[劇情] Djugan (ジュガン)

看板TerraBattle (Terra Battle - 特拉之戰)作者 (mondan)時間10年前 (2014/12/28 14:54), 10年前編輯推噓7(704)
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借用版主大人的格式 紀念扣掉首抽後我自力抽到的第二張金契 明明物攻職抽到不多槍隊卻抽的這麼齊是在暗示我什麼嗎......? 翻譯是同時參考日文和英文 換句話說就是我覺得哪邊寫起來順手就用哪邊啦!ヽ(゚∀。)ノ ============================== Job 1 - Djugan the Sightless http://i.imgur.com/LJA1Sra.png
Djugan is a blind warrior who has developed heightened senses of hearing and smell that allow him to detect an opponent's location with startling accuracy. This is said to be a result of his addiction to the thrill of battle. Djugan是位盲戰士。 透過特別敏銳的聽覺與嗅覺,使他能夠以驚人的準確度發現對手的位置。 據說,那是來自被稱為「Warriors-High」的戰鬥中毒症的副產物。 He is also famously obsessive about cleanliness, and it is said that his superb sense of smell can detect filth and germs invisible to the naked eye. 除此之外,他那極度的潔癖也是廣為人知。 似乎是因為他過人的嗅覺能感受到肉眼看不見的汙物與細菌的緣故。 ============================== Job 2 - Djugan the Discerning http://i.imgur.com/HUknpfw.png
Lately he's become self-conscious about his body odor, which evidently smells like a beastman. But where did it come from? Even his discerning nose has failed to pinpoint the culprit. 最近他開始意識到自己身上發出的體臭,這味道聞起來明顯像是半獸人。 但它究竟是從哪裡發出來的? 就連他敏銳的鼻子都未能查明罪魁禍首。 ============================== Job 3 - Djugan the Clairvoyant http://i.imgur.com/EgHCLDz.png
His sight is now showing signs of recovery thanks to a machine's low frequency stimulation of his central nervous system. Still, he refuses to open his eyes. It seems he is loath to set eyes on this tainted world. 由於機器所發出的低周波刺激了他的中樞神經,他的視力正逐漸出現復甦的徵兆。 但他仍然不願意睜開眼睛。 「看著這個汙穢的世界太痛苦了。」 他的背影彷彿正這麼說著。 =============================== 通過20章後增加的劇情 http://i.imgur.com/rgK2WHN.png
"I hear something--a faint but definite pulse." "我聽到了...一個微弱但明確的脈動。" Those were Djugan's first words when he set foot on the alien planet. Although he could not see the strange landscape that stretched before his eyes, his other senses detected something that no-one else could perceive. 這是Djugan踏上這個充滿異獸的星球時所說的第一句話。 雖然他無法看見在他眼前展開的奇特景觀, 但他的感覺器官捕捉到了其他人都沒有查覺的某種東西。 "Strange... Though but one aura looms here, why do I hear multiple pulses?" "奇怪...明明周圍漂盪的氣味只有一個,為什麼存在著複數的脈動...?" =============================== 原本以為是個鬼父,沒想到是從背影王轉職來的幸運E啊!(超大誤) 「犯人她...她就在你肩膀上啊啊啊!!」 槽點太多害我不知道該從哪裡開始講了XD 這隻J2->J3的悲劇程度不下白補......還我可愛的小ㄌㄌ啊!!!!(血淚) 而且故事中完全沒有提到小蘿莉的來歷,看起來就是不請自來偷偷的幫助他 然後為了幫上更多忙又偷偷的換成全身機械 Djugan真是個罪孽深重的男人...死刑!死刑!! 最後提到存在著複數鼓動的傢伙,我猜應該是指Tiamat吧? -- ◤◤▁▃▁ 「さあ、ワタシと一緒に楽しみましょう。」◤◤ ▁▃▁ ψ域 ◤◤ ~ Unlight ~ 不死の雙子 || ◢◢ || ◢◢ 「アタシの「血」は高くつくわよ。」 " ◢◢ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TerraBattle/M.1419749670.A.8AC.html

12/28 14:58, , 1F
12/28 14:58, 1F
※ 編輯: errantry34 (, 12/28/2014 15:23:08

12/28 15:40, , 2F
12/28 15:40, 2F

12/28 16:11, , 3F
沒有 除非官方補完 不然這蘿莉的身世永遠是迷了
12/28 16:11, 3F

12/28 16:13, , 4F
12/28 16:13, 4F

12/28 16:14, , 5F
把妹子的味道形容成半獸人 這傢伙真的可以死刑了
12/28 16:14, 5F

12/28 16:58, , 6F
很明顯是指小蘿的味道 可以看到J3時那段文字就沒了...
12/28 16:58, 6F

12/28 17:00, , 7F
12/28 17:00, 7F

12/28 23:37, , 8F
12/28 23:37, 8F

12/28 23:37, , 9F
12/28 23:37, 9F

12/29 01:03, , 10F
12/29 01:03, 10F

01/01 19:55, , 11F
01/01 19:55, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1KdwacYi (TerraBattle)
文章代碼(AID): #1KdwacYi (TerraBattle)