[情報] Contenders Content and In-Game Skins

看板OverWatch (鬥陣特攻)作者時間3年前 (2020/10/27 10:06), 編輯推噓1(102)
留言3則, 2人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/5 (看更多)
Enjoy Contenders Content and Get In-Game Skins 原網址 https://overwatchleague.com/en-us/news/watch-contenders-and-get-in-game-skins?utm_source=owc-site 短網址 https://0rz.tw/Yrgnp 前陣子玩 ow 收到原氏新skin 然後有引導到這網站 只要有觀賞10月直播達7hr會拿到新的skin(辛梅塔) 滿14hr會拿到新的skin(慈悲) You will automatically receive a set of Contenders home and away Symmetra skins in your Battle.net account after enjoying 7 hours of live Contenders content. When you reach 15 hours you will automatically receive a set of Contenders home and away Mercy skins. Your hours will reset at the end of the month, so log in now to support Overwatch Contenders! 請問最近有直播嗎? 還是我錯過了甚麼? 或是我弄錯了他的skins取得方式O_Q? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/OverWatch/M.1603764382.A.797.html

10/27 10:35, 3年前 , 1F
10/27 10:35, 1F

10/27 10:36, 3年前 , 2F
10/27 10:36, 2F

10/28 23:27, 3年前 , 3F
10/28 23:27, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1Vbu2UUN (OverWatch)
文章代碼(AID): #1Vbu2UUN (OverWatch)