[GMT] 2023/3月更新訊息

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3月 https://reurl.cc/ykW0ql 1. GMT近況 Twilight Struggle: Red Sea的電腦版將延後推出 2. P500新增 1848: The Springtime of Nations https://reurl.cc/3OyWgL 本作利用冷戰熱鬥與1989的系統來表現1848年歐洲革命局勢 46$ 66$ The Guerrilla Generation https://www.gmtgames.com/p-1032-the-guerrilla-generation.aspx COIN系列第二款合集 這次的主題是在中南美洲 分別是祕魯、尼加拉瓜、薩爾瓦多、烏拉圭 其中尼加拉瓜跟薩爾瓦多可以組合再一起進行 69$ 99$ 3. 其它更新 P500移除:無 重印新增: Men of Iron Tri-Pack, 2nd Printing P500新增配件:無 預告會加入P500(每個月不同): An expansion/sequel for one of our most popular COIN games A new Deluxe Treatment of one of our classic tactical 19th century wargames A 20th century CDG set in South Asia A new Fields of Fire title 4.近期出貨 Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East (5 lbs) Atlantic Chase, 2nd Printing (5 lbs) Clash of Sovereigns (5 lbs) Grand Prix New Track Pack (4 lbs) 3月中下旬已經出貨 Seas of Thunder (3 lbs) The British Way (5 lbs) 預計四月中扣款 5.排定生產清單 印刷中、未定運送時間 18 India ** Border Reivers ** Liberty or Death, 3rd Printing ** Mr. President: The American Presidency, 2001-2020 ** North Africa '41 ** North Africa '41 Mounted Maps ** People Power ** Plantagenet ** The Barracks Emperors ** Under the Southern Cross ** 3月底送印 C&C Napoleonics: The Austrian Army, 3rd Printing C&C Napoleonics: (Base Game) 5th Printing C&C Napoleonics: The Prussian Army, 3rd Printing C&C Napoleonics: The Russian Army, 4th Printing C&C Napoleonics: The Spanish Army, 4th Printing Pursuit of Glory, 2nd Edition 4月底送印 C&C Napoleonics Expansion 5: Generals, Marshals, and Tacticians, 2nd Printing C&C Napoleonics Expansion 6: EPIC Ancients, 2nd Printing C&C Medieval 2nd Printing C&C Samurai, 2nd Printing 最後美編 Banish All Their Fears C&C Ancients Expansion #5, 2nd Printing CDG Solo System Pack #2 Congress of Vienna Great Battles of Alexander, Expanded Deluxe Edition, 2nd Printing Panzer North Africa Prime Minister Red Dust Rebellion Skies Above the Reich, 2nd Printing Tanto Monta The Plum Island Horror -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargame/M.1680352225.A.762.html
文章代碼(AID): #1aA2FXTY (Wargame)
文章代碼(AID): #1aA2FXTY (Wargame)