鬼屋魔影2024 國外一些媒體 評分

看板XBOX作者 (沁夏)時間5月前 (2024/03/20 11:54), 編輯推噓6(606)
留言12則, 10人參與, 5月前最新討論串1/1
https://www.gamesradar.com/alone-in-the-dark-review-2024/ 本來想說要預購了…不過突然想說看一看國外評論好了,結果看起來應該可以等降價再買了 。 本來還蠻期待的QQ 評分:1.5/5 (另外 GameSpot 4/10 , IGN 6/10 , metacritic 64%) 節錄一些內容 "Lacks the life or coherence needed to give it any momentum" "缺乏賦予其任何動力所需的生命力或連貫性" Threaded through the story is a lifeless combat system that does little to help. The shooting model is functional, but combined with sluggish movement and restr ictive space, means fighting monsters just feels joyless. There's no meaningful texture to these encounters. Most of the time you'll just meet a single monster, maybe two, that feels like they were placed just to break things up. Other time s, when there's meant to be some sort of climax there might be a small horde, at which point it's easy to just get blocked into a corner. 故事中貫穿的是一套無生氣的戰鬥系統,這對遊戲幫助不大。射擊機制雖然可行,但結合了 遲緩的移動和有限的空間,意味著與怪物戰鬥的過程毫無樂趣。這些遭遇戰沒有任何有意義 的特色。大多數時候,你只會遇到一兩個怪物,感覺就像它們被放在那裡只是為了打破單調 。其他時候,當應該有某種高潮的場合,可能會有一小群怪物出現,這時很容易就被逼到角 落裡無法動彈。 There are odd choices here too, like a melee system that only works if you have one of the many breakable weapons you can pick up - so if you run out of ammo an d break the weapon you have left, you literally can't do anything but wait to d ie. There are also occasionally small stealth sections, but with no clear way to tell if you're safe or detected, there's little point to them. Then there are t he odd throwables scattered around that you can only use at fixed locations, ini tially introduced as ways to distract enemies. You can't store them, only pick t hem up which then locks you into an aiming animation until you've launched them. The use of a molotov cocktail icon to highlight these objects here is also the only clue you'll get that some are flammable, because it's otherwise never menti oned (non-flammable bricks are also marked with a molotov symbol just to confuse things further). 這裡也有一些奇怪的選擇,比如只有在你拿到其中一件可以撿起來的多件易碎武器時才能使 用的近戰系統——所以如果你的彈藥用光了,手中的武器也碎了,你真的別無選擇,只能等 死。偶爾還會有一些小型的潛行段落,但由於無法清晰知道自己是否安全或被發現,這些段 落幾乎沒有意義。然後還有一些奇怪的投擲物散落在周圍,你只能在固定的位置使用它們, 最初介紹這些是作為分散敵人注意力的方法。你不能保留它們(可能意思是放入包中之後再 用?),只能撿起來,這會讓你鎖定在瞄準動畫中,直到你把它們扔出去。這裡使用摩洛托 夫雞尾酒圖標來標記這些物品也是你唯一能夠得知有些物品是易燃的線索,因為這個信息在 其他情況下從未提及(非易燃的磚塊也用摩洛托夫符號標記,進一步增加了混淆)。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/XBOX/M.1710906897.A.4EE.html

03/20 12:27, 5月前 , 1F
03/20 12:27, 1F

03/20 12:37, 5月前 , 2F
03/20 12:37, 2F

03/20 13:25, 5月前 , 3F
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03/20 14:06, 5月前 , 4F
連IGN那麼客氣的都給6 XD
03/20 14:06, 4F

03/20 15:18, 5月前 , 5F
03/20 15:18, 5F

03/20 15:18, 5月前 , 6F
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03/20 15:43, 5月前 , 7F
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03/21 13:39, 5月前 , 8F
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03/21 14:12, 5月前 , 9F
很早放出來的demo的情節給人不明所以 果然...
03/21 14:12, 9F

03/22 09:20, 5月前 , 10F
03/22 09:20, 10F

03/22 09:20, 5月前 , 11F
03/22 09:20, 11F

03/22 12:15, 5月前 , 12F
03/22 12:15, 12F
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文章代碼(AID): #1b-buHJk (XBOX)