Re: [eRep] Day 1,213 update

看板CGI-Game (CGI Game)作者 (DD魚)時間13年前 (2011/03/18 01:14), 編輯推噓5(501)
留言6則, 5人參與, 最新討論串3/5 (看更多)
Dear General Manager, Starting tomorrow (Day 1,214) investing in raw material companies will bring you more resources! All citizens working in raw material companies will extract a double ammount of resources. Take advantage of this increase to make sure your manufacturing and construction companies run at full capacity. Yours truly, Plato eRepublik Governor 簡單來說 原料產量加倍...... 今天屯原料的表示...... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

03/18 01:26, , 1F
他 ooxx 的,把玩家當白老鼠啊 ....
03/18 01:26, 1F

03/18 01:28, , 2F
03/18 01:28, 2F

03/18 01:30, , 3F
還有,那個「A better way to eat」什麼時候才會不要再跳出來~
03/18 01:30, 3F

03/18 01:31, , 4F
有人說 登出再登入就好了
03/18 01:31, 4F

03/18 01:41, , 5F
03/18 01:41, 5F

03/18 04:15, , 6F
順便一問 為什麼最近超卡..還是剛好我用的時段都很卡..
03/18 04:15, 6F
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文章代碼(AID): #1DWa5cc3 (CGI-Game)