[BB][心得] 一盯人四聯防初步使用方法釋疑

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今天發現BuzzerBeater非官方情報站GG了,顯示找不到(舊版)協作平台, 看來我得加油了! 在新版的上線之前,可以先看我對舊版備份的PDF檔。 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lk-Dm8mWJ7ap4E8QUTenYHnM89VfIJYJ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 一盯人四聯防 是在第14季開始引進(友誼賽)的, 但相信大部分的人和之前的我一樣,還是弄不清這個防守戰術到底是如何運作的。 在開始之前還是要提一下, 第57季之前,一盯人(內/外)四聯防實際的運作方式,內/外的部分和遊戲指南是相反的, BB-Justin 在下面這篇的783樓也證實這點。 https://www.buzzerbeater.com/community/forum/read.aspx?thread=306633&m=782 首先,因為剛好有當初更新的資訊:[情報] 第14季的更新, 先來看一下當初是怎麼講的。 : 二、新戰術系統,Box-and-one 以及Isolation。 :   : 1. 首先是防守戰術Box-and-one:四個球員聯防,另外一個球員專門盯防對手隊伍中進 : 攻能力最強悍的球員。此戰術會限制對方王牌的持球機會,由於有場上其他四名隊友的 : 聯防協助,盯人防守者可以竭盡全力來阻止對方王牌的大量取分。(編按:可以不用猜 : 對手究竟把王牌擺在哪個位置,而想破頭該怎麼換防了XD) : As announced a few seasons ago, we are finally ready to introduce two new : tactics; Box-and-one & Isolation! These tactics will be available for testing : in scrimmages starting this season, beginning with next Thursday’s games. : Box-and-one is a defensive tactic, where four players play in the zone : defense protecting the basket and the fifth player plays a man-to-man defense : guarding the best offensive player on the other team. This is designed to : prevent that player from getting the ball as often, as the man to man : defender can overplay defensively knowing that he has a zone backup. 再來是遊戲指南。 : 區域+盯人防守:4 名球員區域聯防,另一名球員負責盯防對方最好的進攻球員,以防止 : 他得太多的分。具體分以下兩種戰術: :   : 1盯人(內)+4聯防:第 5 名球員負責盯防對方最好的內線得分手。「普通」 :   : 1盯人(外)+4聯防:第 5 名球員負責盯防對方最好的外線得分手。「普通」 : Box-and-One defenses: Four players play in a zone defense protecting the : basket while the fifth player plays a man-to-man defense guarding the best : offensive player on the other team. This prevents him from scoring as much. : There are two types of box-and-one defenses: :   : Inside Box-and-One: The fifth defender focuses on the opponent's best inside : scorer. Normal pace. :   : Outside Box-and-One: The fifth defender focuses on the opponent's best : outside scorer. Normal pace. 看到這邊,主要的問題是: 1.誰是第5名負責盯人的球員? 2.如何決定誰是對方最好的內線/外線得分手? BB-Justin 在美國discord群有相關回應,以下是節錄一些問題與回答 : BB-Justin: Outside scorer is defined by a formula with JS/JR/DR as variables. :   : BB-Justin: it would most likely find the reverse patient player to defend... :   : Question : so engine DOES cheat by knowing opponent's attributes and : therefore knows who is good without playing? interesting... :   : BB-Justin: I guess so. Some cheaters we can't ban... :   : Question : The best defender in inside and outside box is the same? Or OD is : more important in outside box and ID more important in inside box? :   : BB-Justin: they are not the same, OD/ID are weighted differently for each one :   : Question : what about the inside scorer? :   : BB-Justin: JS & IS 另外也能參考這篇第三方的說法. https://www.buzzerbeater.com/community/forum/read.aspx?thread=314890&m=6 : The calculation for the "best" defender in the box and 1 is weighted to the : focus of the box. So if you play inside box and 1, ID and SB are weighted : more than OD to find the best inside defender. :   : I don’t know the exact formula for it but that is what BB-Justin has told me : last season. That is when he realised the boxes worked the wrong way round : and it was changed during the off-season this season. 簡而言之, 1.第5名負責盯人的球員,一般相信是「最好的」防守球員, 一盯人(內)和一盯人(外),對於外防和內防(以及封截?)會有不同的權重。 2.遊戲引擎「作弊」知道對手球員的技能, 決定最好外線得分手的參數有跳投、範圍、運球; 決定最好內線得分手的參數有跳投、內投。 剛好在59季季中,我有幸高價標到防守大將 [Taiwan] Gao Xing Hong (48388362), 因為不論是外防、內防、封截,他鐵定是隊上最好的防守球員, 所以測試一下戰術,想說一盯人四聯防終於可以正常使用了, 結果看比賽轉播卻發現他似乎不是盯人的球員!!! 我試過兩場都有這種情況,都是用一盯人(內)四聯防, 一場讓 Gao Xing Hong 盯 SF 位,另一場讓他盯 PG 位。 相信大家應該都猜到是怎麼回事了, 個人猜測, 一盯人(內)是從守 PF 位以及 C 位的球員中選擇「最好的」防守球員; 一盯人(外)則是從守 PG 位以及 SG 位的球員中選擇「最好的」防守球員。 註:後來在 #1bfgGRE9 這篇提到,其中一場即興賽看起來應該是反例, 因此很可能這邊當時的兩場比賽,我的解讀是有問題的。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/CGI-Game/M.1681744522.A.2FC.html ※ 編輯: PPguest ( 臺灣), 04/17/2023 23:31:52

04/18 09:59, 1年前 , 1F
04/18 09:59, 1F

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04/21 08:04, 1年前 , 3F
04/21 08:04, 3F
※ 編輯: PPguest ( 臺灣), 01/17/2024 00:02:41
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