[情報] 國際服例行維修公告

看板TreeofSavior (救世者之樹 - Tree of Savior)作者 (SoakingWet)時間9年前 (2015/11/03 12:13), 9年前編輯推噓23(23013)
留言36則, 22人參與, 最新討論串1/1
https://forum.treeofsavior.com/t/regular-maintenance-notice-nov-03/98036 Hello. We are IMCGAMES TOS Team. We will be performing Server Maintenance from 01:00 EST to 05:00 EST. Game Service will be unavailable for approximately 4 hour. 我們會在(台灣時間)下午兩點至六點進行例行維修,為時大約四小時 The following has been changed/fixed : 下列各點為更新/修正事項 The attributes have been changed as follows. 職業特性更動 Keel Hauling: Fixed the error where the enhancement attributes were not applied. KeelHauling:修正強化的屬性沒有正確發動的錯誤 Life Line: Residual DEF -> Changed to the increase in Life Line neutralization. Life Line:改為提升共享的能力值 Arcane Energy: On Additional Damages Attribute, additional SP consumption has decreased. Arcane Energy:額外消耗的SP量降低。 The problem where the item skill animation was keep displaying when you holding onto C key was fixed. 修正按著C鍵時造成物品技能動畫不斷施放的錯誤 The problem where the monster didn’t appear during the cut scene of “ The Attacked Historian” quest has been fixed. 修正在"The Attacked Historian"的任務動畫中未顯示的怪物 While doing some quests, the problem where the portrait of Fedimian Item Merchant was not displayed properly was fixed. 修正部分任務中Fedimian Item Merchant的頭像未正確顯示的錯誤。 Some of Archer skills’ tooltips have been changed to “Missiles”. 部分弓箭手的技能敘述改為"投射物" The effects of Steady Aim have been changed to be applied to only the skills that have Missile property. Steady Aim的效果改為只對具有投射物性質的技能有效 When dealing the damages that have Earth property after using Hexing on monsters, the problem where the monsters become petrified has been fixed. 修正在怪物身上施放Hexing後使用地屬性攻擊造成怪物被石化的問題 The problem which the limit on skill usages got reset when changing the map after using the skills that have usage limits was fixed. 切換地圖後技能的使用次數立即重置的問題被修正了(哭哭) Monster Gems were newly added. 增加了怪物彈..(咳) 怪物寶石。 The Team Name of the other party will now be displayed when doing a trade. (trade request and trade window) 交易時會在請求視窗跟交易視窗會顯示對方的隊伍名稱(應該就是小屋名字啦) ※ When you modify any of the files in the client, the game will not be executed. If any of the files were modified, please reinstall the client. 大賀!!!!!如果客戶端有檔案被改動將會無法執行遊戲,若有改動檔案者 需重新安裝遊戲。 這應該是針對外掛的,語言包我就不確定了... Skills were changed as follows. 以下技能修正 After casting Warcry, the time which your character stays stiffen was adjusted. 施放戰吼後的僵直時間修正 Attributes were changed as follows. The problem of wrong prices on certain attributes was fixed. 修正下列特質的價格顯示錯誤 Mulinet: Critical Skull Swing: Jump Disabled High Guard: Increase in DEF Summon Servant: Faster casting Additional consumption amounts were adjusted. Jolly Roger: Unity Summon Servant: Faster casting After using Steady Aim, the problem which the amount of Damages increased when receiving continuous damages has been fixed. 施放Steady Aim會連帶增強持續傷害的問題被修掉惹 Dispeller and Prophecy are now working properly. Dispeller 跟 Prophecy現在會正常運作了 Adjusted the difficulty of ‘Get rid of betrayer (4)’ quest 修正Get rid of betrayer (4)的任務難度。 Fixed the problem of receiving reduced damages after using Makandal has been fixed. 使用Makandal後會獲得減傷的效果被修正惹 Removed some recipes for certain ingredients from Equipment Shop. 從商店中移除部粉材料的配方 When opening a Spell Shop, a message will be displayed if the seller has no ingredient items. 開設技能商店時,增加訊息顯示提醒賣家材料不夠囉 Fixed the error where the skill was displayed as used even if a player didn’t use Change Skill . 修正玩家就算沒有使用Change Skill也會顯示技能已經使用的錯誤。 Item Awakening Skill can be only entered by party members such as Alchemist. 煉金術士的技能Item Awakening Skill開的門將只有隊伍成員能進入 When the frames go below 30 FPS when running the game with a PC that has low specs or auto-adjustment, the problem where the texts for Critical and Overkill were not displayed was fixed. 修正當FPS降至30以下或是以低規格執行或是使用自動調整時致命一擊跟過量擊殺 的顯示錯誤。 It is intended that the texts for additional damages or synastries are not displayed. 額外傷害跟附加傷害沒有顯示出來是正常的 Fixed the error which the buffs for Sicel Bracelet and Wizard Slayer were not activated. 修正Sicel Bracelet跟Wizard Slayer提供的增益沒有正確啟動的錯誤。 Fixed the problem of the effects of Restrain or Venom remaining when the skill of continuous damages remain after the monster that inflicted the skill on your character. 修正Restrain 或 Venom的效果受到怪物施放的其他持續傷害影響的錯誤 The way of applying Hexing Debuff has been changed. Now, the use of Effigy will be applied on the Hexing that is applied by another character. (However, there is a problem with the additional damages when dealing Effigy 3 times. We are fixing it at the moment. 附加詛咒的方式改變,釘草人將能施放在其他玩家施放的詛咒目標上了 (但在使用三次的額外增傷上仍有問題,我們正在修正。) Underwent optimization process for the game. 遊戲的最佳化持續進行中 Party quests have been added. Party Quests can be received from NPC, Receptionist Liam at the Mercenary Reception Office. 新增團隊任務!可以跟在Mercenary Reception Office中的接待員Liam承接。 Sorcerer’s summon of Deadly Devil The problem that it was misapplied as Physical Damage was fixed. The problem of Enhancement Attribute not working properly has been fixed. The amount of damages was adjusted. 修正巫師的召喚Deadly Devil 造成的傷害誤植為物理傷害已經被修正咧 附加的屬性未正常運作也已經被修正哩 傷害量也被調整囉 Fixed typos of tooltips of some items. Changed tooltips of some items. 修正部分物品的錯字跟敘述。 The amount of Provoke application rate from Swash Buckling has been increased. 擊打盾牌的嘲諷怪物數量提升了。 Changed the amount of skill level that can be increased with a Monster Gem to Max +1. 修正怪物寶石提供的技能等級數量上限+1 When clearing Item Awakening Dungeon, the problem which your character was not able to move outside the dungeon was fixed. 當完成道具覺醒地城時角色無法離開地城的錯誤被修正囉 Fixed the problem which the HP potion recovery amount doesn’t get influenced by Stamina was fixed. 修正HP藥水的恢復量沒有受到耐力的影響的問題(欸欸?原來會影響!?) The portraits of some NPCs were added. 增加了部分NPC的頭像。 When you remove the Gem from the first slot, the problem of not applying the stats of the Gem on the second slot has been fixed. 修正當移除第一個寶石時會造成第二顆寶石失效的錯誤。 The problem of the dialogues of Gorde Shatton at Shatton Resorvoir District not applied properly was fixed. 修正位於 Shatton Resorvoir District 的Gorde Shattonk的對話顯示錯誤 Enhanced Loading Speed. 改善讀取速度 Thank you for your patience. -- 身嬌腰柔易推倒,語柔髮香音繚繞, 齒白膚細目光瑤,裙短腿長緞帶飄, 絕對領域不可少,女僕喵耳配傲嬌, 童顏巨乳是外道,蘿莉還是貧乳好。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TreeofSavior/M.1446524038.A.875.html

11/03 12:17, , 1F
11/03 12:17, 1F

11/03 12:24, , 2F
11/03 12:24, 2F
※ 編輯: ailanous (, 11/03/2015 12:24:48

11/03 12:31, , 3F
11/03 12:31, 3F
※ 編輯: ailanous (, 11/03/2015 12:32:25

11/03 12:33, , 4F
應該是臨時維修了 有點蠢 為什麼不等晚點一起修咧
11/03 12:33, 4F
※ 編輯: ailanous (, 11/03/2015 12:34:11

11/03 12:55, , 5F
11/03 12:55, 5F

11/03 14:02, , 6F
.......現在是人家凌晨 維修很正常阿XD
11/03 14:02, 6F

11/03 14:07, , 7F
我的意思是 要定期了 為什麼要在定期前兩小時開臨時
11/03 14:07, 7F

11/03 14:08, , 8F
女神薩勒的防護罩bug 怎不快改掉 卡任務啦!
11/03 14:08, 8F

11/03 14:11, , 9F
因為聊天和交易頻很重要吧!? 如果能早點修比較好 好友就
11/03 14:11, 9F

11/03 14:11, , 10F
11/03 14:11, 10F

11/03 14:32, , 11F
這次修這麼多東西 提早個2小時不為過吧
11/03 14:32, 11F

11/03 14:54, , 12F
疑 我看定期是1400~1800 怎一堆人說 臨時維修..
11/03 14:54, 12F

11/03 14:56, , 13F
這次的一些修正是韓版10/30的更新 看來幾乎是同步了
11/03 14:56, 13F

11/03 14:58, , 14F
社交系統部份呢QQ 公會跟好友QAQ
11/03 14:58, 14F

11/03 15:02, , 15F
11/03 15:02, 15F

11/03 15:11, , 16F
11/03 15:11, 16F

11/03 15:42, , 17F
11/03 15:42, 17F

11/03 15:50, , 18F
從沒一款mmorpg沒公會的= =
11/03 15:50, 18F

11/03 16:04, , 19F
不奢求公會 拜託密頻跟好友先好..不然老外ID有夠難記
11/03 16:04, 19F

11/03 16:05, , 20F
呃 我的意思是CBT期間不推出啦 抱歉沒說清楚..XD
11/03 16:05, 20F

11/03 16:36, , 21F
11/03 16:36, 21F

11/03 16:37, , 22F
11/03 16:37, 22F

11/03 16:45, , 23F
好友系統勒 T_T
11/03 16:45, 23F

11/03 16:47, , 24F
11/03 16:47, 24F

11/03 16:49, , 25F
11/03 16:49, 25F

11/03 16:50, , 26F
是可以改 不過我找不到像普攻那樣按著連發的方法
11/03 16:50, 26F

11/03 16:50, , 27F
11/03 16:50, 27F

11/03 16:58, , 28F
改熱鍵在測試階段了 過陣子就會套用 國際版會更晚XD
11/03 16:58, 28F

11/03 17:36, , 29F
11/03 17:36, 29F

11/03 18:03, , 30F
開機了 配方跟裝備丟商店的價錢超級大砍...
11/03 18:03, 30F

11/03 18:07, , 31F
11/03 18:07, 31F

11/03 18:07, , 32F
11/03 18:07, 32F

11/03 18:24, , 33F
11/03 18:24, 33F

11/03 18:34, , 34F
11/03 18:34, 34F

11/03 21:40, , 35F
聖殿騎士公會 現在是要針對刺客了嗎(X
11/03 21:40, 35F

11/03 21:52, , 36F
11/03 21:52, 36F
文章代碼(AID): #1ME3I6Xr (TreeofSavior)
文章代碼(AID): #1ME3I6Xr (TreeofSavior)