Re: [情報] GW2玩家所在地區將影響玩家連結的數據中心消失

看板GuildWars (激戰 - gw,gw2)作者時間13年前 (2012/04/06 12:48), 編輯推噓3(303)
留言6則, 3人參與, 最新討論串5/11 (看更多)
※ 引述《nogard ()》之銘言: : "We've got two datacenters -- one in NA and one in EU. Those who do not fall : into either of those two regions will default to the NA datacenter." People : outside of EU and NA *can* play Guild Wars 2. ~RB2 你過度解讀了, 回到你自己的引文吧, 這段就夠了. 玩家問說"到底澳洲可不可以玩阿". RB2 回: "We've got two datacenters -- one in NA and one in EU. Those who do not fall into either of those two regions will default to the NA datacenter." 這段有加引號, 是前面說過的話. (官方回答過很多次了, 以為這樣玩家就會懂.) 會引這段話是為了回達該玩家的疑問, 根據此, 她才又補充. People outside of EU and NA *can* play Guild Wars 2. 以上. 我覺得沒有誤解的餘地. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(

04/06 12:52, , 1F
我其實不擔心台灣,但是好奇美版玩家在歐洲能否上線? 為何?
04/06 12:52, 1F

04/06 12:53, , 2F
台灣玩家的確不用過度解讀數據中心的問題 沒什麼影響
04/06 12:53, 2F

04/06 12:54, , 3F
04/06 12:54, 3F
至於原因也有提了: By purchasing the correct copy of the game, you're supporting the game your country, and you'll be connecting to your local data center, using your local customer support team, and downloading the correct language support for your country. ~RB2 限制版本的連線地, 是希望玩家買在地版本. 當地有賺頭, 能負擔在地化的成本, 代理的意願與經營才能長久. ※ 編輯: nihilatus 來自: (04/06 13:26)

04/06 13:27, , 4F
04/06 13:27, 4F

04/06 13:27, , 5F
04/06 13:27, 5F

04/06 16:32, , 6F
04/06 16:32, 6F
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