[情報] POE2 0.10.e Patch Note (上)

看板PathofExile (流亡黯道 - Path of Exile)作者 (ben2227486)時間1月前 (2024/12/18 10:20), 1月前編輯推噓45(461101)
留言148則, 36人參與, 1月前最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
來源: Reddit論壇官方藍帖,可能會跟官網PN有些出入,官網掛了我進不去。 https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExile2/comments/1hgnexj/010e_patch_notes/ ---General Improvements and Changes 一般改動--- Added the capacity to fast-travel between Checkpoints within an area. You can now select checkpoints which will bring up your Map Overlay allowing you to select other Checkpoints you have discovered in the area to travel to them immediately. Many more checkpoints have been added to areas generally at all the entrances and exits to areas, meaning if you find those first, you are able to instantly travel to them if you choose to go back and explore an area. 新增快速傳送重生點功能,同時地圖內新增了更多重生點,基本上每個出入口都會有,你 可以先探完整張圖再快速傳送到你已發現的重生點。 Passive Point Respeccing has been made cheaper especially at higher levels, it had a relatively aggressive curve getting more expensive with character level , we have flattened that curve so it doesn't exponentially grow as much. For Example, this should generally result in an approximately 40-50% less Gold Cost for respeccing between the start and middle of Endgame progression. 天賦重置降價,在遊戲中後期約40-50%降價幅度。 Added a shortcut to open a skills advanced information display by right- clicking the skill on your Skill Bar. 現在你可以在技能快捷鍵欄位的圖示按右鍵來打開技能詳細資訊面板 You can now compare equipped Flasks when using a Gamepad. 手把玩家現在能並列比較藥劑效果。 Added Chance Shards to the Currency Exchange. 交換市集新增機會石碎片 Added a button to travel to your Guild Hideout when interacting with the Waypoint. 傳送介面新增公會藏身處按鈕 ---Endgame and Monster Balance終局與怪物平衡--- Maps no longer have additional elemental resistance penalties inherently applied at Tier 6 and Tier 11 or higher Maps. It is now consistent across all of the Endgame. 輿圖沒有額外抗性懲罰了(之前T6和T11會額外懲罰一次),所有階級地圖玩家抗性皆一致 。 Critical Strikes from Monsters now deal 40% less bonus Damage. 怪物造成40%更少的暴擊傷害。 Chaos Damage now scales less aggressively over the Endgame. 怪物渾沌傷害隨等級增加的曲線更為平緩。 The Ground Laser and Ground Lightning abilities used by the Runed Knight in Expedition Encounters now deal substantially less Damage. Ground Laser and Ground Lightning怪物詞綴(還是技能? 電系雷射的那種) 傷害大幅降 低。 The Waystone Modifier that adds Burning Ground to your Maps no longer increases in coverage or area with higher Tier Waystones. 地圖詞綴-增加燃燒地面的詞綴現在不會隨著地圖等級增加燃燒地面覆蓋範圍。 The 'Siphons Flask Charges Modifier' on Monsters now drains ten-times less Flask Charges per second. (This was unintentional). 怪物吸取藥劑詞綴現在造成1/10吸取效果(之前是個BUG)。 Disabled the Volatile Crystals Modifier, to be revised in the future pending telegraphing improvements. 暫時禁用Volatile Crystals怪物詞綴(水晶爆炸的那個)。 The Trail of Fire monster Modifier now deals 30% less Damage and lasts for 3 seconds (from 5 seconds). 火焰分身怪物詞綴現在造成30%更少傷害和維持3秒(之前是5秒) The Trail of Lightning monster Modifier now lasts for 4 seconds (from 8 seconds). 雷電分身怪物詞綴現在維持4秒(之前是8秒) The Trail of Ice monster Modifier now lasts for 4 seconds (from 8 seconds). 冰霜分身怪物詞綴現在維持4秒(之前是8秒) The Purple Explosives created by the Volatile Plants Modifier on Rare Monsters now deal significantly less Damage. 顯著降低Volatile Plants怪物詞綴(紫色爆炸的那個)的傷害。 Packs of Prowling Chimeral's in Maps now contain less of the Prowling Chimerals and spawn alongside some Zombies. Lowered the baseline monster density of Breach Encounters, primarily by reducing the frequency of the "Elite" monsters appearing. 調降裂痕的怪物生成密度,特別是菁英稀有怪將會顯著減少。 Fixed an inconsistency in the different types of packs that could spawn during Breach Encounters, you should now see more different types of Monsters appearing on an area to area basis. 裂痕生成的怪物種類多樣性增加,並且更貼近地圖生態。 The volatiles spawned by the Volatile Fiends Trial of Chaos Modifier now accelerate over time. The Stormcaller Runes Trial of Chaos Modifier are now smaller, take longer to charge up when standing inside and give more time to escape once triggered. The Runes now also get larger as the Modifier is upgraded. Improved the hitboxes on a number of abilities used by Blackjaw, the Remnant. 改善部份黑顎使用的技能的擊中判定範圍。 The Crossbow variants of the Decrepit Mercenary monsters that dealt Fire damage now deal less damage. 火十字弓小怪的火傷降低。 ---Trial of the Sekhamas Improvements聖所改動--- Honour Damage now scales down based on distance to enemies, you now take up to 35% less Honour Damage when in close range, tapering as you are further away from Monsters. 怪物造成的榮譽值削減現在會隨著敵人與你的距離調整,在近戰範圍約造成35%更少削減 值,隨距離增加至原本數值。 Fixed a bug where Damage over Time was dealing three-times as much damage to Honour as intended in the Trial of the Sekhemas, and fixed a bug where Honour Resistance was only applying to two-thirds of that damage taken. (This got confusing for us too). 修復DOT造成大量榮譽值削減的BUG,以及修復榮譽值削減抗性只作用2/3帳面強度的BUG。 Skitter Golems no longer use basic attacks and instead now just explode as their attacks were largely unavoidable when in Melee Range. Skitter Golems現在不會普攻了,會直接自爆。 Serpent Clan burrow and ambush attacks now have improved visual telegraphing and cannot be used from as far away. Serpent Clan burrow小怪現在不能從遠距離衝臉了。 Volcanoes created by Rattlecage's Fissure Slam now last half the duration. Rattlecage's Fissure Slam的火山技能持續時間減半。 Added keyword hover for the Honour mechanic in the Trial of the Sekhamas. 新增榮譽值解說資訊面板。 ---Skill Balance技能平衡--- Rolling Slam's Second Slam now deals 50% more Damage to Heavy Stunned Enemies (BUFF)翻滾重擊現在對深沉暈眩敵人造成50%更多傷害。 Ice Shot Shards (Secondary) now gains additional Projectiles as it Levels up. Ice Shot Shards now targets within 90 Degree Cone. Ice Shot Shards now travel further base (200ms, from 100ms), to be tested & iterated. (BUFF) 冰霜射擊的次要投射物現在隨著等級增加投射物數量。現在索敵範圍為90度錐形 ,並有兩倍的飛行持續時間。後續會繼續觀察調整。 Ice Shot Arrow & Projectiles are now smaller and are the same size as other arrows. (NERF?) 冰霜射擊箭矢和次要投射物的大小縮小,並與其他技能箭矢大小一致。 Electrocuting Arrow Base Duration to 25 seconds (from 12), Doubling Quality Bonus also. (BUFF) 電極箭矢持續時間由12秒增加至25秒,品質增益效果翻倍。 Barrage now has 25% Less damage on Barraged Attacks [From 60% Less] at Level 1 , same Scaling Per Level. Barrage now has +2 Repeats base, from +1. (BUFF) 彈幕現在低等級造成更多傷害(從Lv1 60%更少傷害改為Lv1 25%更少),高等維持 不變。現在造成重複+2次技能(之前是重複+1次)。 Shockchain Arrow's Shockwaves now deal 100% more Damage. (BUFF)電鍊箭矢的震波現在造成100%更多傷害。 Sniper's Mark cooldown reduced from 6 seconds to 2 seconds at all Levels. (BUFF)狙擊者印記冷卻時間由6秒降低至2秒。 Combat Frenzy now can now gain a Frenzy Charge no more than every 3 seconds ( from 7 seconds) at Level 1, to approximately 1.5 seconds at Level 20. (BUFF)戰鬥狂怒現在獲得狂怒球間隔時間縮短,於Lv1時3秒(原本7秒),於Lv20時約1.5秒 。 Stormcaller Arrow's Bolt now gains additional Impact Radius as it Levels. (BUFF)風暴呼喚箭矢現在造成更大衝擊範圍。 Vine Arrow's Damage over Time has been adjusted, it is now slightly higher at Lower Levels, and substantially lower at Higher Levels. The intention of this ability was that you poison it to spread poisons, as opposed to the vine itself dealing immense amounts of Damage. (NERF)藤蔓箭矢現在低等級時傷害小幅度增加,高等級時傷害大幅減少。(後面是這技能 是設計來輔助主攻技,教你玩遊戲的廢話,你就繼續教育玩家阿GGG) Tornado Shot's Damage over Time has been adjusted, it is now slightly higher at Lower Levels, and substantially lower at Higher Levels. The intention of this ability was to propagate your other Bow skills, as opposed to doing an immense amount of damage itself. (NERF)龍捲射擊DOT傷害現在低等級時傷害小幅度增加,高等級時傷害大幅減少。(後面是 這技能是設計來輔助主攻技,教你玩遊戲的廢話,你就繼續教育玩家阿GGG) Magnetic Salvo can now only use your stuck Lightning Arrows as opposed to those created by your Party Members. (BUFF)電磁齊射現在只會引爆你自己的箭矢而非隊友的。 Increased the damage growth per level on Unearth (non-Minion component), Bonestorm, Bone Cage, Bone Blast (Wand Skill) and Power Siphon (Wand Skill). Results in approximately 50% more damage at Gem Level 25. (BUFF)增加骨系技能(非召喚物部分)的傷害,增加屍術矢、骨之風暴、骨牢、骨之爆破( 武器技)、力量抽取(武器技)的傷害,於Lv25時約50%更多傷害。 Increased the damage growth per level on Essence Drain, Contagion, Profane Ritual and Chaos Bolt (Wand Skill). Results in approximately 33% more damage at Gem Level 25. (BUFF)增加渾沌系技能的傷害,增加靈魂吸取、瘟疫、粗陋祭祀、渾沌箭矢(武器技)的傷 害,於Lv25時約33%更多傷害。 Bone Cage base Critical Strike Chance has been increased to 15% (from 13%). (BUFF)骨牢爆率提高為15%(之前13%)。 Skeleton Arsonists' Spirit Costs now match Frost and Ice Mages from Level 5 onwards, making them more expensive while keeping their costs early-game the same. (NERF) 縱火者骷髏現在Lv5後的精魂消耗調整為跟其他兩系骷髏一致(遊戲中後期維持代 價更高)。 Bone Offering Explosions now have 15% Critical Strike Chance (from 13%). (BUFF) 骸骨奉獻的爆破爆率提高為15%(之前13%)。 Resonating Shield, Shield Charge and Shield Wall now have 6-8 added Physical Damage per 15 Armour on your Shield at all Levels. (BUFF)盾系技能,共鳴之盾、盾衝、盾牆技能新增效果-每15盾牌上的護甲值增加6-8物理 傷害。 Resonating Shield radius increased to 2.3 metres (from 1.8 metres). (BUFF)共鳴之盾範圍增加為2.3公尺(之前為1.8公尺)。 Shield Wall explosions increased to 4 metres (from 2 metres). Shield Wall now can create a maximum of 2 walls (from 1 wall). (BUFF)盾牆的爆炸範圍增加為4公尺(之前2公尺),現在產生兩面牆(之前一面)。 Siege Cascade now has an Attack Time of 75% (from 55%). Siege Cascade now searches for targets in a 3.5 metre radius (from 2.5 metres). Siege Cascade now has 50% more Damage against Immobilized Enemies (from 200%). Siege Cascade 's Explosion now deals 167% more Damage (accounting for the decrease in damage against Immobilized Enemies). Siege Cascade now has 30% less Reload Speed ( from 50% less). Siege Cascade's Quality is now 2% Damage against Immobilized Enemy per Quality (from 4%). (BUFF)圍城爆發攻速上調(55%→75%),索敵範圍增加(2.5→3.5公尺),爆炸範圍現在造成 167%更多傷害(但對禁錮敵人的傷害增幅跟之前差不多)。重新裝填速度增加(50%→30%更 少),品質增益效果減少(每品質4%→2%對禁錮敵人更多傷害)。 Stormblast Bolts now has a maximum of 30 active Bolts (from 9). Stormblast Bolts now has 5 Bolts in the Clip (from 3). Stormblast Bolts now has 30% less Reload Speed (from 50% less). (BUFF)雷暴彈藥的生效彈數增加(9→30),射出彈藥增加(3→5),重新裝填速度增加(50% →30%更少)。 Plasma Blast now has 47% more Damage with its Initial Hit and 25% less Damage with its Explosion, causing it to rely less on colliding with walls to deal enough damage. (BUFF?)電漿強擊矢的初始擊中現在造成47%更多傷害,引爆現在造成25%更少傷害,讓玩 家不會過度依賴地形來造成傷害。 Artillery Ballista's explosion radius increased to 1.8 metres (from 1.4 metres ). Artillery Ballista's Damage increased by approximately 21%. (BUFF)火砲砲塔爆炸範圍增加(1.4→1.8公尺),傷害增加約21%更多。 Gathering Storm's Perfect Dash now deals 53% more Damage. (BUFF)風暴凝聚的完美衝刺現在造成53%更多傷害 Wave of Frost now has 275% more Freeze Buildup at all Levels (from 150% scaling up over levels). (BUFF)寒冰波現在全等級皆有275%更多冰霜累積(之前為150%隨著等級上升)。 Staggering Palm's duration now scales with levels. It has 6 second duration at Level 1, scaling up by 0.2 seconds per Level (from 6 seconds at all Levels). Staggering Palm's Projectiles now deal 20% more Damage at all Levels. (BUFF)撼敵之掌持續時間增加,改為6秒+每等級額外0.2秒(之前是全等級皆為6秒)。投射 物全等級皆為造成20%更多傷害。 Concoction skills from the Pathfinder Ascendancy Class now consume 3 charges from Mana Flasks (from 5). Their damage has been increased and deal approximately 66% more Damage when the skill is Level 20. In addition the base added damage has been increased by at least 50% for all Concoction skills, with Poisonous and Bleeding Concoction receiving greater damage buffs. Fulminating Concoction now has a Critical Strike Chance of 8% (from 6%), Shattering Concoction now has a Critical Strike Chance of 11% (from 7%), Explosive Concoction now has 100% more chance to Ignite Enemies and 100% more magnitude of Ignites inflicted, Fulminating Concoction now has 100% more chance to inflict Shock and Shattering Concoction now has 100% more Freeze Buildup. 爆裂物系列技能(追獵者昇華)現在有每次施放消耗3點藥劑充能(原為5),並造成更多傷害 (於Lv20時約66%更多)。冰爆裂物現在有11%基礎爆率(原為7%)和100%更多冰凍累積,火爆 裂物現在有100%更多點燃機率和100%更多點燃幅度。雷爆裂物現在有100%更多感電機率。 The Hunter's Talisman passive skill Notable now grants +1 Charm Slot. The small passive skills leading up to it now grant the stat it formerly gave. The Charm helper text has been updated to indicate that you cannot have more than three Charm Slots unlocked, so that we can add more sources of it in the future. Hunter's Talisman天賦大點現在給予+1護符欄位,前置小點現在給予原先大點的效果。 護符相關欄位UI及敘述也更新以便之後進行相關改動。 Added a new Lightning Damage and Electrocute Cluster to the passive tree in between the Ranger and Monk sections. 在武僧和獵人區域中間新增一個閃電傷害和觸電天賦群。 The Heavy Frost Notable Passive Skill now causes Hits to only ignore Enemy Resistances of Frozen Enemies if their resistance values were positive. Heavy Frost天賦大點現在給予「擊中無視被冰凍敵人的元素抗性,只針對正值」。 Supercharged Slam now builds up stages slower but gains 40% more Damage per Stage now (from 20%). This may display as 20% still incorrectly until a later patch. (BUFF)超載重擊現在蓄力速度更慢但傷害更高(每階20%→40%更多),遊戲內敘述20%的BUG 將於之後修正。 Electrocute is now 25% harder to Buildup. (But the Damage Penalty has been removed from the Support Gem) (NERF)觸電現在更難累積(累積速度25%更少),(但電刑輔助寶石的傷害懲罰被移除了)。 It is now more difficult to chain-freeze enemies, by reducing the amount of Freeze Buildup applied after a Freeze has been applied. (NERF)現在更難連續冰凍敵人了,被冰凍過的敵人再次被冰凍的累積速度將會變慢。 Added a marker effect to Ember Fusillade's preferred target. 餘燼齊射新增凸顯目標的視覺指示效果? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PathofExile/M.1734488436.A.7AB.html

12/18 10:21, 1月前 , 1F
頭洗了一半發現PN長到不行XD 剩下的部分之後有空再翻
12/18 10:21, 1F

12/18 10:22, 1月前 , 2F
燃燒地面Nerf好評 之前整張圖都快沒路走有夠白癡XD
12/18 10:22, 2F

12/18 10:23, 1月前 , 3F
Volatile Crystals是易爆水晶(紫色地雷)
12/18 10:23, 3F

12/18 10:24, 1月前 , 4F
Volatile Plants是會追你的紫球
12/18 10:24, 4F

12/18 10:24, 1月前 , 5F
銳眼電弓大喜 要趕快爽不然不知啥時又會被砍
12/18 10:24, 5F

12/18 10:25, 1月前 , 6F
電漿砲是BUFF 地形效果很多時候打不出來
12/18 10:25, 6F

12/18 10:26, 1月前 , 7F
燃燒地面+1 小怪清完撿東西結果走路暴斃有夠白痴,還沒乾淨地
12/18 10:26, 7F

12/18 10:26, 1月前 , 8F
12/18 10:26, 8F

12/18 10:27, 1月前 , 9F
12/18 10:27, 9F

12/18 10:29, 1月前 , 10F
推改燃燒地面德政 之前地板有夠痛 還必中
12/18 10:29, 10F

12/18 10:30, 1月前 , 11F
不知道是不是我問題 這代打圖我都很容易感到想睡覺
12/18 10:30, 11F

12/18 10:31, 1月前 , 12F
12/18 10:31, 12F

12/18 10:32, 1月前 , 13F
穿屍骨之靴打燃燒地面, 我眼睛快瞎, 根本啥毒都看不到
12/18 10:32, 13F

12/18 10:32, 1月前 , 14F
12/18 10:32, 14F

12/18 10:33, 1月前 , 15F
12/18 10:33, 15F

12/18 10:34, 1月前 , 16F
然後黑顎已經很強了還改強喔 我兩輪都是他卡最久捏
12/18 10:34, 16F

12/18 10:36, 1月前 , 17F
12/18 10:36, 17F

12/18 10:37, 1月前 , 18F
黑餓那個應該是優化範圍 improve未必是強化他 他有
12/18 10:37, 18F

12/18 10:37, 1月前 , 19F
個順劈可以打背後 改這個吧
12/18 10:37, 19F

12/18 10:38, 1月前 , 20F
12/18 10:38, 20F

12/18 11:03, 1月前 , 21F
好奇連續冰凍是可以交替元素異常洗掉嗎@@? 例如燃燒消
12/18 11:03, 21F

12/18 11:03, 1月前 , 22F
12/18 11:03, 22F

12/18 11:06, 1月前 , 23F
好奇台服現在到底是更新到哪一個 patch 了阿
12/18 11:06, 23F

12/18 11:12, 1月前 , 24F
12/18 11:12, 24F

12/18 11:13, 1月前 , 25F
12/18 11:13, 25F

12/18 11:13, 1月前 , 26F
12/18 11:13, 26F

12/18 11:23, 1月前 , 27F
12/18 11:23, 27F

12/18 11:42, 1月前 , 28F
12/18 11:42, 28F

12/18 11:44, 1月前 , 29F
12/18 11:44, 29F

12/18 11:49, 1月前 , 30F
黑鄂後來發現貼身可以讓他AI變白癡 不然他遠距離三連斬
12/18 11:49, 30F

12/18 11:49, 1月前 , 31F
12/18 11:49, 31F

12/18 12:04, 1月前 , 32F
12/18 12:04, 32F

12/18 12:10, 1月前 , 33F
12/18 12:10, 33F

12/18 12:11, 1月前 , 34F
12/18 12:11, 34F

12/18 12:24, 1月前 , 35F
12/18 12:24, 35F

12/18 12:24, 1月前 , 36F
12/18 12:24, 36F

12/18 12:26, 1月前 , 37F
龍卷跟藤蔓不算教育玩家吧 那等級成長曲線看就很有
12/18 12:26, 37F

12/18 12:26, 1月前 , 38F
問題的 龍卷還搞個莫名的40級降傷呢
12/18 12:26, 38F

12/18 12:27, 1月前 , 39F
12/18 12:27, 39F
還有 69 則推文
還有 2 段內文
12/19 13:01, 1月前 , 109F
12/19 13:01, 109F

12/19 13:02, 1月前 , 110F
12/19 13:02, 110F

12/19 13:03, 1月前 , 111F
講話要根據事實,D4 S0除了新鮮感以外
12/19 13:03, 111F

12/19 13:03, 1月前 , 112F
12/19 13:03, 112F

12/19 13:03, 1月前 , 113F
12/19 13:03, 113F

12/19 13:03, 1月前 , 114F
12/19 13:03, 114F

12/19 13:03, 1月前 , 115F
12/19 13:03, 115F

12/19 13:03, 1月前 , 116F
12/19 13:03, 116F

12/19 13:07, 1月前 , 117F
12/19 13:07, 117F

12/19 13:07, 1月前 , 118F
12/19 13:07, 118F

12/19 13:12, 1月前 , 119F
12/19 13:12, 119F

12/19 13:12, 1月前 , 120F
12/19 13:12, 120F

12/19 13:18, 1月前 , 121F
12/19 13:18, 121F

12/19 13:26, 1月前 , 122F
12/19 13:26, 122F

12/19 13:26, 1月前 , 123F
12/19 13:26, 123F

12/19 13:26, 1月前 , 124F
12/19 13:26, 124F

12/19 13:26, 1月前 , 125F
12/19 13:26, 125F

12/19 13:36, 1月前 , 126F
12/19 13:36, 126F

12/19 13:36, 1月前 , 127F
12/19 13:36, 127F

12/19 13:40, 1月前 , 128F
12/19 13:40, 128F

12/19 13:49, 1月前 , 129F
12/19 13:49, 129F

12/19 14:11, 1月前 , 130F
本來想說算了 但上面兩位嘴臉 哀 來 就這篇來說
12/19 14:11, 130F

12/19 14:12, 1月前 , 131F
最先提D4的是一個D開頭的 然後樓上is1128附和
12/19 14:12, 131F

12/19 14:13, 1月前 , 132F
但因為我當初也是花3千多搶先體驗D4 我甚至為了
12/19 14:13, 132F

12/19 14:13, 1月前 , 133F
跟朋友一起玩 多買一個送他 這有資格評論吧
12/19 14:13, 133F

12/19 14:14, 1月前 , 134F
就一開始來說 誰慘 有玩過都馬知道 阿那種拿
12/19 14:14, 134F

12/19 14:14, 1月前 , 135F
根本不普及的狼頭說自己覺得沒問題 邏輯真的死去
12/19 14:14, 135F

12/19 14:15, 1月前 , 136F
這就像玩泰坦圖騰的說 覺得沒問題一樣
12/19 14:15, 136F

12/19 14:16, 1月前 , 137F
然後我目前看版上文章 對半看到的是在那批評
12/19 14:16, 137F

12/19 14:18, 1月前 , 138F
尤其特定幾個還喜歡自己洗什麼衛兵 什麼跟BZ一樣
12/19 14:18, 138F

12/19 14:19, 1月前 , 139F
我覺得要批評沒差 後面扯那些就很奇怪 然後反駁
12/19 14:19, 139F

12/19 14:20, 1月前 , 140F
12/19 14:20, 140F

12/19 14:20, 1月前 , 141F
老歌 我上次才說 A你文 你POE跟D4留言量差多少
12/19 14:20, 141F

12/19 14:21, 1月前 , 142F
尤其留的內容差更多 你說你POE花更多 問題是
12/19 14:21, 142F

12/19 14:22, 1月前 , 143F
這是二代吧 你二代最低30鎂就好 恨到這樣?
12/19 14:22, 143F

12/19 14:25, 1月前 , 144F
12/19 14:25, 144F

12/19 14:30, 1月前 , 145F
12/19 14:30, 145F

12/19 14:30, 1月前 , 146F
12/19 14:30, 146F

12/19 14:38, 1月前 , 147F
12/19 14:38, 147F

12/19 14:38, 1月前 , 148F
12/19 14:38, 148F
文章代碼(AID): #1dOZ5qUh (PathofExile)
文章代碼(AID): #1dOZ5qUh (PathofExile)