Re: [情報] Cataclysm : Dark Days Ahead 0.C

看板SLG (模擬遊戲)作者 (凱)時間10年前 (2015/03/12 16:22), 10年前編輯推噓21(21031)
留言52則, 11人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《s32244153 (Hir0)》之銘言: : : CDDA 0.C版發布 : 慣例的落落長changelog : 請菇大小姐大概看一下... : 新增了怪物派系 不同種類會互相攻擊!? : 新氣象系統!? : 更多可摺疊的汽車零件!? : 新的瞄準系統!? : 死亡後可以選擇是不是要繼續觀看或是直接回主標!? : 警報系統 一些建築和車子現在會上鎖 強制破壞會觸發警鈴!? : 服裝現在可以改造 縫口袋和貼皮上去 : 然後一如往常的增加大......量的新物品、新配方、新場景、新的一堆東西 不負責任翻譯,保留原文以供鞭打(?): Features: 新的特色: Infighting! Monsters now have factions assigned and will attack other monsters from opposing factions. 對抗戰!怪物現在有分派系,還會攻擊彼此敵對的派系。 Meteorology! Featuring all-new thermometer, barometer, and hygrom eter, as well as an all-inclusive weather station. 氣象學!現在有溫度計、氣壓計、溼度計,就像一個包羅萬象的氣象站。 Now we can finally talk about the weather, as we've always wanted. (disclaimer, you can't chat about the weather with NPCs) 我們終於可以聊「天」了(指談論天氣),正如我們一直想要的(但是仍無法和NPC聊天 氣) You can warm yourself up from a nearby fire. 你可以藉由附近的火堆來溫暖自己。 Change car batteries without any tools, truck batteries with just a wrench, or install swappable storage battery cases and add/remove storage batteries to your heart's content. Electric cars come with cases for their storage batteries by default now. 更換一般車輛的電池不需要使用工具了,更換卡車電池也只需要一支版手。你 還可以安裝支援熱拔插的電池外殼,讓你可以隨意 的增加/減少電池。另外,電動車的電池預設裝有電池外殼。 Many vehicle parts are now foldable, enabling you to have a more complete folding bicycle (or wheelchair). 現在許多車輛零件是可以折疊的,讓你可以把折疊腳踏車或輪椅 折疊的更小。 Aiming! You can now spend time when aiming a ranged weapon to improve your accuracy with it. 新的瞄準系統!使用遠程武器時,可以選擇瞄準更久,以提昇你 的精準度。 The patented DeathCam™! You can now watch what happens after your epic death: is anything left of you after that massive fire burns itself out? 獨家專利「死亡鏡頭」!在你死亡後你可以繼續看會發生什麼事, 在你被那場大火燒光光後會剩下什麼? Rifle straps! Mount one on your gun and just wear it when you're not using it. 槍背帶!安裝在槍上,當你不使用的時候可以把槍背在身上。 Some cars have alarms now, and you can try to bypass the alarm and unlock the controls. 有一些車會有警報器,你可以嘗試不觸發警報器的把車子解鎖。 Better interactions with worn items, such as auto-retrieving stowed items from them. 現在和壞掉的物品可以有更好互動,例如自動取出壞掉物品內部 所存放的東西。 Toggle modes for each vehicle turret individually. 現在你可以對車輛上特定的槍塔進行設定(設定是否連發等等)。 Manual fire turrets. 現在有可以手動操作的槍塔。 Cameras mountable on vehicles to extend view area. 可以在車上裝照相機,讓你的探索區域更大。 New drive-by-wireless system for cars, remote-control full-sized cars! 新的無線操縱車輛系統,遠端遙控各種尺寸的車輛! Clothing modifications (padding and reinforcing). 新的衣物修改設定(可以在衣服上縫上口袋、貼皮) Content: 新的遊戲內容: An abandoned farmhouse may spawn in the forest from time to time, with a sad story behind it. 隨著時間經過,森林中可能會出現一個廢棄的農場,這個農場背 後還有個悲傷的故事。 Tanning with trees! Blackjack oaks now spawn, and can provide tanbark. 可以用樹皮作為原料來鞣製皮革!現在遊戲中會出現「馬里蘭櫟」, 可以提供鞣料樹皮(樹皮富含單寧酸,可以用來鞣製皮革)。 Electric chainsaws and jackhammers now exist in the world. 使用電力驅動的鏈鋸、手提鑽岩機現在會在世界上生成。 Destructible bridges! They can be smashed, they have sidewalks, and are a source of rebar. 可以摧毀的橋!橋上面有人行道,可以被砸毀,砸毀之後可以提供鋼筋。 Straw! Get it from the hay in farm barns and make yourself a nice straw hat. 稻草!可以在農場的穀倉中找到稻草堆,從裡面找出稻草為自己做 頂漂亮的草帽。 Battery mods (extended battery, rechargeable battery, etc.) can now be removed by applying a screwdriver. 電池模組(例如加強電量模組、充電電池模組)可以用螺絲起子拆下。 Wool and felt are now usable materials. 羊毛和毛料現在可以作為原料使用。 Lots of clay and pottery recipes/items. 一大堆的陶、瓷製品配方/物品。 Diesel fuel/engines/pumps. 柴油燃料/引擎/幫浦。 Lots of comestibles and recipes for them. 新增一堆食物和食譜。 Buildable concrete and brick walls and roofs. 可以建造混凝土或磚造牆、屋頂。 Flu shot that actually innoculates against flu. 流感疫苗現在可以確實的對抗流感。 Metal tank furniture similar to a keg, but easier to make. 金屬水槽和鋁捅很像,但是比較容易製作。 Lots of new clothes and recipes for them. 一堆新的衣服和製作配方。 Large amounts of chemical and metalurgy additions, lots of bombs and rockets. 新增大量的化學、冶金要素,一堆炸彈和火箭。 Interior lights for vehicles. 新增車內光源。 Fire engine, with a water cannon! 新增消防車,上面裝了一隻水槍! Occasional mineral drops when tunneling (limestone so far). 挖掘隧道時偶爾會有礦物掉落(目前只有石灰岩) Zombie technician gained a disarm attack. 殭屍技師現在擁有「解除武裝」的攻擊技能。(註:去去武器走) Student professions. 新增「學生」職業。 Generic spiritualist content. (看不懂) Craftable canned food and recipes. 現在可以製作罐頭,並且新增一些配方。 More farming content and recipes to make use of them. 現在有更多的農耕選項,還有更多農業相關配方。 Even more houses! 更多的房子。 Interface: 更新界面: Butchering can now be used to cut up items, too. Also, you can now salvage _all_ the things (in a tile) in one keypress. 「屠宰」(預設按鍵B)功能現在也可以拿來「切割」放在地上 的東西,另外你現在一鍵撿取同一格內的所有物品。 Item descriptions now tell you what you know you can craft with them. No more wondering what those stupid copper tubes are good for. 物品的描述欄位中可以看到你可以用該物品製作什麼,不用再 猜那個三小銅管可以幹嘛了。 You can now choose to ensure that items you pick up never get wielded, keeping your hands free -- useful when you want to be using a martial arts style that's primarily unarmed. 你現在可以設定永遠不要手持你所撿起來的東西,這樣子 可以讓你的雙手永遠空出來,這對於空手才能施展的武術相當有用。 Foraging just... happens. Without prompting you (Y/N?) every (Y/N?) time. 現在對作物點e就直接採集,不再跳出視窗問你要不要採集。 You can now choose to re-roll a random scenario along with your other random character generation things. (看不懂) New item action menu, trigger items without rooting around in your inventory! 新的物品檢索系統,找物品不再那麼麻煩了。 Option to merge all cash card charges into one card at an ATM. ATM中新增一個「把所有現金卡中的錢通通轉存到某一張現金卡」的功能。 Laser-dot targeting now triggers safe mode. 敵人使用雷射紅點瞄準你的時候,會觸發安全模式。 (註:例如鳥足機器人) Streamlined vehicle construction menu by adding a shape select menu to parts that have multiple symbols. 建造車輛時,有更多種的符號來代表特定的部位,以後你的車子可以看起來更加的流線。 Added tabs to vehicle construction menu to help manage all the parts. 建造車輛時新增一個欄位,方便你管理車輛的所有零件。 Sound symbols persist until the end of the player turn, and can be examinedfor a description. 「聲音」的符號(預設是”?”)在玩家可以動的時候(輪到玩家的 回合時)仍然會顯示,而且可以用"x"來檢視相關的訊息。 Warning prompt about activated items when sleeping or waiting. 身上如果有已經啟動的裝置(例如mp3、手電筒),系統會在你 嘗試睡覺、等待時警告你。 Item names now have HP bars displayed with them. 現在物品的名字前面會有血條,表示該物品的損壞情形。 Add V-menu (nearby items/monsters) to peek command. 現在使用peek(窺視)時也可以按”V”來檢視附近的物品/怪物。 Add filters to advanced inventory. 按/使用進階物品管理功能時,也可以使用「字串過濾」的功能了。 Balance: 平衡性調整 Gun mods aren't just a free-for-all when reaching marksmanship level 1 anymore -- instead, they each have different skill requirements to install. 現在安裝槍枝模組需要相對應的「射擊」技能(以前是射擊技能到1 就可以安裝所有的槍枝模組)。 Canes, cudgels, and umbrellas now work as improvised fencing weapons. 手杖、木杖和雨傘現在可以作為穿刺武器使用。 Gunstores are all locked up. 槍店現在會上鎖。 Muscle-powered engines can run alternators now. 人力引擎可以為交流發電機充電。 Muscle-powered engines cause thirst, hunger and fatigue. 使用人力引擎時會造成你口渴、飢餓、疲勞。 Split out more layering locations and layers, but made layering penalties harsher. 衣物現在可以穿更多層,但累贅造成的懲罰也更嚴重。 Nerfed shrapnel from bombs in general, they are MUCH less effective against armored enemies. 減少炸彈的彈片傷害,他們現在對於有裝甲的敵人傷害力降低許多。 Monsters with many weapons semi-intelligently choose which ones to use. 某些配備多種武器的怪物,會選擇其中一種使用。 Tuned skilling progression for making archery items to allow bootstrapping. 調整製作弓箭相關物品所需要的技能,讓你朝向弓術大師前進時更無 阻礙。 Unfletched arrows no longer count as ammunition so they don't clutter your firing menu. 沒有裝上箭羽的箭桿不算是彈藥,所以射擊時不會出現在彈藥選擇選單內。 Some monsters have a small amount of nightvision, Now you will learn why you fear the night. 有一些怪物會有些許夜視能力,所以你最好開始恐懼夜晚。 Enabled trading with starting NPC at game start. 現在可以跟遊戲剛開始出現的npc交易。 Slowed tankbots down so you have a chance of running away from them. 無人駕駛坦克速度被減慢了,所以你現在有機會逃離他。 Zombie master special now picks from every zombie, not just a small list. 現在各種殭屍中都有可能出現殭屍王(?)。 Bugfixes: 修復一些漏洞 Doors and windows no longer hold up the roof! Hopefully preventing collapses from zombies breaking into your shop. 門、窗戶不再能夠支撐屋頂,希望怪物闖進你家時不會造成崩塌。 Solar panels now _just work_ (as long as they're above-ground and it's sunny). 太陽能板現在可以正常運作了(只要不是在地下而且天氣是豔陽) Fixed dark temple finale by enhancing the dark wyrms that it spawns. (看不懂) Fix slow vehicles getting stuck in reverse. 速度慢時,車子倒車時不再會卡住。 Fixed free blocks when player had no block techniques. (看不懂) Make effects that damage all player bodyparts use the same armor code as other attacks. (看不懂) Scale damage to armor based on its coverage so e.g. power armor isn't ridiculously vulnerable to acid. 根據裝甲的覆蓋度調整防護值,例如動力裝甲不會像以往那麼容易被酸液腐蝕。 Fatigue can no longer go so negative that you don't need to sleep for days. 疲勞的累積程度被降低了,所以疲勞時不再需要睡好幾天才能回復。 Unify vehicle fuel handling. 統一幫車輛加油的方式。 Game remembers which mutations you had activated. 遊戲現在會記得你已經啟動的突變。(?) Fixed turrets shooting through doors. 槍塔射出的彈藥現在無法直接穿越門。 Fixed bug that was making gun recoil be too low. 修復某些槍枝後座力太弱的漏洞。 Fixed bashing corpses with blunt objects. 修復用鈍器砸爛屍體時的漏洞。 Performance: 改進遊戲表現 MASSIVE improvement in performance when there are large numbers (thousands) of items nearby. 大幅提昇玩家周圍有大量(上千)物品時的遊戲效能。 Added a clustering algorithm for monster hearing that improves performance when there are many (thousands) of monsters on-map and making noises. 改善附近有很多(上千)的怪物在地圖上製造噪音時的遊戲效能。 Iterate across map structures in cache-friendly way. (看不懂) Avoid saving/loading sections of map that aren't interesting (like solid rock). 避免存取不重要的地圖區域。 (下略) Infrastructure: Diseases are configurable from JSON and applied as relatively generic status effects. Pedal/wheelchairs/paddles united as a "fuel type". About half of the item types are now composable, for example you can easily make a "wearable gun", or "wearable tool" now. Overhaul and simplification of map data handling. Simplification of gun and gunmod handling. Restored building under MSVC. Build performance improvements via removing unecessary includes. Simplify handling of vehicle coordinates. Visibility checking API cleanup. Unified filesystem API. Extracted activity handlers from game.cpp Sound processing moved to a dedicated module. (in-game hearing, not the game making sound) Moved some shared logic from player to character. Streamlined obsolete mod handling. -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

03/12 16:54, , 1F
03/12 16:54, 1F

03/12 19:09, , 2F
03/12 19:09, 2F

03/12 19:10, , 3F
Zombie technician gained a disarm attack.
03/12 19:10, 3F

03/12 19:11, , 4F
03/12 19:11, 4F

03/12 19:11, , 5F
03/12 19:11, 5F

03/12 19:58, , 6F
03/12 19:58, 6F
※ 編輯: yl870426 (, 03/12/2015 20:00:28

03/13 20:32, , 7F
03/13 20:32, 7F

03/16 10:51, , 8F
03/16 10:51, 8F

03/16 18:05, , 9F
03/16 18:05, 9F

03/16 18:39, , 10F
操作玩個一下午就熟了 真正有用得也就那幾個
03/16 18:39, 10F

03/16 18:39, , 11F
03/16 18:39, 11F

03/16 18:40, , 12F
03/16 18:40, 12F

03/16 19:08, , 13F
這遊戲的指令算少了 不像矮人....須要有超級腦袋來腦補
03/16 19:08, 13F

03/16 19:09, , 14F
麻煩只在於後期東西多了....很難分類 很難找 = =
03/16 19:09, 14F

03/17 03:54, , 15F
03/17 03:54, 15F

03/17 23:40, , 16F
03/17 23:40, 16F

03/17 23:41, , 17F
當初只看實況 根本搞不懂這在玩啥 還好後來自己下來玩
03/17 23:41, 17F

03/19 12:32, , 18F
因為好多要靠腦補 要靠實況大說明 讓看的人好理解他想做
03/19 12:32, 18F

03/19 12:32, , 19F
03/19 12:32, 19F

03/19 16:32, , 20F
03/19 16:32, 20F

03/19 16:32, , 21F
03/19 16:32, 21F

03/19 16:32, , 22F
03/19 16:32, 22F

03/19 16:32, , 23F
03/19 16:32, 23F

03/19 17:01, , 24F
03/19 17:01, 24F

03/19 17:09, , 25F
03/19 17:09, 25F

03/19 18:15, , 26F
現在有這麼可怕的怪阿 囧 (我都偷偷開點數比較好開局)
03/19 18:15, 26F

03/19 18:47, , 27F
現在lmoe開局比0.B簡單一點點,開局撿塊石頭做rock in a
03/19 18:47, 27F

03/19 18:48, , 28F
sock做到 fabr+1, 撿樹枝削竹籤做木針, 然後進地下基地
03/19 18:48, 28F

03/19 18:49, , 29F
拆床, 四格床拆掉三格可以拿到三百塊左右 rag, 一次就可
03/19 18:49, 29F

03/19 18:50, , 30F
以練裁縫到2~3, 做衣物解決保溫和容量問題...第二天再拿
03/19 18:50, 30F

03/19 18:52, , 31F
槍去樹林里獵狼獵蜘蛛撿橡實, 或者進城找書念
03/19 18:52, 31F

03/19 20:54, , 32F
03/19 20:54, 32F

03/19 20:54, , 33F
只要有穩定的水 開局就一定成功XD
03/19 20:54, 33F

03/20 07:56, , 34F
03/20 07:56, 34F

03/20 07:56, , 35F
03/20 07:56, 35F

03/20 09:03, , 36F
目前生存不是問題 差在能製作交通工具的東西做不出來(找
03/20 09:03, 36F

03/20 09:03, , 37F
03/20 09:03, 37F

03/20 09:05, , 38F
另外就是 為什麼我抓0.C版一下來就是繁中 但沒有全部完
03/20 09:05, 38F

03/20 09:05, , 39F
03/20 09:05, 39F

03/20 12:36, , 40F
因為還在翻譯阿 上面XAP大那篇也有說明
03/20 12:36, 40F

03/20 13:27, , 41F
03/20 13:27, 41F

03/20 13:28, , 42F
03/20 13:28, 42F

03/20 17:13, , 43F
我意思是 我是官網抓新的0.C版 就有翻譯了XD 覺得神奇
03/20 17:13, 43F

03/20 17:14, , 44F
也再次對翻譯組的各位大大 說聲辛苦了!! \(OoO)/
03/20 17:14, 44F

03/20 17:37, , 45F
03/20 17:37, 45F

03/20 23:44, , 46F
03/20 23:44, 46F

03/21 12:09, , 47F
03/21 12:09, 47F

03/21 20:25, , 48F
報紙硬?? 囧 我的肉源好短缺 抓動物都抓不到
03/21 20:25, 48F

03/23 00:59, , 49F
缺食物去探草吧 煎蛋配草藥茶
03/23 00:59, 49F

03/23 01:51, , 50F
03/23 01:51, 50F

03/26 08:26, , 51F
03/26 08:26, 51F

03/26 08:26, , 52F
03/26 08:26, 52F
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