[官方] 新聯賽以及支持者提供 (2018.11.13發佈)

看板Hattrick (HT足球管理遊戲)作者 (95 10 23步排入伍)時間6年前 (2018/12/13 10:16), 6年前編輯推噓0(000)
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本文為官方遊戲開發者在Global論壇發表之官方文章 post id = 17219850.1 For the first time in 7 years, the Hattrick world will start expanding again! This season, we are bringing 5 new leagues into the Hattrick family: Comores, Guam, Sri Lanka, São Tomé and Príncipe and Curaçao. Welcome! 睽違七年,HT世界將再次迎來擴張,五個國家將會在這賽季加入HT大家庭 (版主註:也就是目前這個賽季,台灣聯賽第54賽季),分別是「葛摩」(Comores)、 「關島」(Guam)、「斯里蘭卡」(Sri Lanka)、「聖多美」(São Tomé)、 「古拉索」(Curaçao),歡迎! These new leagues will not get a space in the current World Cup format, instead we will start work on a new system for National team competitions that will be better suited for a larger number of Hattrick nations. So their time will surely come! 新同學暫時不會參加世界盃資格賽,因為現行賽制沒有空額, (版主註:目前HT世界共128個國家,而世界盃資格賽分16組,每組8隊共128隊,剛好滿額) HT官方已經著手設計新的賽制,以適合更多國家參賽, 別著急,新同學遲早會完成他們的世界盃資格賽首秀。 We are also launching a campaign for Platinum Supporter, giving you 10 % off the subscription price, plus either an Extra Club license (1 year) or 100 Credits for free. 支持者相關訊息不翻譯(優惠期間也過了) This is the perfect time to test Platinum, upgrade to it, or extend it if you already have it, as the new leagues offer you the chance to start a new team that can make a run for the league title with a completely level starting field! It's great fun, making every trade and every match count again. 支持者相關訊息不翻譯 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hattrick/M.1544667384.A.5E5.html ※ 編輯: bolam (, 12/13/2018 10:50:01 ※ 編輯: bolam (, 12/13/2018 12:10:16
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