[情報] [情報] PSG-TALON IG已刪文
TALON 與巴黎聖日耳曼電競(PSG Esports)宣佈,雙方在《英雄聯盟》電競領域的合作於
現有合約結束後正式告一段落。 TALON 與 PSG Esports 的合作是一段非凡的旅程,締造了
在這段合作期間,TALON 與 PSG Esports 取得了令人矚目的成就,其中包括四年內七次奪
得PCS冠軍、四次參加《英雄聯盟》世界大賽(World Championship),以及四次參加季中
邀請賽(Mid-Season Invitational, MSI)。
此次結束合作是基於雙方發展策略調整的共同決定。TALON 與 PSG Esports 為雙方共同締
雖然這段合作即將告一段落,但 TALON 與 PSG Esports 均對未來再次合作的可能性持開放
TALON and Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) announce the conclusion of their League of L
egends partnership at the end of the current agreement. This collaboration betwe
en Talon Esports and PSG has been an extraordinary journey, marked by significan
t milestones and achievements in the esports world.
This mutual decision reflects the evolving priorities and strategies of both org
anizations. We take immense pride in the successes we’ve achieved together, and
this partnership will be remembered as one of the most iconic collaborations in
esports history. The bond forged between TALON and PSG over the years is deeply
As this chapter closes, both TALON and PSG remain open to future collaborations
when the right opportunities arise. Committed to advancing the global esports ec
osystem, both organizations look forward to exploring new ventures that align wi
th their visions for the future.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1736078701.A.4DE.html
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