[GMT] 7/23更新訊息

看板Wargame (戰爭遊戲)作者 (吞天之戰鬼‧狂者)時間3年前 (2021/07/23 23:45), 編輯推噓3(300)
留言3則, 3人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
https://t.co/zQYHzM7KSE?amp=1 1. GMT近況 因為全球供應鏈跟運輸鍊遲緩的關係,七八月遊戲均有延誤 2. P500新增 Downfall: Conquest of the Third Reich, 1942-1945 本作是款兩人遊戲,玩家分別扮演蘇聯(與OWH)與西方盟軍(與OKH) 合作夾擊第三共和,同時避免對手獲得對德戰爭的優勢 本作亦是Chad Jensen的遺作之一 39$ 59$ The British Way: Counterinsurgency at the End of Empire 本作是COIN的第15款作品,收錄與大英帝國殖民末期的的四個COIN活動 分別是肯亞、馬來亞、賽普勒斯、巴勒斯坦 每個遊戲皆有獨立的事件牌組 55$ 79$ The Last Hundred Yards Mission Pack #1 https://www.gmtgames.com/p-946-the-last-hundred-yards-mission-pack-1.aspx 本作收錄1944年西線的十個戰場劇本 12$ 18$ 3. 其它更新 P500移除: 無 重印新增:無 P500新增配件:Salerno '43的厚版地圖 預告會加入P500的遊戲(會隨月份調整) A new Levy & Campaign series game A Napoleonic-era game from Ted Raicer A strategy game set in Afghanistan A new bot package for one of our most popular COIN games A new operational WWII game from Mark Simonitch 4.近期出貨 無,暫定八月底扣款與出貨 5.排定生產清單 印刷中,7月底赴美 Absolute War MBT, 2nd Printing Normandy '44, 3rd Printing 印刷中,未排定運貨時程 Panzer, 3rd Printing Panzer Exp 1, 2nd Printing Panzer Exp 2, 2nd Printing Panzer Exp 3, 2nd Printing Tank Duel Expansion 1: North Africa Tank Duel Tank Pack #1 Wing Leader Supremacy, 2nd Edition Wing Leader Supremacy, 2nd Edition Update Kit 1848: Australia Battle Line, 11th Printing C&C Ancients, 7th Printing Conquest and Consequence Dominant Species, 6th Printing Red Flag Over Paris SpaceCorp, 2nd Printing The Last Hundred Yards, Volume 3: The Solomon Islands Triumph & Tragedy, 3rd Printing Twilight Struggle Deluxe, 8th Printing 7月底送印 Almoravid Barbarossa: Army Group Center, 2nd Edition Plains Indian Wars Salerno '43 8月送印 Pacific War The US Civil War, 2nd Printing Vietnam, 1965-1975, GMT Edition 最後美編 C&C Ancients Expansion #5, 2nd Printing Churchill, 3rd Printing Fall of Saigon: A Fire in the Lake Expansion Into the Woods Norway 1940: A PQ-17 Expansion Paths of Glory Deluxe, 2nd Printing The Russian Campaign: Deluxe 5th Edition The Russian Campaign Mounted Mapboards(2) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargame/M.1627055131.A.401.html

07/24 00:47, 3年前 , 1F
07/24 00:47, 1F

07/24 13:15, 3年前 , 2F
07/24 13:15, 2F

07/26 11:53, 3年前 , 3F
07/26 11:53, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1W-kGRG1 (Wargame)
文章代碼(AID): #1W-kGRG1 (Wargame)