Re: [徵文] 對抗精準1C之插叫
07/04 07:15,
07/04 07:15
07/04 07:20,
07/04 07:20
07/04 07:21,
07/04 07:21
這是我的疏失, 講得太言過其實,
Rodwell-Meckstroth (2003, 2009)
P = 0-4 HCP.
X = 5-7 HCP.
New suit = suit, FG.
Sontag-Weichsel (2001)
整理資料突然發現, 有好多細節
但看起來不同於P=0-4, X=5-7
1C (1X/2X) - natural
P : 0-5 HCP or penalty double
X : 6+ HCP, can be passed
new suit : natural, forcing
new suit : 5+, 9+ HCP, gf
cue-bid : 9+ HCP, looking for 3N, gf
new suit : 5+, 5-8 HCP
1N : balanced, 6-8 HCP
cue-bid : (1444) or (0445) where short in X, 9+ HCP, gf
2N : balanced, two stoppers, 9+ HCP, gf
jump shift : 6-7, 9+ HCP, gf
double jump shift : excellent 6-7, 9+ HCP, gf
1C (2S/3X) - natural
P : 0-6 HCP or penalty double
X : 7+ HCP, can be passed
new suit : natural, forcing
new suit : 5+, 9+ HCP, gf
cue-bid : 9+ HCP, looking for 3N, gf
new suit : 6+, gf
3N : to play, 10-12 HCP
jump shift : excellent 6-7, gf
2N : balanced, two stoppers, 7-8 HCP
1C (1X/X) - specific two-suiter (showing A and B; E and F are the other two)
P : 0-5 HCP
X/XX : penalty oriented (a la unusual vs. unusual)
cheapest cue : 6-9 HCP, length in C and D, promises another bid
expensive cue : 9+ HCP, length in C and D, gf
1N : balanced, 6-8 HCP
1E/1F : 5+, 5-8 HCP
2N : balanced, 9+ HCP, gf
jump shift : 6-7, 9+ HCP, gf
double jump shift : excellent 6-7, 9+ HCP, gf
1C (1X) - exclusion (shortness in suit X)
X : 4 cards in suit X, 9+ HCP
1N : 4-5 cards in suit X, 6-8 HCP
2X : 5+ in suit X, 9+ HCP, forcing
new suit : 5+, 5-8 HCP
P : 0-8 HCP
followup : X : 6-8 HCP (with no suit)
1C (1X) - transfer to suit above suit X (suit Y)
P : 0-5 HCP
X : 6-8 HCP
1Y : 9+ HCP, gf
1N : stopper in Y, 6-8 HCP
new suit : 5+, 5-8 HCP
2N : two stoppers in Y, 9+ HCP, gf
2Y : stiff or void in Y, 4+ in other suits, gf
jump shift : 6-7, 9+ HCP, gf
double jump shift : excellent 6-7, 9+ HCP, gf
1C (CRASH) - X for Color, 1D for Rank, 1H for Shape
X/XX : balanced, 9+ HCP, sets up heat-seeking auction or gf
new suit : 5+, 9+ HCP, gf
P : 0-8 HCP, forcing
Muller-deWijs (2011)
TARZAN strong club
制度卡沒寫, 但有個名字可能很特別(?
Grue-Moss (2017)
P = 0-7 HCP.
X = FG.
New suit = TRF(使用S/H/D/C的順序).
以上5個冠軍, 有2個冠軍用P = 0-4 HCP. X = 5-7 HCP.
所以只有4成, 其實是少數數被我忽略了.
剩下的6成, 2個冠軍用法明顯不同, TARZAN沒資料所以不知道.
這個pair不知道算不算精準, 因為他們自稱打接力....
競叫把6-8 HCP切割了, 應該算不同對抗.
Tundal-Groetheim (2007)
P = 6-8 HCP, 4oM. (1H以上都類推, 所以遇到低花插叫可能是44Ms.)
X = 0-5 HCP.
1S = 6-8 HCP, no 4S.
1N = 9+ HCP, w/ H stopper.
2C = 5+D, inv+.
2D = 5+C, FG.
2H = 5+S, inv+.
2S = 9+ HCP, no/poor H stopper.
2N = 5-7 HCP, 5+S + 5+D.
3C = 6+D, ST.
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※ 編輯: evileyes ( 臺灣), 07/10/2022 09:15:50
07/14 19:10, , 1F
07/14 19:10, 1F
07/14 19:11, , 2F
07/14 19:11, 2F
07/17 20:16, , 3F
07/17 20:16, 3F
07/17 20:17, , 4F
07/17 20:17, 4F
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