[閒聊] Duelyst-Codex翻譯 (24) 星之行者的計策

看板Steam (線上遊戲平台)作者 (Pham)時間7年前 (2016/12/04 15:34), 7年前編輯推噓2(202)
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網頁好讀版:https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1480836888.A.7BC.html steam免費下載:http://store.steampowered.com/app/291410/ http://imgur.com/iC63ywG
-------------------------------------- 第二十四章 星之行者的計策(Starstrider's Final Gambit) 紀元 22,916 AE年 -------------------------------------- 'Nothing is more dangerous to those who are thirsty than the mirage of water in the desert.' -Ziros Starstrider 「在沙漠中對口渴的人來說,最危險的事情就是被水源的海市蜃樓所迷惑。」 -Ziros Starstrider Ziros suspected that what Rasha really sought was the location of the Star Crystal fields hidden in the Aymara Canyons. Inspired by the blinding desert sun, Ziros devised a bold ploy to lure Rasha away from the crystal-rich canyons. He had his metalmancers collect every scrap of metal that was not weapon or piece of armor, and forge them into crystalline shapes, imbuing them with a luminescent shine. He formed a squad of Orb Weavers who knew the location of every water mine in the Akram Desert, and he sent them to place the real crystals at the outer western edge of the Akram Desert while replicating the fake ones atop the deeper dunes one day’s march inside it. Ziros猜測Rasha侵略的真正目的,是奪得深藏在艾瑪拉峽谷中的星之晶礦。他被沙漠中眩 目的陽光所啟發,想出了一項大膽的計策,可以將Rasha誘離滿是晶礦的峽谷。他讓隊伍 中的冶金師傅收集所有與戰鬥無關的金屬與廢品,將它們鍛造為晶礦形狀並賦予閃亮的光 澤。接著差遣一組非常了解沙漠水脈的寶珠行者,令他們將真正的水晶安插在阿克朗沙漠 的西側邊緣,再把假貨多複製幾份,置於敵人行軍一天即可到達的沙丘上。 http://imgur.com/N0LfJNE
寶珠行者(Orb Weaver),複製的能力在遊戲中可快速佔場 相似的還有1/1/2的Zyx以及5/2/3的Ash Mephyt At sunrise, three brave Scions from one of Vetruvia's oldest clans, House Volari, agreed to a sacrificial mission to lure Rasha's patrols to the edge of the Akram Desert before letting themselves be captured. The enemy patrol found the real crystals and saw the fake ones in the distance, gleaming in the morning sun. Even under Rasha's horrific torture, the captured noble Scions swore those were the Star Crystal fields. Overwhelmed with his desire for the crystals, Rasha mockingly granted each Scion a dying wish before executing them, then marched his army through the night. 當太陽升起時,有三位勇士來自維特魯歷史最悠久的名門-Volari家族,他們自願接下一 項自殺任務-將Rasha的巡邏隊誘至阿克朗沙漠邊緣並且故意被抓住。接著,敵人的巡邏 隊果真察覺了之前放置的正牌晶礦,並遠遠見到另一批假貨在晨曦中閃閃發光。而那些被 抓住的望族子弟即使在Rasha的嚴刑拷打下也始終堅持,他們所看到的正是星之晶礦的產 地。Rasha敗給了急於取得晶礦的誘惑,他在處決三名俘虜前帶有諷刺意味地給他們每人 一個臨終願望,接著就馬上開始連夜行軍 They arrived at Akram Desert, exhausted, just as the sun's first golden rays lit up the crystals, both real and fake. Rasha again ordered his men ahead without pause. They lost hundreds to the heat. By nightfall it seemed the priceless crystal fields were almost within reach. But not quite. Even through his madness, Rasha knew his men needed rest. In the cloak of night, while Rasha's exhausted army slept, Ziros' squad moved and astral phased the fake crystals another day’s march east, deeper into the Akram Desert. 當第一道晨曦落下,照亮正牌晶礦與假貨時,大軍在筋疲力盡的狀態下進入了阿克朗沙漠 。Rasha沒有一絲猶豫,再次命令他的人馬向前推進。幾百個士兵因為高溫而折損。而當 夜幕降臨時,雖然還差一點,但無價的晶礦看似就在唾手可得的距離了。不過即使Rasha 已陷入瘋狂,他也曉得自己的軍隊必須休息。在夜色的掩護下,Ziros的小隊趁著疲憊的 大軍憨睡,利用魔法將冒牌晶礦轉移到更東方,正好又是行軍一天的距離,而且更深入沙 漠。 At dawn, Rasha insisted it must be a trick of the desert sun. He ordered his men to march yet again. That day the blistering heat took thousands. By nightfall, the Crystal Fields were still just out of reach and Rasha's men were even more desperate for rest than the previous night. Once more, Ziros’ men moved the fake crystals, and in the morning, Rasha ordered his men even deeper into the desert. 清晨時,Rasha堅信是沙漠的陽光造成錯覺,並且再次展開行軍。在一天裡,磨人的高溫 又帶走數千條性命,而當夜幕再度降臨時,他們仍未到達晶礦產地,也使得Rasha的士兵 在休息時陷入了更深的絕望。同樣地,Ziros的人馬再次故技重施,隔天早上,Rasha又將 軍隊領進了沙漠的更深處。 By noon, when Ziros and his Dunecasters finally attacked, half the Aestaris were already dead; the rest driven mad with thirst. But not as mad as their Emperor, who fought on until the lifeblood of his last man drenched the sands and gave mute testimony to the Vetruvian’s vengeance. Ziros, still consumed with revenge, had his men build a monument where he fell — Rasha's Tomb — and buried Rasha and his men inside it, cursing them to burn for eternity in the scorching desert heat. 到了正午,當Ziros和他的沙丘法師們總算展開攻擊的時候,艾斯塔利亞軍早已折損了一 半,而餘下的倖存者則因口渴而陷入瘋狂。不過再怎樣也不會比他們的皇帝更瘋,Rasha 領軍奮戰,直到最後一兵一卒的血液染紅沙地,這時維特魯人才總算報了大仇。而Ziros 仍然餘怒未了,他交代自己的人馬在Rasha倒下的地方建了一座紀念碑-拉夏皇陵,將 Rasha和他的士兵葬入其中,讓他們永世在熾熱的沙漠中受苦。 http://imgur.com/DgLs0bF
沙丘法師(Dunecaster),可搭配Obelysk或許多Vetruvian法術的萬用卡 ---------------------------------------------- 總算把現有的Codex翻完啦 說起來雖然我也做過其它翻譯,不過總是三分鐘熱度,沒想到這次可以堅持到底! 接下來就期待看看下個月會不會有手機版、中文化以及新的章節囉~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1480836888.A.7BC.html ※ 編輯: Typebrook (, 12/04/2016 15:36:05

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