Re: [閒聊] OpenBOR Night Slashers X Rebalanced
現在4人玩時遊戲功能正常(全套動作、動畫) 修正格檔、迴避、閃躲
持續性錯誤 如果你被困在某一區 按開始->退出 關閉遊戲再次啟動,選擇繼續
某些角色血量為0時戰著 遊戲會凍結(罕見) 必須引擎關閉重開
2021 July Release - This release combines March & April releases, fixes 4
player bugs
Android option 1
For New Android models
first download this file:
extract the apk file and run it, this will create the PAKS folder
if you navigate your files in your android device, look for a folder called
download any of the windows versions, extract and take the .pak file & place
it in the PAKS folder in your android device
run openbor again , you should see the game's title in the list
controller setup PC- you must follow this directions to avoid the infamous
known bugs
execute the game - press start - got to options - control options - you
should see gamepads enabled - highlight the controller you want to configure
- enter - highlight the button/command you want to configure - enter - press
your desired button.
for more than 1 player - first configure controllers 2 to 4 first & only the
buttons - exit the game completely
execute the game again , & configure the UpDownLeftRights for controllers 2
to 4 - exit again
finally for player one - configure the buttons first - exit - execute the
game again & configure your directions last.
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Emulator 近期熱門文章
PTT遊戲區 即時熱門文章