[情報] T1隊員資料置底
≡ T1 Entertainment & Sports
2019.02.25宣布SKtelecom和ComcastSpectacor合作成立T1 Entertainment & Sports
官網 https://t1.gg YouTube https://goo.gl/2wKhTz
推特 https://twitter.com/T1 Discord https://goo.gl/D672k7
IG https://goo.gl/ugUiWA Twitch https://goo.gl/dbzd24
LoL分部 2012.12月成立
TOP : Roach / Canna 教練 : Kim / Comet / Moment
JG : Cuzz / Ellim 分析 : Tolki / Hajin
MID : Faker/ Gori 推特 : https://goo.gl/eKX4rQ
AD : Teddy / Gumayusi 微博 : https://goo.gl/6dNX3s
SUP : Effort / Kuri IG : https://goo.gl/91nz5g
訓練隊:Sayho / Burdol* / Closer* FB : https://goo.gl/jqnmRB
Wooje* / Nyx* / HakaM* *為沒官宣但Sayho FB有標
HS分部 2018.07.30成立
選手 : Surrender / Feno / Orange / BoarControl
PUBG分部 2018.08.12成立
教練 : cCarter / Toad
選手 : Akad / HelleN / Adder / JeffLocka / Treasure
Fortnite分部 2019.03.13成立
NA Team選手 : SOFA
KR Team選手 : Quickss / Medusa / Arius / Psangae / Hood.J / Peterpan / SinOoh
/ Envy / Spidermon
KR 教練: KoiGod
Battle Royale Pro 2019.03.13成立
成員 : Sonii / JuanKorea
APEX分部 2019.03.15成立
選手 : Zerg / Kurt / Selly / KaronPe / Parkha / Assert
教練 : H1ddeN
Smash Ultimate分部 2019.04.17成立
成員 : Anti / LarryLurr
Dota2分部 2019.08.22成立
成員 : Forev
Pokemon分部 2019.11.14成立
成員 : Sejun
Creator and streamer 2019.11.19
LoL分部資料 TOP / JG
Roach Canna
Kim Kang-hui / 1999.01.31 Kim Chang-dong / 2000.02.11
官宣: 2019.11.26 官宣: 2019.11.26(轉正)
推特: https://twitter.com/RoachLoL FB: https://tinyurl.com/v6jpfe8
FB: https://tinyurl.com/rmt5tdp OP.GG: https://tinyurl.com/yho78neg
IG: https://tinyurl.com/vlhflsh Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/canna
Twitch: https://tinyurl.com/sf3fmzh
鬥魚: https://www.douyu.com/4793757
Cuzz Ellim
Mun U-chan / 1999.10.30 Choi Ellim / 2000.05.25
官宣: 2019.11.21 官宣: 2018.12.28 / 2019.11.26(轉正)
鬥魚: https://www.douyu.com/5100511 FB: https://tinyurl.com/rvw26c8
IG: https://tinyurl.com/v6ggsqr OP.GG: https://tinyurl.com/uu8y4a3
Twitch: https://tinyurl.com/t7afu8j https://tinyurl.com/qpmdhno
OP.GG: https://tinyurl.com/tad5cnq Twitch: https://tinyurl.com/tod8hrw
https://tinyurl.com/uj4gsj2 鬥魚: https://tinyurl.com/s4sc4oz
LoL分部資料 MID / BOT
Faker Gori
Lee Sang-hyeok / 1996.05.07 Kim Taewoo / 2000.08.09
官宣: 2013.2月 官宣: 2018.12.28
FB : https://goo.gl/n2pBDZ OP.GG: https://tinyurl.com/v6pena9
推特: https://twitter.com/faker https://tinyurl.com/sxp35xp
YT : https://goo.gl/pEzggu Twitch: https://twitch.tv/gori
Twitch: https://goo.gl/CFERQh
鬥魚: https://goo.gl/i5kcwz
OP.GG: https://tinyurl.com/qkctmav
Gumayusi Teddy
Lee Minhyung / 2002.02.06 Park Jin-seong / 1998.03.15
官宣: 2018.12.28 / 2019.11.26(轉正) 官宣: 2018.11.22
IG: https://reurl.cc/5gG1Mz FB : https://goo.gl/Yz5AFe
FB: https://tinyurl.com/r5a68n7 Twitch: https://tinyurl.com/ur8fbsv
OP.GG:https://tinyurl.com/ukahbl9 鬥魚: https://tinyurl.com/sasjfpp
https://tinyurl.com/w9ho6l9 IG : https://is.gd/rOtNwf
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/gumayusi OP.GG: https://tinyurl.com/wb2bc7b
LoL分部資料 BOT / SUP / Coach
Effort Kuri
Lee Sang-ho / 2000.11.23 Choi Won-yeong / 2000.08.08
官宣: 2017.11.24 (轉正) 官宣: 2018.12.28 / 2019.11.26(轉正)
Twitch: https://goo.gl/35F6yM FB : https://tinyurl.com/rgzz35v
鬥魚: https://goo.gl/KRfW1P OP.GG: https://tinyurl.com/relluqb
OP.GG: https://tinyurl.com/rz8jj3o Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/t1_kuri
Kim Comet
Kim Jeong Soo / 1988.06.17 Lim Hye-sung / 1991.08.04
官宣: 2019.11.26 官宣: 2019.11.27
FB: https://www.facebook.com/kjs238 FB: https://tinyurl.com/uthjhpd
IG: https://tinyurl.com/tvbd4q4 IG: https://tinyurl.com/vwjzqdb
Kim Ji-hwan / 1993.12.19
官宣: 2019.12.10
OP.GG: https://tinyurl.com/r747dn5
LoL分部資料 analyst
Tolki (Head of Strategy & Analytics) Hajin (analyst & manager)
Gary Mialaret Park Hyunseon / 1992.01.18
官宣: 2019.12.13 官宣: 2019.12.13
推特: https://twitter.com/TolkiCasts 推特: https://twitter.com/HajinsunTV
Twitch: https://tinyurl.com/raxvvwj Twitch: https://tinyurl.com/yx7khkrq
IG: https://tinyurl.com/tnyed7v
LoL分部資料 trainee
Sayho (Coach)
Park Seho 新增日:Sayho FB介紹ID那天
官宣: 2018.12.28
OP.GG: https://tinyurl.com/yx86kgob
Burdol (TOP) Closer (MID)
Noh Tae-yoon Lee Ju-hyeon
Pedia標加入日:2019.05月 Pedia標加入日:2019.05月
OP.GG: https://tinyurl.com/sacvh9b OP.GG: https://tinyurl.com/trh8t7y
Wooje (TOP) Nyx (JG)
新增日:2019.12.17 新增日:2019.12.17
OP.GG: https://tinyurl.com/vjglqbq OP.GG: https://tinyurl.com/sanjx9t
HakaM (BOT)
OP.GG: https://tinyurl.com/vmfvn8k
HS分部資料 Player
Surrender Orange
Kim Jung Soo / 1996.10.25
官宣: 2018.07.30 官宣: 2019.04.19
推特: https://goo.gl/6KtDn4 推特: https://twitter.com/HS_Orange
Twitch: https://goo.gl/S2fuE2 Twitch: https://is.gd/ForZk6
IG : https://goo.gl/BL7Raa IG : https://is.gd/omHs7e
Feno BoarControl
官宣: 2019.04.19 官宣: 2019.04.19
推特: https://twitter.com/FenoHS 推特: https://twitter.com/BoarControl
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fenohs Twitch: https://is.gd/Vcssq3
YT : https://is.gd/h1Shyy YT : https://is.gd/qPhZCy
Treasure HelleN
Lee HANEUL / 2001.04.20 Ann Kang Hyun / 2001.07.09
官宣: 2019.05.13 (PKL2名單日) 官宣: 2019.08.19 (PKL3抽籤日)
IG: https://reurl.cc/6gE5NO IG: https://tinyurl.com/slg5kj9
推特: https://tinyurl.com/yx3qu5ps 推特: https://tinyurl.com/ug2qe5p
JeffLocka Adder
Choi Seung Yeong / 1999.02.25 Jeong Ji Hun / 1999.07.29
官宣: 2018.09.28 官宣: 2018.08.12
IG: https://tinyurl.com/vnt7yn4
LIM GWANGHYUN / 2000.05.21
官宣: 2019.02.08
cCarter (監督) Toad (Coach)
Choi Byoung Hoon Choi Jeong Jin
官宣: 2018.08.12(之前是LoL監督) 官宣: 2018.08.12
Fortnite NA分部資料
Alex Kolich
官宣: 2019.03.13
推特: https://twitter.com/SOFAFN
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/S0FA_
官宣: 2019.03.14
Fortnite KR分部資料
Qucikss Medusa
Park Jin Gyu An Min Cheol
官宣: 2019.03.13 官宣: 2019.03.13
推特: https://twitter.com/Qu1ckss 推特: https://goo.gl/Cj4KP7
Twitch: https://goo.gl/DD72zV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/medusa2
YT : https://goo.gl/476qPd
Arius Psangae
Seo Woohyeon Lee Hee Kun
官宣: 2019.03.13 官宣: 2019.03.13
推特: https://twitter.com/Arius_3 推特: https://twitter.com/p_sangae
Fortnite KR分部資料
Hood.J Peterpan
Kim Doh-Hwan
官宣: 2019.7月 官宣: 2019.7月
推特: https://twitter.com/HoodJ_FN 推特: https://twitter.com/T1Peterpan
SinOoh KoiGod (Coach)
Jung Sin-Ooh
官宣: 2019.7月 官宣: 2019.7月
推特: https://twitter.com/SinOoh_o0o 推特: https://twitter.com/T1KoiGod
Envy Spidermon
官宣: 2019.10.08 官宣: 2019.10.08
推特: https://twitter.com/Envy_FN 推特: https://twitter.com/Spidermon0
Battle Royale Pro資料
Sonii JuanKorea
Michael Sherman Bongsang Kim
官宣: 2019.03.13 官宣: 2019.03.13
推特: https://twitter.com/sonii 推特: https://goo.gl/ygYq9X
IG : https://www.instagram.com/Sonii Twitch: https://goo.gl/FmRwGZ
YT : https://goo.gl/vqC4sy
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sonii
Zerg Kurt
Haydin Gordon Kurtis Gallo
官宣: 2019.03.15 官宣: 2019.03.15
推特: https://twitter.com/zerg 推特: https://twitter.com/T1Kurt
IG : https://goo.gl/PpSpCw YT : https://goo.gl/T529j8
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/zerg Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kurt_tv
Selly Assert
官宣: 2019.10.08 官宣: 2019.11.12
推特: https://twitter.com/Selly_ow 推特: https://twitter.com/1Assert
KaronPe Parkha
官宣: 2019.10.08 官宣: 2019.10.08
推特: https://twitter.com/KaronPe_APL
H1ddeN (Coach)
官宣: 2019.10.17
推特: https://twitter.com/officialh1dden
Smash Ultimate分部資料
Anti LarryLurr
/ 03.11 Larry Holland
官宣: 2019.04.17 官宣: 2019.04.17
推特: https://twitter.com/Anti 推特: https://twitter.com/LarryLurr
IG : https://is.gd/HflF1v IG : https://is.gd/HynoE2
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/anti Twitch: https://is.gd/wAC5fn
YT : https://www.youtube.com/ANTi94 YT : https://is.gd/zX3qjM
FB : https://is.gd/O3XnRH
Lee Sang-don / 1991.11.18
官宣: 2018.08.22
推特: https://twitter.com/DotaFoREv
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/forev
YT : https://reurl.cc/z2jbN
Park Sejun
官宣: 2019.11.14
推特: https://twitter.com/pokemon_tcg
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sejun_park
Creator and streamer 資料
Lim Yo-Hwan / 1980.09.04
FB: https://www.facebook.com/FulpotBoxer
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbGzoa8xSdjr-B3UdI06yPA
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SKT_T1/M.1574868763.A.7A0.html
11/28 01:24,
, 1F
11/28 01:24, 1F
11/28 12:23,
, 2F
11/28 12:23, 2F
2.LoL OP.GG (希望他們不要常改韓服ID,改了連結會失效==)
(PUBG分部就有選手是T1沒提前官宣,但打PKL的狀況= =)
其他分部的資料是依T1 SNS宣布修改,實際人到底有沒有在或新加入,我不確定
PUBG https://www.pubgesports.kr/ PUBGKR:有選手名單
http://pkl.afreecatv.com/ PKL資訊
https://tinyurl.com/ts2as6f PKL YT
LoL https://lol.gamepedia.com/T1 Pedia
https://onair.gg/live/all 統整部分LCK選手實況台
https://tinyurl.com/vyyeatw KeSPA微博:會發LCK登錄名單+中文名
https://tinyurl.com/t2e3h4h LoLKR
https://tinyurl.com/tkhtash LCK YT
https://tinyurl.com/r4c2sqj LCK 英文版YT
11/28 14:59,
, 3F
11/28 14:59, 3F
11/28 16:19,
, 4F
11/28 16:19, 4F
※ 編輯: cececcc ( 臺灣), 01/08/2020 23:50:30
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