[外絮] kt Rolster 大小事 #2

看板ktrolster (KT Rolster)作者 (Meiko的偏愛是天籟)時間7年前 (2017/09/13 00:47), 編輯推噓2(204)
留言6則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
拖稿好幾天的碎碎唸: 給忙碌的人看的一週大小事第二篇ヽ( ゚ ∀ 。)ノ 大家過得都還好嗎?雖然我們kt Rolster的旅途提前結束了,也請為其他支持的隊伍加油吧 《戰報》 暫無,休假實況中。 班表見置底。 《社群》 PawN& Deft& Smeb FB #1PgjtuTy (ktrolster) 戰隊FB https://goo.gl/A7njeN 《影音》 < Highlight > Smeb https://goo.gl/ouurSw https://goo.gl/iMWUHo https://goo.gl/k6Nj5i https://goo.gl/178Pvq https://goo.gl/NnwBSQ Score https://goo.gl/FtLuNS https://goo.gl/HCXume https://goo.gl/Dku8aF PawN https://goo.gl/8Ah4gp https://goo.gl/NX66H1 https://goo.gl/Q4EtX7 https://goo.gl/4W63BT Deft https://goo.gl/G2HmS3 https://goo.gl/vM9ZpY https://goo.gl/fkrwZh https://goo.gl/HZZt6z Mata https://goo.gl/EXAVug https://goo.gl/WTHVTL https://goo.gl/5gy878 https://goo.gl/pnUfDw https://goo.gl/1FBmUK < ktRolster Talk > https://goo.gl/CmMTrW 想排JG卻排到中路的PawN最後能不能如願玩JG呢? https://goo.gl/3t1HJU 排到Smeb PawN Mata的對面而裏人格大爆發的隊長 https://goo.gl/jnvHo8 裏人格大爆發的隊長面對三名隊友能拿下勝利嗎? https://goo.gl/7iRaDj 羊駝與家中的毛茸茸新成員> < https://goo.gl/g4EGB1 誰才能成為推爆殘血主堡的英雄? https://goo.gl/rXjmXz 蒙多上路是戳還是凱瑞?(音量注意) -- He is still running, and he is not yet ready for it to end. ——《when we give enough of ourselves away we lose sight of who we are and sometimes we call that love and sometimes we call that self-destruction》 So do his teammates. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/ktrolster/M.1505234822.A.EE6.html

09/13 00:49, , 1F
09/13 00:49, 1F

09/13 00:53, , 2F
09/13 00:53, 2F

09/13 01:39, , 3F
哦好ㄅ那我明天再補 光弄這篇就花一個小時
09/13 01:39, 3F

09/13 03:04, , 4F
09/13 03:04, 4F

09/13 06:44, , 5F
教練 我想打世界賽
09/13 06:44, 5F

09/13 09:40, , 6F
09/13 09:40, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #1Pk0-6xc (ktrolster)
文章代碼(AID): #1Pk0-6xc (ktrolster)