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討論串[問題] 請教一個Martial_Power的Power
共 9 篇文章
我比較在意的是 wotc 的回答是否正確. 我們翻到 phb 的第 268 頁關於 immediate action 的解釋:. * Once per round : You can take only one immediate action per round,. either an immed
你聽那客服在放屁。. PHB 269 右上角的原文:. ACTIONS ON OTHER TURNS. 1. Opportunity Actions: You can take one opportunity. action on each other combatant's turn. An. o
試著寫了一下,文法應是有誤,請諸位賢能幫忙修正。. My wise Lord. Last time you tell me that “the attack that Combat Challenge grants is. not an opportunity attack. A marked en
客服回信啦! xD. 果然是前一個客服腦殘.. 這邊特別感謝lanti跟Dark2001的解說與幫忙. 官方回信如下. Ken,. I think there's some confusion here, maybe in the way your previous questionwas aske