Re: [心得] T500rs方向盤不舉 硬體校正鄉民偏方

看板PlayStation (Play Station - PS)作者 (i386 cpu)時間10年前 (2014/04/20 13:30), 8年前編輯推噓4(404)
留言8則, 5人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
這個是我老婆為了要給我一個驚喜,透過代購在Amazon上面購買的. 沒想到插上PS3後,方向盤會一直在校正不會停. 首先要去http://ts.thrustmaster.com網站上註冊帳號, 然後在Email support中提交自己的問題. 名字和一些個人相關資料有做修改, 從提問題到最後收到PCB,印象中是一個 星期.原廠回信的速度很快. 第一封信 Hi Thrustmaster: I bought the T500RS on Amazon few days ago and used it on PlayStation 3. I got the same calibration problem as this video (
). Sometimes when I connect the wheel to PlayStation 3,the wheel will stay stuck in calibration mode. How should I do now? I can record my wheel situation in a video later. Best Regards. i386. 之後系統會自動回覆一封信件,裡面有此問題的track number. 第一封信原廠回信: CUSTOMER SERVICE ANSWER Reference: [362XXX-134024XXXX] ______________________________________________________ Dear Mr. i386, Regarding your T500 RS. We recommend you to download and install the latest drivers from our support page. Before proceeding with the installation of the new drivers, please make sure to uninstall the drivers you have already installed on your computer. Please make sure to follow all the instructions: cid=15 After installing the drivers, please find in the link below the instructions to also flash the latest firmware in your wheel: /T500RS_V38_Firmware_Update.pdf Even though you are using the wheel on a PS3, the firmware update can only be done on a PC. Consequently, the latest firmware will remain written on the PCB of the wheel. Furthermore, we recommend you to make sure to update your PlayStaion 3 and also to install the latest patch for the Gran Turismo 5 game and also update the other games you are playing. You will need an internet connection on your PS3. Also, we would like to recommend you to make sure to directly connect the wheel to the rear USB port of your PC and not use any USB hubs, powered or not. Furthermore, please make sure to directly connect the power adapter to a wall power outlet and not a power slip. Also, if the problem still persists, please unplug the wheel from your PC, turn the wheel all the way to the left until it reaches its mechanical end and connect the wheel back to the rear USB port of your PC in order to check if it will properly calibrate. We would like to ask you to also include the following information in your reply: - Serial number of wheel; - Version (V1/2/3/4/5) of the wheel - you can find the version of the wheel on the sticker which is placed on the back side of the wheel's basis; We are looking forward to your answer. Thrustmaster Technical Support is at your disposal for any other information you may need. You can reach us online at the following addresses: for the latest updates and FAQs or by telephone at one of the numbers listed on the following page: Kind regards, Your Thrustmaster Technical Support Agent, Robert 第二封信: Dear Thrustmaster Technical Support: Version : V2 Serial number of wheel : 530TXXXB00XXXX I updated T500RS firmware V38 from PC and my PlayStation 3 firmware version is 4.11, Gran Turismo 5 version is 2.07. I don't use any USB hubs. Following video is my situation that connect to PlayStation 3. --自己的t500rs影片的連結-- Sometimes wheel turn left to the end and connect the wheel back to PlayStation 3 USB or PC USB that it will calibrate successful, but usually not. If calibrate pass that wheel working no problem in the game. Another question, I live in Taiwan, Do you support repairing in Taiwan or another way? 第二封信原廠回信 Dear Mr. i386, Regarding your T500 RS. Thank you for the video recording you have sent to us. Herewith we would like to inform you that we can either send you a new PCB for your wheel which you will then have to replace or we you can have the wheel exchanged at your retailer based on the 2 years warranty. Please note that you will need a soldering iron and some soldering knowledge in order to replace the PCB of the wheel. 第三封信: Dear Thrustmaster Technical Support: I got it. Please send PCB to me. Following is my address. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX <- 英文地址 Do you have any picture or document that tell me which PCB need be replaced? Best Regards. i386. 第三封信原廠回信: Dear Mr. i386, Regarding your T500 RS. Thank you for your reply. In order to place the order for the new PCB of your wheel we would like to ask you to send us a photo or scan of the proof of purchase in the attachment of the Email. Furthermore, we would like to inform you that you will also receive printed instructions on how to replace the PCB of the wheel when receiving the part. 第四封信: 這封信的內容是附上在Amazon上面購買的證明. 第四封信原廠回信: Dear Mr. i386, Regarding your T500 RS. Thank you for the information you have sent us. We would like to inform you that the order for the new PCB of your wheel was placed and that it will be shortly shipped to your confirmed address. Should you have further inquiries please have the following reference number ready: 2012062XXXXX. Furthermore, we would like to inform you that you will also receive printed instructions for replacing the PCB. We rest at your disposal for any further inquiries. 後面的幾封信就只是確認收件地址而已.. 大致就這樣,2012年6月左右的事情...PCB版的更換不難,7個焊點解焊就可以把原來的 電路板換下來, 焊點很大...不過小弟我還是拿給公司的人幫忙弄.. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: i386 (, 04/20/2014 13:34:35

04/20 13:57, , 1F
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我把右邊的撥檔片撥斷了囧... 也想試著詢問原廠
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04/21 02:15, , 5F
真好... 可惜我英文苦手!!!
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現在買電子產品 還要原廠寄零件來自己維修 囧...
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※ 編輯: i386 (, 09/10/2016 21:43:34
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