[閒聊] joystiq製造的E3最佳新聞稿

看板Nintendo (任天堂)作者 (xfilel)時間18年前 (2006/05/10 21:43), 編輯推噓8(802)
留言10則, 10人參與, 最新討論串1/1
When hordes of gamers stand in line at a press conference, eagerly awaiting a disgruntled security guard to open the doors and let them storm through, the conversations one can overhear seem to fluctuate wildly between intriguing and painfully moronic. One of these discussions, which nestles snugly between those two extremes, was regarding the PS3's rather hefty cost. It didn't take long for someone to make the joke that the PS3 is just about worth its weight in gold. The remarks got a few laughs, despite the fact that current gold prices don't quite match up to such a claim. The $599 PS3 is, however, worth its weight in Uranium. The radioactive substance so popular amongst terrorists is expected to hit $54 a pound this year, meaning that if you choose to buy 11 pounds of Uranium (and why wouldn't you?), you'll actually end up saving $5. Cutting-edge console and Blu-Ray player, or a vast quantity of apocalyptic material? Not an easy decision to make, but either investment will likely end up blowing you away (sorry). 我們之前期待的爭論的為之煩躁不安的消息-ps3的售價-終於公布了,很好,$599。實 際上,當一些人為這個定價而目瞪口呆的時候,早有腦子轉的快的人士得出這樣的結論: 這個定價是按照ps3本體的重量×黃金的價格 然後得出的,當然,現在的黃金價好像有些 偏離。而實際上,這個定價實際由來是 ps3本體的重量×鈾的價格 。作為在恐怖分子中 間很流行的放射性物質:鈾,今年的價格是$54/磅。也就是說,如果你改變主意而去買 11磅鈾,你還會節省下$5。 現在的問題就是,你是打算買ps3還是去買鈾?當然,無論哪個決定都會讓你最終隨風而 逝。 url:http://www.joystiq.com/2006/05/09/ps3-worth-its-weight-in-uranium/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/10 21:46, , 1F
繼導彈以後, 這次變核彈了嗎@@a
05/10 21:46, 1F

05/10 21:47, , 2F
感謝翻譯 ^^ 這個新聞稿怎麼全篇挖苦意味濃厚... XD
05/10 21:47, 2F

05/10 21:50, , 3F
05/10 21:50, 3F

05/10 21:51, , 4F
05/10 21:51, 4F

05/10 21:54, , 5F
05/10 21:54, 5F

05/10 21:55, , 6F
應該轉去JOKE吧 XD 我笑了
05/10 21:55, 6F

05/10 21:58, , 7F
05/10 21:58, 7F

05/10 21:59, , 8F
超搞笑 哈哈
05/10 21:59, 8F

05/10 22:10, , 9F
05/10 22:10, 9F

05/11 07:06, , 10F
05/11 07:06, 10F
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