[劇情] Zenzoze(ゼンゾゼ)--新增一小段劇情

看板TerraBattle (Terra Battle - 特拉之戰)作者 (-o- y-~)時間10年前 (2014/12/02 18:14), 10年前編輯推噓6(6011)
留言17則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
前言: B闇槍(http://tinyurl.com/mxamlp2 fami通攻略角色連結) 雖然能力不是很突出 但是角色設計我滿喜歡的 J2/J3的人物畫的很有狂氣的感覺 有展現出"闇"的屬性 不過他背後也是有著一些悲慘的背景 跟在歌姬後面翻是因為有互動劇情 (不過其實劇情內沒有互動到XD) Job1: Zenzoze is a beastman with terrible destructive urges. Zenzoze是一個擁有可怕的破壞衝動的獸人 Unable to control these urges that flare up within his soul, he wreaks destruction until everything around him lies in ruins. 他沒辦法抑制在靈魂內熊熊燃燒的慾望 他會破壞一切 直到周圍成為一片廢墟為止 A self-preservation instinct takes over during thistime, and it is only afterward that he realizes what he's done. 自我保護的本能會在此時接管他的意志 直到事後他才會發覺他做了什麼 These incidents fill him with despair and loathing, for they have occurred time and time again his entire life. 這些一次又一次的在他人生中發生的破壞事件使他充滿絕望和憎恨 Job2: Zenzoze now wears a jet-black veil and has completely shut his heart off to the world. His destructive urges now threaten to destroy his own existence. Zenzoze現在穿著漆黑的斗篷並且完全封閉自己的內心 現在他的破壞衝動已經威脅到自己:他想摧毀自己的存在 Job3: In an effort to calm his heart, Zenzoze attempted to suppress its destructive urges via a machine that chemically counteracts them by flooding the body with neurotransmitters. 為了安撫他的心靈 Zenzoze試著透過機器將神經傳導物質打入全身 利用化學物質來對抗 他的破壞衝動 The heart is not so easily controlled through physicalmeans, however. 然而他的衝動不是這麼簡單就可以用物理方式來控制的 The devastation that surrounded him the morning after the experiment was evidence of that. 實驗過後隔天早晨 周圍被蹂躪過後的景象證明了這點 互動劇情:與Eileen(歌姬) It was a song that saved Zenzoze from his abyss of despair, and not just any song. 就是這首歌拯救了在絕望的深淵中的Zenzoze 並不是隨便一首歌都可以 It was sung by a soprano whose voice was tinged with grief and despair. Before he knew it, the song has lifted his heart. 它是由一個略帶悲傷和絕望的女高音所吟唱的 在他知道這些之前 他封閉的心靈已經被這歌聲解放了 He did not know what sort of grief drove that song, but just knowing there was someone else out there who was suffering similarly put a halt to his destructive ways. 他不知道是怎麼樣的悲痛來驅使歌手吟唱這首歌 只知道在這首歌背後 有一個跟他有著相似痛苦的人 可以抑制他的破壞行為 (可能是終章後新增的劇情 我也沒注意到什麼時候多這一段出來XD) Seek as he might, Zenzoze did not learn who the singer was. 儘管他盡力去找 Zenzoze還是沒有找到這位歌手是誰 Perhaps even getting such information was utterly impossible for the ineloquent, socially awkward beast man. 可能這對於一個不善言詞也不懂社交辭令的獸人來說得到這些消息是不可能的 He never did manage to discover her name, and his wish to one day find her express his gratitude was remain unfulfilled. 他一直都沒有辦法找到她的名字 所以他想要向她表達感謝之意的願望也一直沒有辦法實現 註:感謝版友Hevak幫忙校正 -- 翻到這裡我真的覺得TB的世界裡需要心理諮商師 一堆人都被黑暗困擾著啊XDDDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TerraBattle/M.1417515280.A.FA1.html

12/02 18:32, , 1F
每個角色都這麽黑 難怪都在自殘(義肢)
12/02 18:32, 1F

12/02 19:59, , 2F
12/02 19:59, 2F

12/02 20:00, , 3F
12/02 20:00, 3F

12/02 20:23, , 4F
12/02 20:23, 4F

12/02 20:25, , 5F
歌姬是自己徹底壞了,再轉好的 XD
12/02 20:25, 5F

12/02 20:37, , 6F
感覺跟RTD一樣 每個人都沒好下場
12/02 20:37, 6F

12/02 20:51, , 7F
12/02 20:51, 7F

12/05 02:02, , 8F
12/05 02:02, 8F

12/05 02:03, , 9F
Seek as he might應該是儘管他盡力了還是不知道歌手是誰
12/05 02:03, 9F

12/05 02:03, , 10F
He never did manage不是他沒去找,而是他一直沒辦法找到
12/05 02:03, 10F

12/05 02:07, , 11F
啊啊上一行少打字,manage to
12/05 02:07, 11F

12/05 02:08, , 12F
12/05 02:08, 12F

12/05 02:09, , 13F
12/05 02:09, 13F

12/05 07:39, , 14F
最後一段我是參考日文來翻的 不知道是我誤解日文還是
12/05 07:39, 14F

12/05 07:39, , 15F
12/05 07:39, 15F

12/05 07:39, , 16F

12/05 13:04, , 17F
12/05 13:04, 17F
※ 編輯: hangzer (, 12/05/2014 13:22:03
文章代碼(AID): #1KVP4G-X (TerraBattle)
文章代碼(AID): #1KVP4G-X (TerraBattle)