Re: 用MAC玩FM2007??

看板CM作者 (Van der Vaart)時間17年前 (2007/05/26 21:09), 編輯推噓0(000)
留言0則, 0人參與, 最新討論串3/4 (看更多)
又有問題了,官網上mac版的PATCH 7.02老是停在99%... 有人可以幫我測試一下是我的網路有問題;或是si本身的問題嗎... 順便扯個悲慘的經驗... 前幾天拖人幫我買ootp,結果買錯了,買成pc版的 然後我寫信去si問說能不能幫我換成mac版的序號... 結果兩天了都沒客服鳥我... 只有回了一封很明顯是機器人回我的mail,而且內容很ox... Thank you for e-mailing Sports Interactive ( FOOTBALL MANAGER TESTING If you are interested in this, please send a formal letter of application, attaching your current CV to COMMUNITY FORUM PROBLEMS We are checking new registrations on a daily basis. If you feel you have been banned in error or have any other forum query, please contact detailing your query TECHNICAL SUPPORT If you are experiencing problems of a technical nature with the Championship Manager series of games, please ensure you have the latest patches for the game available from We also have a new online list of Frequently Asked Questions that should answer a large number of your queries. Either visit or do a search across the site (eg FOOTBALL MANAGER Incase you were unaware, in February we signed a five year publishing deal with Sega and then we announced we that we had acquired the Football Manager brand If you are confused as to whats been happening and why we are no longer developing the Championship Manager series please read For screenshots and game info please visit - If you have an issue or question not covered by any of the pages listed above please email our manually operated THE SI TEAM ... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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