Fw: [情報] 在韓國 LoL正逐漸取代星海爭霸的地位...

看板eSports (電競)作者 (帽子)時間13年前 (2012/03/15 03:10), 編輯推噓5(509)
留言14則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
※ [本文轉錄自 LoL 看板 #1FOElGOx ] 作者: a2364983 (可憐的小孩) 看板: LoL 標題: [情報] 在韓國 LoL正逐漸取代星海爭霸的地位... 時間: Thu Mar 15 03:04:40 2012 http://kotaku.com/5893136/league-of-legends-is-the-new-starcraft-in-korea League of Legends is the New StarCraft in Korea I guess Koreans are finally starting to get sick of StarCraft II and Fifa Online 2, because League of Legends (LoL) has made its way to the top spot in e-sports tournaments, replacing StarCraft II. Professional broadcasters as well as sponsors are now supporting LoL, which may be an effort to improve stagnating expansion of e-sports. Korean cable television company, Ongamenet (OGN), showed its support by becoming an official sponsor at the Yongsan e-sports stadium. Starting March 21, OGN will show live, twice weekly broadcasts of League of Legends tournaments with 16 participating teams from Korea, USA, and Europe. The winning prize money of these tournaments will be 2 billion won (about US$ 1.8 million). Honestly, I have to say this is great news, if only to dispel the stereotype that if you're Korean and you like video games, you must play Starcraft. Starcraft isn't some kind of digital kimchi on which Korean gamers subsist. I've never beaten the original Starcraft, which seems to amuse some people. Then, I say I'm Korean-American, and they realize I was being serious. 簡單的說就是電競界的霸主韓國終於開始重視這遊戲 政府與企業的投資開始要灌下去 接著3/21開始還有比賽 OGN這個電子競技頻道將每週兩次播出節目 由16個韓國+美國+歐洲所組成的戰隊組成 獎金是180萬鎂 以韓國人電競界的強度與地位(望向星海) ... 個人覺得很可能幾個月後 又是一個美國製作韓國制霸的遊戲= =+ --

02/08 06:08,
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02/08 06:08,
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02/08 06:08
memy :/focus 此討論串語氣注意 #1FCJGVTX 02/08 06:08

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02/08 06:08,
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02/08 06:08
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/15 03:05, , 1F
03/15 03:05, 1F

03/15 03:05, , 2F
03/15 03:05, 2F

03/15 03:06, , 3F
以遊戲長度來講 星海還是比較適合電競播報吧
03/15 03:06, 3F

03/15 03:07, , 4F
不過也不一定啦 如果紅的起來 一場一小時也是有人看
03/15 03:07, 4F

03/15 03:07, , 5F
KR那邊都很多人認為SC2沒辦法像SC1那樣弄 LOL有搞頭
03/15 03:07, 5F

03/15 03:07, , 6F
國際比賽韓國輸時 韓國隊就會說剛有bug 這場算我們贏
03/15 03:07, 6F

03/15 03:08, , 7F
倒是覺得真的有可能被韓國稱霸 練習量差很多
03/15 03:08, 7F

03/15 03:08, , 8F
03/15 03:08, 8F

03/15 03:08, , 9F
03/15 03:08, 9F

03/15 03:09, , 10F
03/15 03:09, 10F

03/15 03:09, , 11F
03/15 03:09, 11F

03/15 03:09, , 12F
03/15 03:09, 12F

03/15 03:10, , 13F
03/15 03:10, 13F

03/15 03:10, , 14F
03/15 03:10, 14F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: ntcpe27 (, 時間: 03/15/2012 03:10:32

03/15 03:12, , 15F
03/15 03:12, 15F

03/15 03:32, , 16F
03/15 03:32, 16F

03/15 03:39, , 17F
03/15 03:39, 17F

03/15 03:41, , 18F
03/15 03:41, 18F

03/15 03:43, , 19F
03/15 03:43, 19F

03/15 03:44, , 20F
03/15 03:44, 20F

03/15 04:11, , 21F
謝肯呆大查證,看原文說1.8 million就覺得有點太大了
03/15 04:11, 21F

03/15 04:50, , 22F
03/15 04:50, 22F

03/15 04:51, , 23F
03/15 04:51, 23F

03/16 12:52, , 24F
並不認為lol觀賞性比sc2差 如果你有看iem決賽的話
03/16 12:52, 24F

03/16 14:01, , 25F
樓上 根本看不懂 謝謝
03/16 14:01, 25F

03/16 14:38, , 26F
觀賞性差多了 LOL兩邊聳翻天 SC2至少會戰不會沒完沒了
03/16 14:38, 26F

03/16 22:04, , 27F
03/16 22:04, 27F

03/16 23:12, , 28F
又沒再跟你說話 被SC2版水桶的小學生99
03/16 23:12, 28F
文章代碼(AID): #1FOEqfYL (eSports)
文章代碼(AID): #1FOEqfYL (eSports)