Re: [情報] GW2玩家所在地區將影響玩家連結的數據中心

看板GuildWars (激戰 - gw,gw2)作者 (XD)時間13年前 (2012/04/06 18:34), 編輯推噓1(102)
留言3則, 2人參與, 最新討論串9/11 (看更多)
guru上的官方回應 應該可以解決某些人的問題 Rubi Bayer Quote: Originally Posted by Ronyx Can someone please clarify for those of us in Australia? Which region will we default to when buying from the guild wars 2 website? Also, if we were to purchase an NA version, but our region should have been EU, does this mean we can't login without having a copy of the EU client? "We've got two datacenters -- one in NA and one in EU. Those who do not fall into either of those two regions will default to the NA datacenter." So you'll go to the NA datacenter. 再補上一個官方Twitter 這次是新加坡的玩家問的(離台灣更近了XD)!/brushedhw/status/188086482580410368 ongwei @brushedhw @GuildWars2 hi RB2, just to clarify, if i live in singapore, i can just prepurchase from and log into US server right? Guild Wars 2 @GuildWars2 @brushedhw That is correct. ~RB2 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/06 21:56, , 1F
04/06 21:56, 1F
※ 編輯: jim221 來自: (04/06 22:26) ※ 編輯: jim221 來自: (04/06 22:27)

04/06 23:54, , 2F
04/06 23:54, 2F

04/06 23:54, , 3F
you can play with anyone, anywhere.
04/06 23:54, 3F
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