Re: [閒聊] 2k11 搖桿

看板NBALive (NBA Live - 勁爆美國職籃)作者 (The one)時間14年前 (2010/10/23 22:06), 編輯推噓4(400)
留言4則, 4人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
前四個應該是看個人 PS2搖桿 這是我的設定 快教我轉身 = = Offense A Pass X Botton 3 B   Fake Pass □  Botton 4 C Hopstep ○ Botton 1 D Shoot △ Botton 2 LF2 Position Plays Botton 5 RF2 Icon Pass Botton 6 LF1 Clutch Botton 7 RF1 Sprint Botton 8 左蘑菇投控制球員上下左右 LS Move Player UP AXIS Y Nagative LS Move Player Down AXIS Y Postive LS Move Player Left AXIS X Nagative LS Move Player Right AXIS X Postive 右蘑菇頭,這個好難用,我只有在Low Pose偶而用到 用到就射了,沒辦法控制力道,射不準 RS Shot Stick Up AXIS RZ Nagavite RS Shot Stick Down AXIS RZ Postive RS Shot Stick Left AXIS Z Nagavite RS Shot Stick Right AXIS Z Postive Select Timeout Botton 10 Start Pause Botton 9 十字的上下左右 On the Fly Coaching POV0 Up On the Fly Coaching POV0 Down On the Fly Coaching POV0 Left On the Fly Coaching POV0 Right 如果先站著不動運球,按LF1 + 左蘑菇 左右跟下 都可以crossover跟背後運球 但沒辦法很順 但我還是沒辦法轉身,好奇怪,誰來教教我 -- hey dude , it's awesome !! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

10/23 22:17, , 1F
10/23 22:17, 1F

10/24 10:15, , 2F
往前衝 + jump 會轉身 可是過人效果.....= ="
10/24 10:15, 2F

10/24 14:03, , 3F
這種轉身好像一定會停下 跟RS的效果應該不一樣
10/24 14:03, 3F

10/24 15:17, , 4F
10/24 15:17, 4F
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