[劇情] Jaguna(シャグナ)

看板TerraBattle (Terra Battle - 特拉之戰)作者 (-o- y-~)時間10年前 (2014/11/27 20:37), 10年前編輯推噓6(603)
留言9則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
前言: 重鎧女Jaguna(http://tinyurl.com/p2cqcfa fami通攻略網站角色連結) 雖然身為(全TB內唯一的爆衣女)活動角 但是能力和技能組就是個悲劇 連性別都很難被分辨出來 而意外的是 連她的背景故事也是悲劇 Job1: Jaguna is an enigmatic being encased head to foot in armor crafted from material deemed the heaviest in the world. Jaguna是個全身上下都被極為厚重的裝甲包覆的神秘人物 Based on glimpses of her skin and other features, Jaguna appears to be female, possibly a beastwoman. 從她的皮膚和其他特徵來看 Jaguna看起來像是是女性:可能是獸族女子 Job2: The weapon she wields is tremendously heavy as well, designed more for bashing than slashing. 她所揮舞的武器十分沉重 與其說是砍擊 更像是為了猛烈的一擊而設計的 She is naturally gifted at healing, specializing in recovery spells at times and in antidotes at others. 她在治癒上十分地有天分 專精於治療法術及為他人解毒 Job3: But what exactly is her true nature? This was finally revealed the day she shed her armor. 但是她到底是什麼? 終在他脫下那身裝甲時揭曉 Jaguna possesses the ability to hover in the air rarity even amongst the beastfolk. Jaguna擁有在空中盤旋的能力-一個就算在獸族當中也十分稀有的能力 There was a time when such be were actually quite common...until they were hunted to the verge of extinction by humans bent on studying them like lab rats. 有一段時間獸族十分的常見....直到他們被人類獵捕 像是對待實驗鼠一樣地研究他們 而因此瀕臨絕種 By donning thick, heavy armor, Jaguna has gained the ability to tread the earth and evade these human Predators. 藉由穿著這些厚重的裝甲 Jaguna才能夠踏足地面 並且躲避這些人類掠奪者 互動劇情:與Kana(カナ) "They still exist" 它們還生存著! Kana gaped at Jaguna in open astonishment. Kana目瞪口呆並驚訝地看著Jaguna She had once researched the science behind wingless flight. Her study of this fascinating subject had soon reached an impasse, however. 她曾經研究過這種不需羽翼的飛行能力背後的科學原理 然而這項迷人的研究主題很快地就遇到瓶頸 Such flight was impossible. All the data pointed to this conclusion. 所有結果都指出:這種飛行是不可能的 Numerous lives were sacrificed in the name of this research, which had been hailed as a foundation for the future. 許多的生命在這場認為是未來基石的研究中被犧牲了 Jaguna's people had been these unfortunate test subjects. Jaguna的族人們被當作是這項不幸研究的受試對象 "But reports declared you long dead..." "但是報告宣稱你們早已死去了" "There are ways to survive. What did you want, by the way? "生命會找到出路 所以,你到底想要什麼?" "Ah, um... As a humble scientist, Imust ask..." "噢, 嗯....身為一個謙遜的科學家 我一定要問..." "How we can fly through the air?" "我們怎麼能這樣子飛在空中?" Slowly and deliberately, Jaguna stretched her palm toward the ground. Metallic black grains abruptly flew up and clung to her hand Jaguna不慌不忙的 將她的手掌面向地面 黑色金屬粒子突然飛起並且聚集在她的手上 "Magnetism?!" "磁力?!" (萬磁王 是你?) Kana had discovered the answer that had eluded so many for so long Kana總算發現了困惑她很久很久的答案 "Aye. We're magnetic, as your people call it" "正是 我們有著你們稱為磁性的能力" Jaguna's eyes misted over as her thoughts drifted back to her homeland, now long gone Jaguna眼神迷離 她的思緒飄回到了她那已經不復存在的故鄉中 -- 人物劇情翻譯頭香 Get?! 另外我日文不好 所以用英文當翻譯的基礎 有任何翻譯的意見請指教 謝謝! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TerraBattle/M.1417091850.A.568.html ※ 編輯: hangzer (, 11/27/2014 20:41:23

11/27 20:42, , 1F
11/27 20:42, 1F

11/27 20:44, , 2F
11/27 20:44, 2F

11/27 20:56, , 3F
有圖嗎 認不出來XDD
11/27 20:56, 3F

11/27 21:01, , 4F
11/27 21:01, 4F

11/27 21:09, , 5F
11/27 21:09, 5F

11/28 01:02, , 6F
11/28 01:02, 6F

11/28 01:49, , 7F
推!! 我當初也以為她是男的...XD
11/28 01:49, 7F

11/28 01:49, , 8F
11/28 01:49, 8F
感謝 已修正!

11/28 06:41, , 9F
11/28 06:41, 9F
※ 編輯: hangzer (, 11/28/2014 09:51:21
文章代碼(AID): #1KTniALe (TerraBattle)
文章代碼(AID): #1KTniALe (TerraBattle)