Re: [官方] 新聯賽以及支持者提供 (2018.11.13發佈)

看板Hattrick (HT足球管理遊戲)作者 (95 10 23步排入伍)時間5年前 (2018/12/13 14:35), 編輯推噓0(000)
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本文為官方支持者,在global論壇new country帖的官方回覆 [post=17219832.91]
提問 : I've just read the new offer. Sounds very nice altho I could afford it only two days after it ends. :( I have a question concerning the third team: I already have three teams including HTI. Does that mean I may get a fourth? 包括國際隊,我已經有三支球隊了,這代表我可以得到第四支球隊嗎 ? 官方回覆 : No, you can't have four teams, only three. 不,你不能拿四隊,只能拿三隊。 There seems to plenty of questions around this so I will explain more in detail: 在這裡統一解釋 * If you are Platinum, you have the right to one additional team. This can be in any league except HTI, when HTI first launched. Now it can also be in HTI, since a while back. 白金支持者可以開第二隊,第二隊可以開在任何聯賽包含國際聯賽。 * If you are Platinum, you can also get a third team. This is included in Diamond. You get the third team by getting the extra Club License, which is only available for Platinums to buy, and which you but for one year at a time. That is what is included in this offer. 白金支持者可以得到第三隊,當然鑽石支持者也能得到第三隊。 一次買一年的白金支持者會取得「額外俱樂部許可證」,開設第三隊。 這也是這次優惠提供的。 The Extra Club license used to be called a HTI license, and was tied to having a HTI club. But now you can use it for a club anywhere. This means that Platinums with a third team, and Diamonds, can have: 「額外俱樂部許可證」曾經叫做「國際聯賽許可證」,是取得國際球隊的連結。 現在你可以用來在任何聯賽開球隊,這代表白金支持者,包含鑽石支持者, 可以取得以下權利 - One team in their home league + 2 in any regular HT league, in any combination - One team in their home league + 1 in a regular league + one in HTI - One team in their home league + 2 teams in HTI - 母聯賽一隊 + 任何聯賽兩隊 (任何組合都可以) - 母聯賽一隊 + 任何聯賽一隊 + 國際聯賽一隊 - 母聯賽一隊 + 國際聯賽兩隊 The only league with a special status is HTI, which does not have a geographical centre. Thus it will never have a national team. But other than that, HTI works like any other league. 國際聯賽是唯一打破地理限制,所有國家的球隊可以大亂鬥的特殊聯賽, 這代表國際聯賽沒有國家隊,除此之外都跟一般的聯賽沒兩樣。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:
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