Re: [情報] 線上推理RPG

看板Inference (推理遊戲)作者 (楽園by宮部みゆき)時間16年前 (2008/01/11 11:19), 編輯推噓3(300)
留言3則, 2人參與, 最新討論串11/19 (看更多)
我玩到現在每個都要hard才有技能點可拿, 偏偏只有一個技能配得好(淚) 現在玩的目標從挑戰難度變成挑戰技能了XD… 剛剛成功累積黨派好感,學了pick-pocketing, 原本以為這是能從嫌疑犯身上偷到線索的技能,結果看到說明…… The brotherhood has many weapons at its disposal. One of the most closely guarded is the art of the pilferer. A skilled pickpocket can take back something stolen from them, or commandeer a reward that was rightfully theirs. Using this skill, it is possible to collect a reward, even if your client turns out to be the murderer. ……怎麼感覺沒什麼用orz 現在很期待蘇格拉底會的催眠=W= -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

01/11 12:54, , 1F
01/11 12:54, 1F
我猜是。因為我得到技能以後辦了一次案, 客戶不是兇手,完全沒有給我使用技能的機會orz 不過雖然覺得這技能有點浪費點數,還是很期待能扒到多少錢$_$ ※ 編輯: rakuen 來自: (01/11 12:58) 01/12補記 The police handcuffed my client and were starting to lead him away. As I watched, I wondered, not for the first time, how a person could commit such an act. Maybe Barron wanted to get caught and that's why I was hired. Nevertheless, I did my job and I made sure I got paid for it. I figured Barron won't need it where he's going anyways. $3086→$3526 這是個HARD等級的CASE,我剛剛忘記看破案酬勞了, 但總之使用pick-pocketing得到的錢應該跟破案酬勞差不多@____@ 這麼說來這技能其實有點雞肋,到高等級如果真的想賺錢, 接保證破案的低等案就好啦orz ※ 編輯: rakuen 來自: (01/12 22:43)

01/14 00:49, , 2F
01/14 00:49, 2F

01/14 02:53, , 3F
前面有寫 要學幫派特別技能要好感25以上喔
01/14 02:53, 3F
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