Re: [BM ] 多想兩分鐘,你可以不用放棄第一年

看板Baseball_Sim (棒球遊戲)作者 (chavy)時間17年前 (2007/07/12 01:39), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《chavy (chavy)》之銘言: : -- : ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( : ◆ From: : ※ 編輯: chavy 來自: (07/09 17:31) : 推 chinhsi:看標題以為是張爸0.0 07/09 18:54 : 推 fanwy:我被對手偷點也很容易成功上壘.. 07/09 23:37 : → chavy:嗯,電腦偷點真的滿扯的,我被Speed 7X的成功過好幾次... 07/10 20:03 : → chavy:還好電腦不常用這招,不然我會摔滑鼠 XD 07/10 20:04 : 推 maychandler:請問球種那個是在help的哪裡看到的...謝謝 07/11 20:58 : 推 chavy:在Play By Play大分類中的Pitch Types部分 07/12 01:27 我直接把相關部分剪貼上來配上超高速翻譯好了 [Selecting a Pitch] (配球的選擇) At the other end of the spectrum, curve balls are the most difficult pitches to throw for strikes, or to any specific location. But curves are also the hardest pitches to hit cleanly, unless the batter is expecting a curve. Sliders and changeups fall in the middle of the spectrum, with more accuracy than a curve and less than a fastball. (曲球很難控,但是也讓打者很難打。滑球與變數球比較好控一點,但是打者 也好打一點。速球更好控,但是打者打起來也更得心應手。) (個人應用心得:難控難打的球種如曲球,在選擇進壘點時我會選在比較偏好球帶中央 ,理由是這個球種打者打不好,比較不擔心投到中間,同時由於這種球難控,所以這樣 也比較不會一直投壞球,我曲球進壘點會配在中央偏高就是這個理由,打到目前其實也 不太會被轟 相較之下,滑球或變速球的進壘點我就會選在比較邊角的位置,一來好控,二來怕挨轟) [Pitch Types] (遊戲中所有的球種,由最好控的到最難控的) Fastball (aka “Four-Seamer” or “Rising Fastball”) Sinking Fastball (aka “Sinker” or “Two-Seamer”) Running Fastball (aka “Boring Fastball”) Cut Fastball (aka “Cutter”) Straight Change (aka “Changeup”) Circle Change Hard Slider (often confused with a “Cut Fastball”) Slider (aka “Nickel Curve”) Fosh Change Slow Changeup (aka “Slow Ball”) In-Shoot (early 20 th c. pitch – cf. Running Fastball) Out-Shoot (early 20 th c. pitch – cf. Cut Fastball or Slider) Split-Fingered Fastball (aka “Splitter”) Gyroball (invented in Japan c. 2000-2005) Forkball Palmball (aka “Slip Pitch”) Fadeaway (early 20 th c. pitch – cf. Screwball) Slurve (aka “Slider/Curve”) Drop Ball (early 20 th c. pitch – cf. Overhand Curve) Hard Curve (aka “Sharp Curve”) Overhand Curve (aka “12-6 Curve”, “Drop Curve”) Screwball (aka “Reverse Curve”) Roundhouse (aka “Sidearm Curve”) Knuckle Curve Riser (aka “Frisbee Slider” – thrown by underhand pitchers) Slow Curve (aka “Big Curve”) Scuffball (illegal in modern-day baseball) Spitball (illegal in modern-day baseball) Eephus (aka “Blooper”) Knuckleball Slow Knuckleball -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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