainly because of bad luck. According to :, I got three seasons of extreme bad luck in a row (2x wretched and : 1x poor luck, see (, ( and : ( Also, I make bad tactical decisions too often. : I am not at the very top, but I think I am getting close. As I will point out : in the next part of this article, I guess I can squeeze this team out for 5 : or 6 more seasons. Than I’ll have to renovate and stop being competitive for : a while. So I got 5 or 6 seasons more to show what my team got. In those : seasons to come, training will not be that important anymore; maintaining : skills, form and stamina will be my main preoccupation. My goal now is to : play in III and than, hopefully, II. That will be hard: I get high ratings, : but so do other teams. I am not the only one taking advantage of the loyalty : bonus and faster training! 遙想當年,我曾意氣風發,「頂尖,唯有自產」。 十五賽季匆匆而逝,如今,我身在何方? 我擁有全西班牙四聯最好的球隊, 奈何,天總是不從人願, 從三張htev.org的估算結果可以看到, 此前連三個賽季,我的球隊厄運纏身,陷入莫名地低潮 當然,無可否認地,我在安排球隊戰術時也時有失誤 但是,我有實力也有信心,問鼎三聯 如同我將在次章詳述, 我的球隊仍有五至六季向世人展現他們的最強姿態 在這段時間裡,球隊訓練將著重在體能和狀態的提升和技能的維持 我的目標是在群雄並起的三聯甚或二聯角逐晉升的資格 這將會是個艱難的挑戰, 我的球隊很強,他者亦若是 球員的忠貞與高效的訓練將不再是我獨享的優勢 (譯:問號,是全西班牙二三聯都跟他一樣搞純自產嗎 還是說西班牙四聯以下都不訓練 專門當人口販子球員流轉不停) : What now, how to replace my old players? : The question I get most is how I plan to renew my squad once my “golden : generation” (the 10/11 core players) gets too old. Once this cycle runs to : an end, I will start a second cycle of 5 real life years. I will start all : over again, with full power training and only 5% of stamina training. : However, I will try to become competitive again as fast as possible. This is : how I've planned it (roughly): : Although the core of my players is from one generation (currently between 27 : and 31 years old), I also have 3 younger forwards (around 23 years old) and : an older keeper (now 32). I am currently training a 16 year old goalie in my : youth academy, so he will be able to replace my current goalkeeper in around : 3 seasons. 關於球員世代交替的問題, 我的打算是等我目前球隊黃金世代的球員年華老去 我將用五年的時間重新培養下一世代的球員 球隊的訓練將會用最低的體能訓練,全力投注在技能的訓練上 但我並不打算就此將勝利拱手相讓 目前我球隊的10名核心球員處於27~31歲的世代 但我仍有三名23歲左右的前鋒和青年隊裡一名16歲的守門員 : Even when the 10 core players are very old and losing skills/stamina, I still : have a young keeper and 3 relatively young forwards. Of course, I will notice : a big drop in ratings, but not as big as one might think. The 10 ancient core : players can still play on non-trainable positions for several seasons. Of : course they will be very old (36+) with low stamina, but I can rotate the old : core players on non-trainable positions using 3 subs, so I won't give away : entire zones during the matches. 未來新秀接班後, 我打算讓這十名沙場老將繼續在非訓練位上征戰數季 藉由替補輪換,保持他們在場上的體力 在球場上不會送給敵人無防區 即使新星們技巧仍不成熟 即使宿將們已年老體衰 球隊的實力也不會如他人預期般地遽降 : Personally, I think that at all times in the new cycle I will be able to : compete in division VI or similar. Most top teams experience a break of : several seasons after having played in the top divisions, so this is not : something that worries me. The alternative would be playing for a longer time : (eternally?) on a lower level (like IV or V), but that's simply not my : ambition. I prefer to drop back to VI and try to reach the top levels again : in 2020 or 2021, when my second cycle reaches its full potential. 即使是頂級聯賽的球隊, 世代交替時的數季也會從天堂跌落凡塵 我不擔心我球隊的世代交替 並且我認為即使那時刻到來, 我的球隊在第六級左右的聯賽仍十分有競爭力 當然,我也可以選擇輕鬆地讓球隊在第四級或第五級聯賽長久養老廝混 但那滿足不了我宏廣的野心 我寧可回低級聯賽潛伏,積蓄力量 在2020年時帶著浴火重生的球隊 一。躍。登。天 : Conclusion : 節論 : To conclude I would say that I am happy to see that my team is as strong (or : even stronger) than I predicted in 2011. 448 hatstats proved to be a : realistic, and even quite low, goal. I almost can't believe I crashed the 500 : hatstats barrier! The other ambition (playing in the first division) seems : harder to realise. I still have 5 or 6 seasons to get there, but it will be : hard. Many other teams use the home-grown and loyalty bonus at least for some : zones, and average ratings are increasing at all levels in the competition. : To finalize, I would like to thank all members of the Dutch federation "Eigen : jeugd in het eerste" and all participants in one of the most active threads : in the Spanish national forum: "Canteranos". It's great being part of this : active home-grown community! 於此總結,我十分榮幸地宣布我的球隊比我2011年的預測還要強。 448 hatstats被證實是一個非常容易的可行目標 但連我自己都不敢相信球隊強度竟然衝破500大關 攻入頂級聯賽的另一個目標看來似乎比較難實現 我仍有五到六季的時間挑戰 但橫阻在前的障礙不是普通的困難 許多球隊在某些特定位置也有從自身青訓培養出來的忠貞球員 (譯:有能力加成) 並且各級聯賽的平均球隊實力也不斷在增長 最後,我要感謝(譯:以下略,要感謝的人太多了,就謝天吧(?)) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: smart0eddie (, 05/24/2015 04:31:06 ※ 編輯: smart0eddie (, 05/24/2015 04:41:46

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