[閒聊] Chawy FB消失

看板LoL (英雄聯盟)作者時間9年前 (2015/08/04 17:29), 9年前編輯推噓-28(92120114)
留言326則, 196人參與, 最新討論串1/13 (看更多)
https://www.facebook.com/ChawyXL?fref=ts Chawy A petition had been made. Do show your support for Chawy by signing this petition. 呈請信已經寫好囉! 大家幫忙連暑這份信,支持chawy吧! ===以下是信的內容 https://www.change.org/p/riot-games-please-unban-chawy Dear Riot and LMS, Before I begin, I would like to introduce myself. I'm Saelis, a former community executive for League of Legends and Garena Singapore/Malaysia. I played a small part in helping our little community grow, witnessed its peak in Southeast Asia and then, sadly, watched as it fell again, after countless failures and the eventual disbanding of our team, the Singapore Sentinels. I would like to draw your attention to one of its former players, one of our players, Chawy. Known to the rest of the world as Wong Xinglei, Chawy's addition to the team brought us to greater heights; he was the spark that gave us hope that Singapore could make its mark in League, across the world. An extremely gifted player, Chawy started out playing for SGS while he was still performing mandatory service in the army. As it was illegal for national servicemen to hold a job during their two years of national service, Chawy was the sole member on the SGS team who was unpaid for his efforts. Despite this, he was easily the most diligent member of the team, sacrificing his sleep, money and the little free time he had training in League. Through trials and tribulations, Chawy continued his tenure with the Sentinels, shouldering through countless disappointments with his team and its management, till he finally left. I think that the League scene in Singapore was never quite the same without him. As a former gamemaster in League, I would like to explain how elo boosting is dealt with on the Garena Singapore/Malaysia server. While we were aware that Riot had banned players for elo boosting, during my time (and long after, even now), there was never an official stance against it on our server. Elo boosting was sort of an open secret, and a vast number of pro players in the scene were partaking in it. Even now, there are elo boosting services being carried out on a daily basis, with nothing being done. When everyone from Bronze to Challenger, including some Garena staff members themselves, would smurf on other player’s accounts, it was widely accepted as something that was a grey area. Do I think it’s wrong? Yes, I did then and I still do now. But I believe in second chances, especially since his offence was committed such a long time ago, before his commitment to TPA.. I wouldn’t be writing this letter if I felt that Chawy was anything less than a brilliant player as well as a decent person; you would be hard pressed to find anyone in the scene who thinks otherwise. The Singapore competitive scene has been gutted after his departure, and he has fought so very hard and endured many setbacks for the opportunity to compete on the world stage. I, and many others, humbly ask that you reconsider his punishment, and allow him to prove himself in the competitive scene this year. Please. Yours faithfully, Saelis Riot和LMS你好,在我開始之前,我要先介紹我自己。 我是Saelis,以前是新加坡/馬來西亞的伺服器GM。 我對這邊電競算有小小的貢獻,見證了SEA的巔峰, (SEA有巔峰過??) 但很傷心的是,我也見證了SEA的失敗。 在無數次的失敗,也解散我們的隊伍SGS新加坡先鋒之後 我要跟你們講一位前SGS選手, Chawy , Wong Xinglei。 Chawy的加入,讓我們的隊伍更上一層樓。 是他給了我們希望,新加坡的LOL也是很強的。 一個非常有天賦的選手,Chawy還在當兵時,就加入SGS了。 這當兵的兩年,SGS一毛薪水都沒有給Chawy。 他是唯一一位SGS的選手,付出了這麼多新血,卻沒拿到回饋的。 盡管這樣,他還是最勤奮的選手,他犧牲了他的睡眠,金錢,還有他的自由時間。 經過了這些風風雨雨,Chawy繼續和SGS努力, 但經過他對隊友和管理層無數次的失望,他終於離開SGS了。 我認為新加坡電競圈有了他之後,已經跟以前不一樣了。 我以前是遊戲中的GM,就讓我解釋一下新馬服的代打風氣吧。 當我們看到Riot ban了許多選手,因為他們代打, 我們的伺服器,從來沒有一個類似因為代打而ban選手/玩家的正式公告。 (這是真ㄉ 代打在這邊是一個公開的秘密,這邊幾乎每個強者都會這麼做。 Even now, 每天都還是有代打。 很多garena的員工他們也都玩其他玩家的帳號。 我的想法錯了嗎? 是的我錯了,但我還是這樣做 但我覺得應給chawy第二次機會,尤其是這件代打事件是非常久以前的事情。 而且還是在他來TPA之前。 我今天不會寫這封信,如果chawy不是一個正派的人。 你很難在找到chawy這種人了,在chawy走了之後,新加坡的電競圈已經爛掉了 他戰鬥了許久,也經歷過了許多挫折,更失去在世界舞台表現的機會。 我和許多人一樣,虛心拜託,請重新考慮chawy的懲罰, 並讓他自己證明他的實力。 拜託了 敬上 Saelis -- 私のアンドロイドから送信された -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1438680547.A.000.html

08/04 17:29, , 1F
08/04 17:29, 1F
我也覺得雷神更雖 RIOT是不是針對LMS阿 幹

08/04 17:30, , 2F
08/04 17:30, 2F

08/04 17:30, , 3F
禁的好 電競亂源
08/04 17:30, 3F
※ 編輯: NeVerEnouGh (, 08/04/2015 17:30:55

08/04 17:30, , 4F
代打就乖乖被禁,少在那 想特赦
08/04 17:30, 4F

08/04 17:30, , 5F
代打就代打活該 都當選手了還代打 還不是當選手前的
08/04 17:30, 5F

08/04 17:30, , 6F
推大將 雷神順便一起解好了
08/04 17:30, 6F

08/04 17:30, , 7F
08/04 17:30, 7F

08/04 17:30, , 8F
R社:G社也一堆員工這樣? 開始全面抓LMS玩家 LMS88
08/04 17:30, 8F

08/04 17:30, , 9F
08/04 17:30, 9F

08/04 17:30, , 10F
08/04 17:30, 10F

08/04 17:31, , 11F
08/04 17:31, 11F

08/04 17:31, , 12F
08/04 17:31, 12F

08/04 17:31, , 13F
是當選手後 代打的 還要替你先例? 耍特權?冠軍過?
08/04 17:31, 13F

08/04 17:31, , 14F
跟雷神一起去蹲吧 因為你是G社的
08/04 17:31, 14F

08/04 17:31, , 15F
08/04 17:31, 15F

08/04 17:31, , 16F
08/04 17:31, 16F

08/04 17:31, , 17F
08/04 17:31, 17F

08/04 17:31, , 18F
08/04 17:31, 18F

08/04 17:31, , 19F
08/04 17:31, 19F

08/04 17:31, , 20F
08/04 17:31, 20F

08/04 17:31, , 21F
08/04 17:31, 21F

08/04 17:31, , 22F
08/04 17:31, 22F

08/04 17:32, , 23F
沒錢還去打電競 還去代打破壞自己的遊戲生態 可悲
08/04 17:32, 23F

08/04 17:32, , 24F
我跟你講 過了 HKE再開實況賺一波 G設從此黑到底
08/04 17:32, 24F

08/04 17:32, , 25F
幫推 不忍TPA變這樣
08/04 17:32, 25F

08/04 17:32, , 26F
該禁就該禁 哪有啥藉口理由的 這樣其他被ban的公平?
08/04 17:32, 26F

08/04 17:32, , 27F
這他媽如果放出來 那雷神不就算他雖小?
08/04 17:32, 27F

08/04 17:32, , 28F
這篇特赦過了 每個被ban的人都來一篇 家有高堂老木
08/04 17:32, 28F

08/04 17:32, , 29F
08/04 17:32, 29F
幫推阿 我翻譯很辛苦阿 ※ 編輯: NeVerEnouGh (, 08/04/2015 17:33:11

08/04 17:32, , 30F
下有妻兒老小 那還ban三小
08/04 17:32, 30F

08/04 17:33, , 31F
08/04 17:33, 31F

08/04 17:33, , 32F
沒錢 窮 所以破壞遊戲體驗合理?
08/04 17:33, 32F

08/04 17:33, , 33F
這種懲處要處理沒那麼快吧 就算解禁也趕不上資格賽
08/04 17:33, 33F

08/04 17:33, , 34F
08/04 17:33, 34F

08/04 17:33, , 35F
08/04 17:33, 35F

08/04 17:33, , 36F
08/04 17:33, 36F
還有 250 則推文
還有 11 段內文
08/04 19:32, , 287F
怎不幫Dopa寫一封呈請書 找Dopa加入TPA不是更猛
08/04 19:32, 287F

08/04 19:34, , 288F
重點是GM出來說 我們大SEA跟新G都在代打 <--
08/04 19:34, 288F

08/04 19:37, , 289F
08/04 19:37, 289F

08/04 19:38, , 290F
代打就代打 被禁賽也是自找的
08/04 19:38, 290F

08/04 19:41, , 291F
這才叫玻璃心 犯錯被禁賽還要找理由?
08/04 19:41, 291F

08/04 19:42, , 292F
代打就代打 關我屁事
08/04 19:42, 292F

08/04 19:45, , 293F
08/04 19:45, 293F

08/04 19:47, , 294F
08/04 19:47, 294F

08/04 19:47, , 295F
接單代打 還有啥不同案例 就是接單代打
08/04 19:47, 295F

08/04 19:48, , 296F
08/04 19:48, 296F

08/04 19:48, , 297F
08/04 19:48, 297F

08/04 19:49, , 298F
還不都接單代打被抓只是順序不太同 但相同都是代打
08/04 19:49, 298F

08/04 19:50, , 299F
要幫辯護的 就直接辦 代打無罪好了 雙重標準的zzz
08/04 19:50, 299F

08/04 19:50, , 300F
有代打就全禁! 牛排丁特JJ也要一起ban
08/04 19:50, 300F

08/04 19:54, , 301F
08/04 19:54, 301F

08/04 19:55, , 302F
08/04 19:55, 302F

08/04 19:57, , 303F
08/04 19:57, 303F

08/04 20:02, , 304F
08/04 20:02, 304F

08/04 20:03, , 305F
08/04 20:03, 305F

08/04 20:08, , 306F
08/04 20:08, 306F

08/04 20:09, , 307F
08/04 20:09, 307F

08/04 20:14, , 308F
代打還想白 滾
08/04 20:14, 308F

08/04 20:29, , 309F
幫推 有代打就都禁一禁啦
08/04 20:29, 309F

08/04 20:36, , 310F
美國抽大麻合法 你就去美國呀 來台灣幹嘛
08/04 20:36, 310F

08/04 20:45, , 311F
08/04 20:45, 311F

08/04 20:57, , 312F
08/04 20:57, 312F

08/04 21:01, , 313F
08/04 21:01, 313F

08/04 21:11, , 314F
354p!! 賺! 很賺!
08/04 21:11, 314F

08/04 21:20, , 315F
找那些電競臭婊們聯署啊 不是講話很大聲?
08/04 21:20, 315F

08/04 21:22, , 316F
08/04 21:22, 316F

08/04 21:23, , 317F
08/04 21:23, 317F

08/04 21:26, , 318F
代打就是要B 不想被B就不要代打 懂?
08/04 21:26, 318F

08/04 21:35, , 319F
話說...GM帶頭代打還振振有詞 不說我還以為強國人
08/04 21:35, 319F

08/04 21:54, , 320F
08/04 21:54, 320F

08/04 22:51, , 321F
08/04 22:51, 321F

08/05 00:23, , 322F
08/05 00:23, 322F

08/05 01:04, , 323F
08/05 01:04, 323F

08/05 06:17, , 324F
08/05 06:17, 324F

08/05 22:46, , 325F
08/05 22:46, 325F

08/07 13:33, , 326F
08/07 13:33, 326F
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