Re: [情報] GW2玩家所在地區將影響玩家連結的數據中心

看板GuildWars (激戰 - gw,gw2)作者 (No.17)時間13年前 (2012/04/06 11:38), 編輯推噓1(102)
留言3則, 2人參與, 最新討論串3/11 (看更多)
※ 引述《infixman (松下問童子)》之銘言: Is my copy of Guild Wars 2 tied to my region? Yes. To play from North America you must purchase a North American copy of the game. To play from Europe you must purchase a European copy of the game. Note that this restriction impacts where you can play from, not which game worlds you can choose to play on. 要從北美登入就要買北美版的遊戲 By purchasing the correct copy of the game, you're supporting the game in your country, and you'll be connecting to your local data center, using your local customer support team, and downloading the correct language support for your country. ~RB2 你買哪個版本的遊戲就會連到該處的伺服器中心 Here are some answers and clarifications for you! First, if you purchase the game from you'll automatically be sorted into the right region. 從官網下載的時候就會自動幫你分到正確的區域。 And don't worry -- we want you to play with your friends wherever you are. This policy only affects where you can login from -- not which worlds you can access. People from NA will be able to play with people from EU at launch. We've got two datacenters -- one in NA and one in EU. Those who do not fall into either of those two regions will default to the NA datacenter. 這裡是重點,全世界只有兩個伺服器中心,北美或是歐洲,This policy only affects where you can login from -- not which worlds you can access.這句話是在對歐美 玩家澄清:連線政策只影響登入處,不影響可以到哪玩。所以台灣這裡也可以登入到 美國伺服器,(大不了用跳板...)。 Finally, we are aware that a lot of our players travel, and we are looking into a solution for you. 可能意思就是北美玩家跑去歐洲的話不能就地連線,仍然要連回美版。 Hope that helps some! ~RB2 如果只限定在北美連線那澳洲不就GG了,另外台灣上次BETA也有許多玩家拿到資格,甚至 還有日本等亞洲國家媒體參與,如果正式版不給從亞洲(台灣)連,那不是很奇怪嗎?? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/06 16:29, , 1F
04/06 16:29, 1F

04/06 18:56, , 2F
04/06 18:56, 2F

04/06 19:01, , 3F
04/06 19:01, 3F
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