Re: [問題] 請問最近PS連線是否怪怪的

看板Poker (撲克牌)作者 (小風)時間13年前 (2011/12/18 19:54), 編輯推噓6(604)
留言10則, 8人參與, 最新討論串2/4 (看更多)
針對這點 我這兩天也常常遇到 我通常是開16~18桌的現金桌 每次斷都大概一分鐘左右 就算剛好沒牌 其實損失還是有的 有次是在hyper 36搶一的SNG 剩3個人 第一可以拿到周日10m賽的門票 然後斷了 原本籌碼很健康 最後回復連線必須被迫用45s call 然後我火大了 寫信去罵PS 我很確定是他們連線的問題 因為斷線同一時間我的連線都很OK 我說我貢獻的rake也不少 給點穩定連線很難嗎 最後PS回了我這封信 Thank you for your email. If your connection is only poor for PokerStars or has been a long-term reoccurring connection issue, it is possible it is revealing a connection stability issue that will not manifest itself on most other Internet sites and applications. We are willing to assist you in trying to isolate and resolve this issue and will require some information about your system and connection. First you may wish to learn more about disconnections and the common causes found on our Frequently Asked Questions web page. If the information here fails to assist you in isolating the cause of your disconnection, please provide us with the following information so we may help. Among the things we will need to know are: Computer Processor (i.e. Pentium 4, 2.4 GHz, etc…) System RAM (i.e. 512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB, etc…) Connection Type (i.e. Dial-Up, Cable, DSL, Satellite, etc…) ISP (Internet Service Provider, company name that provides your Internet service) Router/Modem (i.e Dlink DI-624, Linksys WRTG54GS, etc…) We will also require the Network Status Report from our software. Please elevate the PokerStars program to Administrator to allow the software to save the Network Status Report. To accomplish this you will need to right click the PokerStars shortcut and select "Run as Administrator". If you do not see this option it means that your Windows Account is not an Administrator, in this case you will need to get the Administrator to log into the computer for you. Once PokerStars has loaded please click on Help -> Network Status. When this dialog opens click on the Report button. This report is saved to your PokerStars settings folder which you will need to locate and send to us for review. To send this to us please do the following: 1. Open the Main Lobby 2. Go to Help 3. Go to Log Files 4. Select "Save Log Files as ZIP..." 5. Save the file to your Desktop, you may have to navigate to the Desktop as the default location is the PokerStars Settings Folder 6. Reply to this email 7. Click on Attach File (or similar option) 8. Select the ZIP file located in your Desktop or wherever you chose to save the file 9. Click OK and send the email Once we have received the above information we will take a more in-depth review and provide a response. Regards 大家可以試看看這樣做有沒有效 不過我自己是覺得這是PS發的罐頭回信 打個牌跟CPU RAM有很大關係嗎 我電腦也是這幾個月剛組的 乾脆把電腦桌上放了什麼擺設的圖也一併寄給PS好了 搞不好PS會說你放的東西影響磁場 所以才會斷線 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/18 20:00, , 1F
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12/18 21:03, , 2F
這應該跟PS沒關係 海外連到台灣也斷線
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在超大的pot如果有人做min raise......
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文章代碼(AID): #1ExTHi35 (Poker)