[GMT] 2024/12月更新訊息

看板Wargame (戰爭遊戲)作者 (吞天之戰鬼‧狂者)時間2月前 (2024/12/20 22:56), 編輯推噓0(000)
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12月 https://reurl.cc/d153lD 1. GMT近況 漲價 各項成本上升到無法吸收的程度 從今天開始新的定價策略、新的運費政策實施 i. 零售價格上漲,但不會影響正在P500的價格 ii. 出貨前重新秤重 iii. 運費上漲 預計明年P500出貨前調整 另外GMT正考慮在一、二月左右為了消化庫存辦理一次特賣 2. P500新增 Ermine, Battles in the War of the Breton Succession, 1341-1364, https://reurl.cc/5DvoXV MoI系列第七款遊戲 以14世紀的布列塔尼繼承戰爭作為背景,包含六個戰爭 47$ 70$ Thunderverse Track Pack https://www.gmtgames.com/p-1152-thunderverse-track-pack.aspx Thunder Alley系列三款作品的地圖包 19$ 28$ 3. 其它更新 P500移除: No Retreat: The Russian Front 3rd Edition GMT同意設計者一併下架更熱銷的NR1作品 目前只有NR3還在販售 以前NR1系列頁面已經在網站上下架 Red Winter Expanded 2nd Edition Red Winter 2nd Edition Update Kit Salerno '43, 2nd Printing 暫時自P500移除 一部分的遊戲如果只是暫時離開P500 (譬如WW2: Barbarossa to Berlin) 將會回歸頁面查詢相關資料 但無法進行下訂的動作 重印新增: Rebel Fury, 2nd Printing P500新增配件:無 預告加入P500的遊戲(1-6個月內新增) A new game from Mark Simonitch A strategy game set in Russia A grand-tactical game set on the Eastern Front in World War II Something new from Ted Raicer 4.近期出貨 1月扣款並於後續出貨 A Gest of Robin Hood, 2nd Printing (4 lbs) Congress of Vienna (6 lbs) 2024 Replacement Countersheet (shipping included in price) 預計1月中下旬抵達美國 A World at War, 4th Printing (8 lbs) A World at War Mounted Maps (7 lbs) A World at War 2024 Supplemental Countersheet (.5 lbs) Downfall, 2nd Printing (5 lbs) Downfall Mounted Maps + 3" Box, 3rd Printing (3 lbs) Fields of Fire Deluxe Edition (8 lbs) Fields of Fire Deluxe Edition Update Kit (5 lbs) Fighting Formations: US 29th Infantry Division (5 lbs) Hoplite, 2nd Printing (3 lbs) In the Shadows (3 lbs) The Battle for Normandy Deluxe Edition (6 lbs) 5.排定生產清單 印刷中(運送期程未定) Panzer Expansion 4, France 1940, 2nd Printing By Swords & Bayonets The Bell of Treason The Last Hundred Yards Volume 5: For King & Country 將送印 American Revolution Tri-Pack #2 Space Empires, 5th Printing Space Empires: All Good Things Space Empires: Close Encounters, 3rd Printing Space Empires: Replicators, 2nd Printing Talon, 3rd Printing -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargame/M.1734706561.A.E83.html
文章代碼(AID): #1dPOM1w3 (Wargame)
文章代碼(AID): #1dPOM1w3 (Wargame)