[劇情] Manmer (マネマ)

看板TerraBattle (Terra Battle - 特拉之戰)作者 (AstyLe被人取走了)時間10年前 (2014/12/16 01:57), 10年前編輯推噓4(400)
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Job 1 - Manmer the Defender Manmer the stoneman can always be found in a crouching position. Though this was originally an effort to minimize energy consumption, at some point it made him introverted and melancholy. On the bright side, he's developed an extraordinary sense of creativity. Manmer是個無論何時都蜷縮著的岩人, 雖然他的原意是為了減少能量的消耗,但是蜷縮的姿勢也讓他的性格變得憂鬱內向。 不過,往好處想,這種個性也開發了他非凡的創造力。 The elaborate design painted on his stone shield is his own work and demonstrates the depth of his artistic sophistication. 石盾上的彩繪設計就是他展示自己成熟藝術深度的作品。 ============================== Job 2 - Manmer the Survivor He basically guards his entire body with that shield and simply waits for enemy assaults to end. He has a talent for survival. 他基本上利用石盾守護他整個身體以及盾牌,然後單純的等待敵人的攻擊結束。 他有生存能力的天分。 ================================= Job 3 - Manmer the Attacker His shield has now become a fully operational weapon controlled by his brain waves. Here, too, his creativity comes into play. He can simply trace a trajectory in his mind and his shield will swoop and soar accordingly to defend him. 現在他的盾已經成為了一個可以隨著他的腦波充分發揮效能的武器, 運用這個武器,他的創造力可以完全的被發揮, 他可以單純的用意念來跟蹤彈道, 他的盾就會衝刺到他心裡所想的位置進行防禦。 ================================= 和Samupi的互動劇情 One night, Manmer was about to doze off when he sensed that somebody was watching him. "Hm?" 某天晚上,Manmer 在打瞌睡時,感覺到有人正在盯著他看 "...嗯?" It was a rather uncomfortable feeling--like a sort of gloom that was trying to cling to him. 那是一種相當令人不舒服的感覺--像是某種黑黑的東西試圖想要抱住他。 It was almost creepy, in fact, on account of the viscous emotion that it packed. 而且這視線還包覆了一種黏黏的感情,真是令人毛骨悚然。 However, Manmer steeled himself against the encroaching emotion, and soon came to realize the gaze was not aimed at him. "It's...it's aimed at my shields?" he said to himself. 不過,當Manmer努力擺脫了這種毛骨悚然的感覺以後, 他很快的發現這股視線不是對著他來的。 "它...正在看著我的盾?" Manmer自言自語著。 Focusing even more, Manmer now perceived that the gaze was not at his stone shields themselves, but rather at the elaborate patterns they bore. 仔細觀察後,Manmer查覺到這股視線其實也不是對著石盾本身, 而是石盾上面的花紋和孔洞。 So, he immediately flipped the shields over to hide the patterns. That's when he heard a voice exclaim "Ah!" It was Samupí who had been staring the whole time. Manmer立刻把石盾翻了個面並且把花紋給藏起來, 在此同時,他聽到了一聲驚呼。 "啊!" 聲音的主人是一直盯著他的石盾看的Samupi。 The explaination was simple. I want you to teach me how to create that pattern, was what Samupí was thinking, but he could not get the words out. But no one who knew Manmer would be surprised. Samupi盯著石盾看的原因很單純, "我想要你教我要怎麼創作出這些美得驚人的圖案", 但Samupi卻沒辦法把這句話傳達給Manmer。 The aura that stoic stoneman emanated said keep away and was stronger than anyone had ever felt before. 因為Manmer不知不覺散發著一股彷彿想把所有人都趕走的強烈氣場。 So it was Samupí had been secretly staring at the pattern, night after night, hoping that it might inspire him. 所以Samupi日復一日地都跑來盯著石盾上的花紋,希望能從這些花紋找出一些靈感。 "I'll give you one if you'll stop staring." "如果你別再盯著我看的話,我可以給你一個石盾。" And with that, Manmer gave one of his precious shields to Samupí, for he was weary of the persistent gaze. 所以Manmer給了Samupi一個寶貴的石盾, 因為他直勾勾盯著人看的視線實在令人不舒服。 That night, Samupí was so overjoyed, he slept with the shield cradled in his arms. 當晚,Samupi無比開心的擁著Manmer的石盾入眠...。 ====== 互動比本篇還多是怎麼回事啊... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TerraBattle/M.1418666236.A.26B.html ※ 編輯: Asty1e (, 12/16/2014 02:02:03

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我的自閉弓哪有那麼萌 (?
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文章代碼(AID): #1KZo3y9h (TerraBattle)