Re: [轉錄][討論] 惡靈古堡5預告片被批種族歧視

看板BioHazard (惡靈古堡)作者 (ichiro)時間17年前 (2007/08/08 21:55), 編輯推噓12(12010)
留言22則, 13人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
我在剛看到預告片就有這種感覺了 現在又看到這篇報導那就說說我的看法好了 我第一次看到預告片就覺得這個背景很明顯有"屠殺黑人"的感覺 加上我看過的電影例如 : 黑鷹計畫(真實戰役改編電影)-美軍在索馬利亞遭全市居民圍攻 軍火之王(也是嚴重描述黑人暴力戰爭及屠殺) 2005撒哈拉-描述非洲內戰 都是描寫非洲大陸那種血腥殘暴的風格 而電影也並非完全誇張 我也在台灣認識過一個南非朋友(南非已經算比較現代化國家) 他也告訴我非洲到處都是槍枝以及濫殺 並告訴我如果要到南非必須找嚮導帶路以避開 會遭搶劫 偷竊的道路等 (他還提到"脖子上掛著相機等於拜託別人來搶你" 的此等觀念) 死亡率平均達每日50人死於槍擊(在台灣的話這還得了) 我也看過有一些書本上也提到象牙海岸政變等等現象 黑人種族互相殺害時有所聞 在我第一眼看到BIO5的預告片 就想到種種電影中黑人屠殺的景象 而遊戲主角化身為一個軍人(似乎是美軍) 會令人覺得相當敏感 的確充滿著"種族問題"的迷思 畢竟黑人族群歷史地位上備受不平等待遇 加上電影以及真實暴力事件等 以一個白人深入這個暴力頻繁的地區 再加以暴制暴 當我看到預告片就覺得心理有點毛毛的 ... 不要說敵人是遭到病毒影響 光是如果有看過黑鷹計畫的人就能有此同感 (蜂擁而至攻擊美軍的民兵和居民) BIO5 所使用的地點事件人物都處於相當不適用於其他人民團體國家 除了我們這些遙遠的東方化外國度 在西方 非洲 甚至很多地方 這部遊戲場景很容易受到爭議 ※ 引述《alima (無)》之銘言: : ※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板] : 作者: bowwe1017 (活到老宅到老) 看板: Gossiping : 標題: [討論] 惡靈古堡5預告片被批種族歧視 : 時間: Wed Aug 8 15:00:31 2007 : 遊戲預告片 : 原文連結 : 近日在國外著名新聞媒體The Village Voice上,刊載了一篇關於《惡靈古堡5》E3影像有 : 煽動種族歧視情緒之嫌的社論。文章作者Bonnie Ruberg指出,儘管Capcom強調遊戲中出 : 現的敵人並非真正意義上的人,而是類似殭屍的恐怖生物,但讓玩家操縱一個士兵打扮的 : 白人衝進一個遍佈憤怒黑人居民的非洲小鎮展開屠殺,無異於一種狡猾的種族歧視。 : 「這不僅僅是幾個殭屍長相的黑人而已,甚至整個小鎮也被設計的如殭屍巢穴一般詭異。 : 」Ruberg在文章中憤怒的說道:「你可以看看遊戲中描繪的那些居民,他們在被感染前就 : 行蹤詭秘令人不安。這就彷彿是在暗示大家,黑人種族本身就如同一種瘟疫一樣可怕,而 : 遊戲中的白人主角必須奮起反擊,否則就有被感染同化的危險。」 : 此外Ruberg還指出,遊戲中關於殭屍形象的設定本身就是在對非洲黑人危險論的一種暗示 : 。遊戲設計的背景是,健康人一旦被殭屍咬到,哪怕是傷口接觸到殭屍的一滴血液都會被 : 感染。玩家要避免被感染,就只有在遊戲中打開殺戒。這無疑就是在對非洲愛滋病病毒的 : 流行和傳播指桑罵槐,製作人試圖用這種理論來告訴玩家,只要是具有黑人血統的人,就 : 可以毫無顧忌地剝奪起生存的權力。 : 無獨有偶,在一家專著於保護非洲婦女權益以及社會公益事業的大型部落格上,《惡靈古 : 堡5》中的黑人殭屍屠殺場面同樣引起了爭議。一位名叫Kym Platt的網友指出,遊戲本身 : 就是在煽動一種種族仇視情緒。影像中克裡斯的一句獨白「我還有必須要完成的使命」, : 是在暗示白人主人公的工作就是摧毀黑人種族並以此來挽救人類的命運。 : 「即便是拋開種族屠殺這樣的問題不談,遊戲中也有許多令人難以容忍的畫面。」Platt : 在文中指出:「遊戲中把黑人描寫成一個野蠻未開化的種族,而且屠殺黑人的主人公也是 : 以軍人的形象出現的。實際上這款遊戲的主要銷售對象是年輕人甚至孩子,這無異於從小 : 就對他們灌輸恐懼、仇視進而摧毀黑人種族的思想。」 : 在一片批評和指責聲中,也有人對這一問題提出了不同的觀點。The Village Voice援引 : 一名評論家的話說,儘管《惡靈古堡5》中提起了許多種族層面上的問題,但遊戲的開發 : 者幾乎都來自日本,他們不會也不可能以美國人的方式來理解黑人與白人之間的種族問題 : ,因此也就不會意識到這樣的畫面可能會引起怎樣的可怕結果。 : 目前Capcom官方尚未出面針對《惡靈古堡5》影像所引起的爭議發表評論。 : 來源 : Resident Evil 5 stirs concerns of racism : For all their focus on gore galore, zombie movies have traditionally been : rife with social commentary and allegory. George Romero's Living Dead series : of films have touched on terrorism, class warfare, rampant commercialism, and : in the original Night of the Living Dead, race relations. : The two subjects are intersecting again, as the recently released trailer for : Resident Evil 5 has a number of commentators concerned about how the trailer : portrays a white hero--the returning Chris Redfield--against hordes of black : zombie foes in what could be an African village. In an editorial for The : Village Voice's Runnin' Scared news blog, Bonnie Ruberg notes one : forum-goer's concern that gunning down mobs of angry Africans could be : "subtly racist." Ruberg herself says she finds the trailer "strangely : disturbing." : "It's not just that these zombies are black, but that the uninfected black : villagers are zombie-like too," Ruberg wrote. "See all those spooky shots of : the villagers before they get infected? It's as if race itself were a : disease. The white protagonist has to fight back or be infected." : She also notes that according to the zombie mythos, the barest contamination, : a bite or a single drop of blood in an open wound, spells doom for a person. : That could be a parallel to Africa's ongoing HIV and AIDS crisis, Ruberg : wrote, or a reminder of the segregationists who used a "one drop rule" : stating that black ancestry of any sort was justification enough to deny a : person access to basic rights. : Ruberg is not the only commentator to blog on the issue. In a post titled : "Blackface Goes HD?," Jason from Microscopiq takes issue not only with the : race of the parties involved in the trailer, but also in the setting. : "With all the positive steps being taken of late to raise awareness of the : good things happening in Africa as well as the urgent need in some parts of : the continent, we really can't afford this kind of step back. We need to find : ways to humanize Africans, not dehumanize them." : On Black Looks, a group blog focusing on African women and social concerns, : Kym Platt briefly recaps the trailer, noting that it's apparently the white : character's job to destroy the black people and save humanity. : "This is problematic on so many levels," Platt wrote, "including the : depiction of Black people as inhuman savages, the killing of Black people by : a white man in military clothing, and the fact that this video game is : marketed to children and young adults. Start them young...fearing, hating, : and destroying Black people." : Platt's blog--like the others--has spurred a number of responses, most : overwhelmingly in defense of the game or against the original author. One : response to the "Black Looks" post points out that the Resident Evil series : has seen its share of zombies of European origin. : "According to the statistics of racial make-up in the world, I'd actually say : that whites have been unfairly discriminated against in the series, if : anything, since so many of them have been enemies in RE," said one commenter. : "It only seems fair that Africans get treated equally, and with only one game : full of primarily black enemies to six games full of primarily white, from a : racial viewpoint I'd say that the Africans are getting off easy." : "There is plenty of real racism alive and well in the world today and words : cannot describe how disgusting it can be," wrote another, "but it is garbage : rants like this that take attention from real problems. It is absurd and : insulting to everyone to suggest this game is in anyway being designed to : teach anyone to hate black people." : A third poster merely commented, "That game looks so awesome." : Over on the Village Voice blog post, one commenter approached the issue from : another direction, writing, "Many of these games, including [Resident Evil : 5], are being made in ethnically homogenous Japan, where concepts of race are : hugely different from those in America. On some level, I think Japanese : developers simply don't understand how potentially flammable these kinds of : scenarios could become, let alone some of the even more blatant stereotyping : often found in Japanese games (think Barrett's penchant for Ebonics in [Final : Fantasy 7], just for starters.)" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

08/08 21:56, , 1F
08/08 21:56, 1F

08/08 21:58, , 2F
找一個黑人當主角就好啦 不過歷代主角好像也沒黑人- -
08/08 21:58, 2F

08/08 22:14, , 3F
該不會5代要砍掉重練了? 其實我不喜歡沒有僵屍的bio
08/08 22:14, 3F

08/08 22:58, , 4F
推這篇的觀點, 我也看過黑鷹計劃, 那感覺的確不太妙。
08/08 22:58, 4F

08/08 23:11, , 5F
中肯+1 不過我覺得原文有些評論太over了
08/08 23:11, 5F

08/08 23:16, , 6F
原文是美國出來的吧 這跟自以為是跑去中東干涉許多國家
08/08 23:16, 6F

08/08 23:17, , 7F
的政治或軍事活動 感覺很像= = 歷代bio也不是都在非洲
08/08 23:17, 7F

08/08 23:19, , 8F
中肯+1 可是就單純遊戲性來說,其實原文那樣說太過誇張了
08/08 23:19, 8F

08/08 23:25, , 9F
幾週前第一次看到預告片時也有相同想法 電影還有血鑽石....
08/08 23:25, 9F

08/09 00:18, , 10F
08/09 00:18, 10F

08/09 02:10, , 11F
08/09 02:10, 11F

08/09 02:37, , 12F
08/09 02:37, 12F

08/09 02:38, , 13F
08/09 02:38, 13F

08/09 02:39, , 14F
08/09 02:39, 14F

08/09 02:59, , 15F
08/09 02:59, 15F
※ 編輯: aragornwill 來自: (08/09 06:46)

08/09 08:44, , 16F
白人當主角 黑人當殭屍 但遊戲卻是黃種人做的
08/09 08:44, 16F

08/09 09:55, , 17F
08/09 09:55, 17F

08/09 11:12, , 18F
講白的 自己國家爛 戰火亂成這樣 遊戲只是遊戲 表達出
08/09 11:12, 18F

08/09 11:12, , 19F
真實的感覺 也被人家劈成這樣!!自己國家管不好 還怪人
08/09 11:12, 19F

08/09 11:55, , 20F
關於類似的社會觀感跟道德問題,Manhunt 2,俠盜獵魔2也
08/09 11:55, 20F

08/09 11:56, , 21F
08/09 11:56, 21F

08/09 11:57, , 22F
08/09 11:57, 22F
文章代碼(AID): #16kSiqHz (BioHazard)
文章代碼(AID): #16kSiqHz (BioHazard)