[翻譯] Endless Space Wiki: Resourses part6

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終於從群長年會回來了,可以繼續補完還沒貼完的翻譯 這次貼上Luxury Resources的前半部 ==================================== Endless Space Wiki 翻譯 http://endlessspace.wikia.com/wiki/Endless_Space_Wiki google文件:http://0rz.tw/JnfQv 我把google文件的權限調到只要有連結的人就能評論 如果要修改的板友,請標明修改段落並留下您的ID 這樣以後有機會發佈時,我才知道感謝名單要列上哪些人 感謝 ==================================== 五、Luxury Resources 豪奢資源 Overview 概觀 There are sixteen luxury resources. As opposed to FIDS, luxury resources are not consumed. Luxury resources are found on planets in quantities of 1-3. You can access the luxury resource by having the corresponding technology and colonizing the planet. Luxury resources also boost the FIDS output of the planet depending on the resource. Unless the system is blockaded, the luxury resource (but not its planet effects) is shared with the rest of the empire. 一共有十六種豪奢資源。與FIDS不同,豪奢資源不會被用掉。在第一到第三級行星上能找 到豪奢資源,前提是你研發了相對應的科技並殖民其上。豪奢資源也會根據其種類來增加 所屬行星的FIDS產量。在沒被封鎖的情況下,豪奢資源是全帝國共用的(但對所屬行星的 加成則沒有)。 If you have 4 or more of a strategic resource, you have a monopoly. This provides a bonus to the effect. 如果你的其中一種豪奢資源有四個以上,那該資源會進入「壟斷」狀態,會有額外加成。 Luxury resources have more varied effects than strategic resources. 豪奢資源比起戰略資源,有更多樣化的效果。 Availability 取得難度 The number of types of luxury resources in existence depends on the galaxy size and the galaxy resource setting: 整個銀河系中的每種豪奢資源數量有限,由銀河系大小及銀河系的資源設定而定 銀河系 每種資源的數量 大小 低 中 高 微型 2 4 6 小型 4 8 12 中等 6 12 16 大型 8 16 16 巨型 8 16 16 Testing suggests that under most conditions there are always a total 7 of each luxury resource in the galaxy, distributed across 4 planets. A resource monopoly then always corresponds to a majority possession of that resource. The exception is when there are so many strategic resources that they "crowd out" luxury resources. See galaxy generation for details. 測試指出,大多數情況下銀河系中每種豪奢資源都有七個資源點,分布在四顆行星上。因 此對某種資源的壟斷就會佔據該資源過半數的資源點。除非戰略資源太多而把豪奢資源「 排擠」掉,詳情請見「產生銀河系」一節。 Types 種類 The luxury resources are divided into four types. 豪奢資源被分成四大類。 Vegetables 植物 Redsang, Bluecap Mold, Dustwater, Hydromiel. 紅香料、藍帽菇、星塵水、水蜜果 Technically known in Endless Space as "animalia".[1] 在Endless Space裡被叫成「動物界」(註1) Unlocked by Xenology. This is a very early tech. 研究外星學後解鎖,外星學是個初期就能研發的科技。 Much more likely to be found on Class I and II planets than elsewhere. 最常在第一、第二級行星發現。 Planet bonuses tend to be focused on Food. 一般提供食物加成。 Empire bonuses primarily benefit star systems. 帝國加成以行星系為主。 Gems 寶石 Mercurite, Void Stone, Jadonyx, Ionic Crystals. 虹彩合金、虛空石、玉瑪瑙、離子水晶 Technically known as "gems and minerals". 技術上來說是「寶石與礦物」。 Unlocked by Containment Fields. 研究封鎖力場後解鎖。 More likely to be found on Class I and II planets than elsewhere. 最常在第一、第二級行星發現。 Planet bonuses tend to be focused on Dust. 一般提供星塵加成。 Empire bonuses primarily benefit ships. 帝國加成以船艦為主。 Drugs 藥物 Eden Incense, Meta-Entactogen, Transvine, Proto-Orchid. 伊甸園之香、氤氳葉、轉換藤、元初之蘭 Technically known as "xeno-pharmaceuticals". 技術上來說是「外星藥物」。 Unlocked by Nonbaryonic Particles. 研究無重子粒子後解鎖。 Most likely to be found on Class III planets; least likely to be found on Class I and II planets. 最常出現在第三級行星,出現在第一、第二級行星的機會比較小。 Planet bonuses tend to be focused on Approval. 一般提供支持度加成。 Empire bonuses primarily benefit ships. 帝國加成以船艦為主。 Artifacts 工藝品 Concrete Artifacts, Virtual Artifacts, Preschism Artifacts, Mundane Artifacts. 實體工藝品、虛擬工藝品、大分裂前工藝品、其他遠古工藝品 Unlocked by Personal Shielding. This is a much later tech than the rest. 研究個人護罩後解鎖,這是一個大後期的科技。 Most likely to be found on Class IV planets; least likely to be found on Class I and II planets. 最常在第四級行星出現,較少機會出現在第一、第二級行星。 Planet bonuses tend to be focused on Science. 一般提供科技加成。 Empire bonuses primarily benefit star systems. 帝國加成以行星系為主。 ↑ In real life, the kingdom animalia refers to animals. However, the in-game descriptions make no suggestion that these resources are composed of animals, but rather suggest that these resources may be composed of plants, fungi, various microorganisms, and/or Dust. For this reason, and to give a more colloquially recognizable name, we have chosen to use the term "vegetable" here. 在真實世界中,"animalia"專指動物。但在遊戲中沒有對於這個詞的詳細解釋,而且這個 詞包括了動物、植物、真菌、各種微生物和/或星塵。因此為了訂一個比較通俗的詞語,在 此使用「植物」一詞。 List of resources 資源列表 豪奢 行星加成 | 帝國加成 資源 支持度 食物 星塵 科技力| 每個 壟斷(4+) 效果 | 紅香料 +1 +2 | +2% +20% 星塵 藍帽菇 +10 +1 +1 | +2% +20% 支持度 星塵水 +2 +1 | +5% +30% 英雄經驗值 蜂蜜水 +3 | +2% +20% 食物 | 虹彩合金 +3 +1 | +4% +40% 船艦經驗值 虛空石 +10 +3 | +2% +20% 船艦修理 玉瑪瑙 +20 +2 | +4% +40% 船艦攻擊力 離子水晶 +10 +2 +1 | +10% +60% 船艦移動 | 伊甸園之香 +20 +2 | +4% +40% 侵略能力 氤氳葉 +30 +1 | +4% +40% 船艦防禦力 轉換藤 +40 | +4% +40% 船艦經驗值 元初之蘭 +20 +1 +1 | +1% +10% FIDS | 實體工藝品 +10 +1 +2 | +4% +40% 貿易路線加成 虛擬工藝品 +10 +1 +2 | +2% +20% 工業產能 大分裂前 +10 +3 | -3% -30% 買斷花費 工藝品 | 其他遠古 +1 +3 | +2% +20% 科技力 工藝品 | Note : The monopoly bonus stack additively with the bonus for each resource you possess. For instance acquiring Redsang would give you : +2%(1), +4%(2), +6%(3), +28%(4), +30%(5), +32%(6), +34%(7). 附註:在達到壟斷加成後,你拿到更多該資源能繼續加成。舉例來說,紅香料的加成為: +2%(1), +4%(2), +6%(3), +28%(4), +30%(5), +32%(6), +34%(7)。 ------------------------------------------------------------ Redsang 紅香料 Background 背景 This red spice is derived from a lichen that thrives on coral reefs but can be found anywhere there are traces of water. It is prized for it's strong, spicey flavor as well as it's notable effects on biological health and longevity. 這種紅色的香料從一種水中到處都是,但特別愛生長在珊瑚礁上的苔蘚提煉而來。紅香料 的香味濃郁,能有效促進身體健康及長壽,使的它價值不斐。 Effects 效果 +1 Food Per population unit On Planet +2 Dust Per population unit On Planet +2% Dust Per Redsang On Empire 所屬行星上單位人口+1食物、+2星塵產量 帝國每個資源點+2%星塵產量 Effects If Resource Monopoly (4+): +20% Dust On Empire 壟斷(4+):帝國+20%星塵產量 ------------------------------------------------------------ Bluecap Mold 藍帽菇 Background 背景 This a form of mushroom that contains a potent nootrophic (cognition enhancing) drug . A remnant of Endless biogenetics, it is derived from fungal spores that can survive in deep space. It is highly sought after despite it's side-effects (craving for pastries, rapid hair-growth) 這種含有強烈認知促進藥成分的蘑菇,從一種能在外太空生存的孢子生長而成,是永恆族 過去所創造的生物的殘存種之一。大家為了它的副作用(為了做糕點和生髮藥)而拼命尋 找中。 Effects 效果 +10 Approval On Planet +1 Food Per population unit On Planet +1 Dust Per population unit On Planet +2% Approval Per Bluecap Mold On Empire 所屬行星支持度+10、單位人口+1食物、星塵產量 帝國每個資源點+2%支持度 Effects If Resource Monopoly (4+): +20% Approval On Empire 壟斷(4+):帝國+20%支持度 Note: Empire approval does not affect the approval on specific systems; see Approval for more information on the difference between system approval and empire approval. 附註:帝國支持度不影響特定行星系的支持度,參閱「支持度」一節以得到更多行星系支 持度與帝國支持度之間的差異。 ------------------------------------------------------------ Dustwater 星塵水 Background 背景 This is a curative substance that predates the Endless schism. It is an early product of Dust enhancements that is not merely curative for biological and mechanical beings but also enhances empathy. 早在永恆族的大分裂以前,星塵水就是一種治病的藥物了。它不僅可以拿來治療肉體和修 復機械,同時在利用星塵替英雄強化的初期階段,也會用到星塵水以增強共鳴作用。 Effects 效果 +2 Food Per population unit On Planet +1 Dust Per population unit On Planet +5% Hero xp Per Dustwater On Empire 所屬行星單位人口+2食物、+1星塵產量 帝國每個資源點+5%英雄經驗值 Effects If Resource Monopoly (4+): +30% Hero xp On Empire 壟斷(4+):帝國英雄經驗值+30% ------------------------------------------------------------ Hydromiel 水蜜果 Background 背景 To aid their travels across the galaxy, the Endless seeded many planets with Hydromiel - a machine / organic mix that builds nutrients from any form of soil or rock and converts it into idescribably delecious blobs of grape-sized fruit. 永恆族為了能在銀河系間旅行,在許多行星上種植水蜜果─一種機械/有機組織混和的植 物,能從任何土壤或岩石中汲取養分並轉化為葡萄狀、美味的難以形容的果實。 Effects 效果 +3 Food Per population unit On Planet +2% Food Per Hydromiel In Empire 所屬行星單位人口+3食物 帝國每個資源點+2%食物產量 Effects If Resource Monopoly (4+): +20% Food In Empire 壟斷(4+):帝國食物產量+20% ====================================== 請大家務必批評指正我的翻譯,感謝! -- 到那時,在壁爐邊,當孫子坐在某位老人的膝蓋上,問道:「爺爺,你在亡靈天災入侵的 時候幹什麼呢?」 而他不用尷尬地干咳一聲,把孫子移到另一個膝蓋上,吞吞吐吐地說 :「啊……爺爺我當時在清淨農場挖牛糞。」與此相反,他可以直盯著他的眼睛理直氣壯 地說: 「孫子,爺爺我當年在立法院議場和那個狗娘養的三百暴民並肩作戰!」 ~《太陽花全書》 第一章第二節 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SLG/M.1423746167.A.C33.html ※ 編輯: o07608 (, 02/12/2015 21:03:40
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