Re: [問題] 沒開掛結果被鎖

看板BattleRoyale (大逃殺)作者 (莫非定律紀錄保持者)時間6年前 (2018/01/09 13:36), 編輯推噓4(404)
留言8則, 6人參與, 最新討論串5/6 (看更多)
翻詳細一點給大家參考吧: : You were permanently banned for cheating. : Our team have reviewed the evidence associated with your ban and : have confirmed that your ban was issued correctly : and will not be overturned. 你已經因為作弊而被永久被ban掉惹 。 我們團隊已經審核過關於你被ban掉的相關證據, 確定你被ban掉是正確的,而且將不會被被推翻。 (也就是定讞了) : Disclaimer: (聲明) : Please do not create additional posts for this appeal, : or private message any of the PUBG team on the forum : to inquire about this appeal. : Failure to heed this disclaimer may result in restrictions : being applied to your forum account. 請不要在此申訴上再增加貼文, 或是私訊論壇上任何一個PUBG團隊的人員去詢問此申訴案。 不鳥此聲明的人在此論壇的帳號將會被限制活動。 以上請參考。 至於會不會有誤Ban,就見仁見智啦~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

01/09 13:44, , 1F
01/09 13:44, 1F

01/09 14:50, , 2F
01/09 14:50, 2F

01/09 17:39, , 3F
01/09 17:39, 3F

01/09 17:39, , 4F
想到GTA 5也是很多誤ban?
01/09 17:39, 4F

01/09 17:47, , 5F
01/09 17:47, 5F

01/09 18:18, , 6F
樓上 不是vac 是遊戲裡面被ban
01/09 18:18, 6F

01/09 18:40, , 7F
soga 那應該是我記錯字惹
01/09 18:40, 7F

01/09 23:43, , 8F
說的這麼直白 我看是真的有開掛,死好
01/09 23:43, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1QL5Jhph (BattleRoyale)
文章代碼(AID): #1QL5Jhph (BattleRoyale)