Re: [建議]請不要拿IP威脅我 以及到我網至亂留言 謝謝

看板Inference (推理遊戲)作者 (lorilara)時間16年前 (2008/04/19 09:49), 編輯推噓1(323)
留言8則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《asd5111 (5111)》之銘言: : 我建議大家去玩yam天空的樂番薯的忍豆風雲2 : 先搜尋yam天空,再按小番薯 : ,再按樂番薯,一定要按忍豆風雲2喔 : 比較好玩! : 不會當機! : 要註冊,登入! : 不是線上遊戲啊! : 真的要註冊、登入才能玩! : 謝謝支持! 拜託別再來廣告了,再來的話請詳細列出忍豆當中益智的點吧...XD ============================================================================== 我忽然想到,到底什麼是線上遊戲的定義呀? 於是就趕快跑到維基去找了一段,引用如下: "Online gaming is a technology rather than a genre; a mechanism for connecting players together rather than a particular pattern of gameplay." Online games are played over some form of computer network, now typically on the Internet. One advantage of online games is the ability to connect to multiplayer games, although single-player online games are quite common as well. "Online gaming is a technology rather than a genre; a mechanism for connecting players together rather than a particular pattern of gameplay." Online games are played over some form of computer network, now typically on the Internet. One advantage of online games is the ability to connect to multiplayer games, although single-player online games are quite common as well. 維基中文也有說: 廣義的網路遊戲定義是指只要能夠透過網際網路或者區域網路進行的遊戲, 與單機遊戲作區隔。 ============================================================================ 所以呀,像忍豆風雲那種遊戲,我覺得比較像是 多人回合制戰術遊戲耶。 它完全跟單機版沾不上邊,(根本沒有主程式之類的東西能下載呀); 沒有網路就不能玩了;還“真的”需要帳號密碼登入,以與其他玩家對戰...... 這樣的忍豆,難道不是線上遊戲嗎? ============================================================================ 至於該遊戲會不會當機的問題, 其實還是會的,斷線的可能性也不是沒有, (我妹妹就常常因斷線當機而增加敗績...) 只是這好像跟自身電腦狀況較有關係, 在此就先不要討論了吧! ============================================================================ PS 為什麼只有我對這篇廣告文如此憤慨呢? 是因為這裡只有我會去玩忍豆嗎? XDDD -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/22 20:58, , 1F
04/22 20:58, 1F

04/22 21:10, , 2F
04/22 21:10, 2F

04/22 22:15, , 3F
真想罵髒話 樓上再叫什麼鬼 這遊戲根本版無關你廣告啥
04/22 22:15, 3F

04/22 22:16, , 4F
04/22 22:16, 4F

04/22 22:17, , 5F
跟喜不喜歡有什麼關係 請成熟點ZZ
04/22 22:17, 5F

04/23 11:53, , 6F
04/23 11:53, 6F

04/23 13:50, , 7F
我好奇他到你網誌留了什麼XD? 然後怎麼威脅你阿XD?
04/23 13:50, 7F

04/28 15:22, , 8F
忍豆風雲又不是推理遊戲 你PO就是不對
04/28 15:22, 8F
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文章代碼(AID): #182K_5ne (Inference)