[情報] 獲得EWC資格的ChrisCCH 將不參加本屆賽事

看板streetfight (快打旋風)作者 (Uchi)時間7小時前 (2025/03/19 21:37), 編輯推噓5(502)
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【獲得EWC 2025資格的ChrisCCH 宣布未來都不參加EWC相關比賽】 ChrisCCH日前才因為卡普空SFL賽事的關係,獲得EWC 2025的資格。 但是於3/18在個人Twitter宣布,將不參加本屆賽事, 且未來只要是由沙烏地阿拉伯主導的EWC賽事都不會參加。 (自2023開始,EWC前身的Gamer8、EWC 2024、以及EWC 2025,他都不支持) 原因是來自於阿拉伯政府侵害人權,迫害弱勢族群, 沙烏地阿拉伯向來都排斥LGBTQ族群,遭受很多人反對, 近年來雖然在電競這一塊越做越大,備受好評, 但仍然不被這些反對者認同,ChrisCCH是其中反對的一員,所以他不參加EWC賽事, 可是卡普空才宣布將與EWC合作三年,許多賽事資格取得都會跟EWC有關, 之後他可能只會參加卡普空的相關賽事,即便獲得EWC資格也會拒絕, 關於這一點,未來三年是否都要這樣做?他要好好思考這件事情。 至於空出來的資格將會遞補,還是於之後的賽事增加名額,目前都還未定。 https://i.imgur.com/h0mNCaJ.png
---------------------------- I will not be attending EWC I have decided to decline the EWC qualification spot that I earned through the SFL world finals. I gave this decision a lot of thought and ultimately decided that, due to the nature in which the event is funded and managed, I do not feel comfortable participating in it. I previously declined to participate in Gamers8 2023 and did not participate in any EWC qualifiers in 2024. I planned to do the same in 2025, but with the new CPT/EWC partnership, choosing to not participate in any EWC qualifiers would effectively mean retirement from competing. I find it regrettable that this event has become so deeply embedded in the FGC, but I have not yet made a decision on whether I will stop competing in events associated to it altogether. Lastly, I want to say thank you to FlyQuest and my SFL teammates for an incredible season that brought me this spot to begin with. While I stand by my decision, I apologize to them and to everyone who was looking forward to seeing me compete in EWC. I hope to see you all again in the future. Am08:03 20250318 https://i.imgur.com/BnodWtQ.jpeg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/streetfight/M.1742391467.A.3F8.html

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文章代碼(AID): #1dsiYhFu (streetfight)